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As is so often the case with rushed sequels, the new testament lacks the quirky sense of high drama of the original installment. Despite its marvelously inventive plot twists, it is my considered opinion that certain portions of the Bible are simply too ribald for children and no more suitable in a Christian home than a copy of Hustler! I do not allow smut in my home regardless of the author and, frankly, one is hard pressed to find a book more salacious than the one written by our blessed lord.

2006-08-03 18:39:57 · 5 answers · asked by Summrboy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

Okay, you're very clever. Is that what you're seeking? Are you trying to impress us with your wit and intellect?

You can be smart and still be wrong. When was the last time you actually read that book that you so like to ridicule?

2006-08-03 18:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by David S 5 · 0 0

The characters are painfully one dimensional. So many contradictions. Solomon deflowered more women than Hugh Hefner or Gene Simmons. God was angry out of insecurity. Its pestilence after pestilence.

Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek." He'd never do that Moe Howard.

I live my life by The Three Stooges as moral homilies.

2006-08-04 01:43:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What do your children think? I know....why not make a fun pastime of it, and have your children, and your spouse for that matter, reenact various scenes from both the Old, and New Hustler? Pre gunshot Flynt, of course.

2006-08-04 01:47:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes! I suggest you gather all books of your faith and burn them!

2006-08-04 01:44:28 · answer #4 · answered by Spookshow Baby 5 · 0 0

I disagree...

now that I have you all in one room, can we PRAY?

Can we start todays Sermon now? :)


Being Christ’s Church in a Deceitful Society among scoffers: By Grace, we can overcome.

Romans 16:17-18

As has been true of every age, erroneous thinking is prevalent today. For the church to be able to

withstand the bombardment of false teaching, and (atheist) scoffers,and the Darwin lover, we must


Strong Convictions. Teachers of incorrect doctrine and (atheist) scoffers can be very persuasive as they

lead unsuspecting listeners into wrong thinking, confusion, by posting verses without knowledge of the

meaning and discouragement. In contrast, true doctrine strengthens and encourages.
For example, since salvation is by faith in Christ alone, works are an expression of faith, not a

requirement for heaven (Ephesians 2:8-10); there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus,

because the penalty for our sins—past, present, and future — has been paid (Romans 8:1; Colossians

1:14 NLT); and our adoption into the heavenly Father’s family is permanent (Ephesians 1:5). As

beleieve's, we have the comfort of this.

Turn from your corrupt wicked ways of scoffers (atheists). You quote verses by deciet, you have no

Truth in you. The WORD of God, clearly tells, scoffers (ATHEISTS) are filhty rags they are, and to stay

away from them, and avoid them We are NOT to plant seeds. God knows it is useless and that is why

he tells us, "You stand firm against them" ( Jer.17:8 14:1 Iah 44:4) You disassociate them completely.

Any Believer that does not abide in God's own Word, does not know God, according to God Himself. As

believer's, we can turn to Christ for Truth.

A deepening relationship with Jesus. To hold firm to the truth of the Gospel,we must be settled in our

understanding of who Christ is. Though muslims claim Jesus was a good person or perhaps even a

prophet, we know He is fully God, who existed before Creation and came to earth to rescue mankind.

Others will argue that Jesus is not the only way to the Father. But they fail to understand that

reconciliation with God requires that sin’s penalty be paid in full by one who is sinless. Only Jesus, the

perfect Son of Man, could meet God’s requirement. That is why Jesus called Himself the “door” through

which we enter God’s family (John 10:9).

(Atheists) Scoffers are "chaff" A simile of the wretchedness of the wicked. Chaff is carried away by the

lightest wind, and It's removal brings about cleansing by extracting what is utterly useless. (Ruth 1:22).

They will NOT stand in the judgment. They will NOT be able to withstand God's wrath when He judges.(

Pslams 76:7 Exra 9:15). There is a reason God, said this. Psalms.1.1-3 Jer. 17:8 14:1 12. 1-2

18:9-10 Prov1.10-19 (vs 5) scoffers:(atheists) those who ridicule God and definatley reject His Law.

Prov 1.:22 Ruth 1:22 Jer 18:7 (pull down-destroy) 1:10 (evil-calamity) 18:11. As believer's, we can

triumpth over they're lies.

A clear understanding of Scripture will enable us to distinguish truth from error. How firmly grounded

are you and your church family in the Bible’s key doctrines?

Once we receive Jesus, and become new creations in Christ Jesus, II Corinthians 5:17, the Holy Spirit

also enters, because if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Christ, the Bible says in

Romans 8:9. Now, because of that, these bodies are God’s temples, we are to keep them clean. Do not

be as (atheist) scoffers and ruin your bodies. I Corinthians 6:19-20 says: “Know ye not that your body is

the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you. Therefore you are not your own, so glorify God in your

body and your mind, which belongs to Christ”. Now, Paul could say in I Corinthians 9:27: I keep my body

under subjection. There are certain appetites I would follow, but I control it. Why? Because this is God’s

temple. And lo and behold, one day, when Jesus returns, the Holy City is going to have a tree, and that’s

Revelation 22:2-3. There is 12 manner of fruits, and the leaves are for the health of the nations.

