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18 answers

--- what does scold mean?---

I sometimes spank my 3 year old also. But I garantee you it hurts me more than him. I only resort to it if he really gets stuborn and somtimes when he expects it I don't and talk to him.

Also when you have spanked your child, don't stay agry but immediately comfort and hold him/her. So they know that have been reprimanded, and that they are forgiven.

It works everytime, I feel he understand that I sometimes spank him because I love him. Or else I get a unruly child. The only worry is the lws in the UK. I am for protecting agains violence but a spank to teach your child or pretect him for danger shouldn't.

Conteneous and GBH should be punished YES!

I wasn't spanked as a child and therefore a suffered too much as a teenager. I wish I had been.

Please parents never spank your child when you are raging with anger because you will hurt your child more than you would need and like. And whenever you do chastise your child and discover you were wrong ask forgiveness to your child.

2006-08-04 02:46:34 · answer #1 · answered by trytostayanonimous 2 · 1 0

I spank my children , but ONLY if there is a huge wrong beyond belief of the universe itself wrong. Just the other day, while doing laundry, my children ran into the bathroom and sprayed shampoo conditioner shaving cream u name it, all over the walls floors carpet bedrooms. All of these things were up high, and secured away. Not sure HOW exactly they got to them, but i do know that a time out didn't fit this punishment, at least for my children. They each got 2 spanks on the bottom, and were sent to clean up their mess. First we had a sit down before the cleaning started, to explain the dangers that could have happened, and why its not nice to sneak around behind mommy and daddys back. They did NOT like the spanking, but it got their direct attention that this was a serious matter. (since spanking isnt a daily occurance!)
On the other hand, i know other parents who spank their child for everything done wrong. Whether is hitting the other sibling, lying, throwing things etc- and that i do believe is wrongful to a childs development. I guess everyones children are different, and every one was raised either "my parents NEVER spanked me" or " man my daddy used the belt!" - I am NOT ashamed that I spank on occasion. And i am not ashamed to admit that i'm not happy when I do it. But the problems that have occured that resulted in a spanking, have NEVER returned or repeated themselves. So i know i'm doing something right in the way i have chosen to parent.

2006-08-04 03:23:14 · answer #2 · answered by dreamkillerkitten 3 · 0 0

Spanking is okay used in moderation. Most children learn that when mom is mad enough to spank then it is time to stop whatever it is they are doing. I use the 1-2-3 method. If I reach 3 she knows that I can spank her. I have only had to reach 3 a few times. She knows the consequences. However since she is 11 now, she loses privileges instead of spanking.

2006-08-04 09:27:08 · answer #3 · answered by Luvmt 5 · 0 0

I disagree and will never lay a hand to spank (hit) my child nor to scold them.

Scolding and spanking is the same thing when it comes to how t he child feels.

2006-08-04 04:29:30 · answer #4 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 0 0

I got spankings as a child and I didn't HATE my parents I was a very good kid all through highschool they never beat me that I think is wrong

2006-08-04 09:10:38 · answer #5 · answered by Groover_84 2 · 0 0

spare the rod, spoil the child. Sorry. I dont buy all this new wave parenting going on these days. I think kids are getting more unruly than ever. I worked with preschoolers for 12 years and although corporal punishment was NOT allowed, there were times I JUST WANTED TO KICK BUTT

2006-08-04 05:09:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont see the point in spanking a child....i speak to my children first and if their bad behavior continues then they go on time out..usually the time out works if not then stuff starts to get taken away....spanking a child is like telling them its ok to hit...its not teaching them anything..i dont care how old the child is you have to speak to them and let them know they are doing wrong....they are never going to learn with a spanking every now and then....

2006-08-04 03:17:05 · answer #7 · answered by sgtrlopez 2 · 0 0

Not anymore, because someone fought this, and got it to be against the law. Now, you have to put the kid in "time out," but what's this going to prove? When I was from a child to a late teen, this was one form of punishment I had, other than being sent to my room or being "grounded" forever (well, it seemed to be that long)!

2006-08-04 02:57:14 · answer #8 · answered by jazzdrummerdave 2 · 0 0

I think you should try time out before u spank a kid. Pick out a spot for time out . And make them sit there.

2006-08-04 02:57:58 · answer #9 · answered by ericamoore25 2 · 0 0

Only if their butt's done something wrong. Since their butts will never do anything wrong, I'd have to say that is wrong to hit children ...anywhere, actually. It doesn't do anything, but make the child afraid of you and resentful. If you hit me, I'd hate you. Do you really want your child to feel that way about you, even if he/she did something wrong? I wouldn't. The punishment should fit the crime ...and it should be age appropriate.

2006-08-04 02:57:46 · answer #10 · answered by Answers to Nurse 3 · 0 0

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