(Atheists) scoffers, you don't have to hang your heads low in public, and feel like the filthy rags you are,

come and let Christ lift you up in Truth, through the precious Blood. Let Christ take away your humility as

a 10th class rated person by your evilness and hatred within your hearts for God and mankind. You can

walk the street with your head held high, knowing full well, that Christ is within you. People will no

longer shun you as trash, but as a brother in Christ and a lost and worthless person that found truth by

the Power of the Blood.

Come today (Atheist) scoffers, Repent....Let Christ heal your sick corrupted minds, and your evil ways.

The all loving Jesus is here for you today. Let the power of the cross, smite your evil tongues and take

away your whorehouse language you teach your children. Do it for your children, let them see the truth

as it really is. Teach them life is not about cheating, lieing, hurting others, stand up as parents and give

your children the chance NOT to go to the pits of hell itself, as you are leading them. Jesus Christ is here

today, for you. You can be known in society as respectable, and a person that is no longer, less than a

cursed swine, and filth that society wipes they're feet on.(Psalms 1:1-3)

Take a stand (atheist) scoffers, for God.
The Grace of God:
Romans 5:1-11

Grace is God’s goodness and kindness to those who do not deserve it, even (atheist) scoffers, and

cannot earn it. Its benefits are available to everyone. Each day God causes hearts to beat, bodies to

heal, and love to be given and received, regardless of peoples’ opinions of Him. He offers forgiveness to

the rebellious,even freedom to sinners, and even (atheist) scoffers and intimacy with Himself to all who

trust Christ as Savior. Through Jesus, He offers access to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16), where

the Savior serves as high priest, interceding for His own (Hebrews 7:25). We know we can approach

God confidently because there is no condemnation for those who belong to Him (Romans 8:1). What

amazing grace! Let Grace remove you from the pits of hell, (atheist) scoffers, and give your children






As believers, we stand upon the immovable foundation of God’s grace. It is over us like a canopy and

surrounds like a protective wall. As the truth of it permeates our hearts and minds, we become

expressions of the Lord’s love, kindness, and goodness to others. By the power of Truth, (atheist)

scoffers can find the way in Jesus Christ.

P R A Y . F O R . (A T H E I S T ) . S C O F F E R S . . T O D A Y ......................



. . .AMEN.

Can this be happen ? .

BIBLE: KJV according to sourses:
What does God call them? Preach love to them? Lets see what God says, to do with them.

You have unbeliever's, Chaff, Scoffers.

An Atheist is a "scoffer". The WORD of God, clearly tells, ATHEISTS are filhty rags they are, and to stay

away from them, and avoid them. We are NOT to plant seeds. God knows it is useless and that is why

he tells us, "You stand firm against them" ( Jer.17:8 14:1 Iah 44:4) You disassociate them completely.

Any Believer that does not abide in God's own Word, does not know God, according to God Himself.
Atheists are "chaff" A simile of the wretchedness of the wicked. Chaff is carried away by the lightest

wind, and it's removal brings about cleansing by extracting what is utterly useless. (Ruth 1:22). They will

NOT stand in the judgment. They will NOT be able to withstand God's wrath when He judges.( Pslams

76:7 Exra 9:15). This is not my opinion, this is God's very own Words, in the Bible. You know, the BIble?

The same Bible atheist scholars quote. There is a reason God, said this. Psalms.1.1-3 Jer. 17:8 14:1

12. 1-2 18:9-10 Prov1.10-19 (vs 5) scoffers:(atheists) those who ridicule God and definatley reject His

Law. Prov 1.:22 Ruth 1:22 Jer 18:7 (pull down-destroy) 1:10 (evil-calamity) 18:11

Pslams 1:
godly wisdom here, declare the final outcome of the two "ways". The paths of "sinners" (unbelievers)

and the "way of the righteous. he speaks progressively of assoociation with the ungodly and participation

in they're ungodly ways.

God said it. End of Story. Jesus Himself said "Let the dead bury they're dead".

Use all the Internet and Dictionaries they want to and call themselves anything they wish. God "defined"

what they are by His own Holy Word.

They can hang a dog tag* around they're neck in the pits if hell itself and separate each other by name


God's Word said it. By God's definition. They are nothing but filthy rags. There is NO opinion.

Hate? Where do you get hate? If God's TRUTH is hate too you, then, so be it. You and God, can and will

discuss the means of your scriptural interpretation, consisting with a man-made defacto on a motion of

plea bargin I guess. I dunno.

I W I L L . P R A Y . F O R . A L L . A T H E I S T S. :)

2006-08-04 01:46:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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