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What in the world could Christians have done to those of you on here that you do this EVERY night? Why are you so scared of us? Why do you HIDE behind the computer screen, but rarely would you have the nerve to do this in life? Why are we considered and called murderers nonstop, by you people? Its not like we pulled a Columbine, oh yeah they were Atheist. True Christians don't harm people. I have never insulted another religion, or non-religion, until I came on here and noticed you were at it again. I've had Atheist friends, they never acted like this. So why do you chose to come on here and hide. O'hare maybe you could take the lead on this one. Since you profess to speak for all Atheist. I feel sorry for the others you claim to represent.

2006-08-03 17:57:36 · 34 answers · asked by Chrissy 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

(tandy) I don't have a problem with you, thats what I don't understand. But I do get tired of the incessant crap.

2006-08-03 18:04:10 · update #1

do you see, that all of you are saying the exact same thing! I don't have a problem with ANY religion, or non religion. You are avoiding the question, by trying to turn your issues onto us. I refuse to be held accountable for your downfalls. Jesus was your saviour, I'm not that gracious!

2006-08-03 18:09:45 · update #2

(bearable) see this is what I'm talking about right there. Just because I'm Christian, doesn't mean I follow ALL christian beliefs. If you read the ENTIRE bible, not just the parts you thought could help your cause you'd be a little more educated on Christianity. As for the dead pig, you may want to know a football is called a pig skin, but has not been made out of such in a VERY long time. I don't have a problem with anybody, why do you have such a problem with me?

2006-08-03 18:17:58 · update #3

34 answers

Not all atheists are like this, and I suspect that you are right that most people don't act this way in public. I'd say that you're also on to something when you suggest that the anonymity of the internet has something to do with it.

I wouldn't read too much into it though. You're probably just interacting with people who like to get a rise out of people for entertainment. My advice would be to just ignore it.

By the way, if someone ever tells you that they speak for all atheists, ignore it. I'm an atheist and I will only speak for myself when saying why. People's religious beliefs, or lackthereof, are entirely too complicated for one person to speak for everyone. The fact is, and I'm sure you know this already, people accept or reject religion for a variety of reasons.

Edit: This is to the guy above me. There is no "atheist leader." What would you say if I said there was one Christian leader (I'm excluding Jesus). By the way, it isn't Andrew Flew, its Antony Flew and it isn't like he went from being an atheist to being a Christian. He was an agnostic, but now subscribes to a form of Deism.

This also may be why you're getting some hostility. Misinformation and fact twisting are universally loathed.

Edit 2: I also agree with Sprig

Edit 3: Another reason may be the fact that you seem to be condescending to atheists. I mean you're yelling at a group of people that reject your God that they should "accept Jesus" and "read the entire Bible, not just the parts that..could help your cause." I mean, I'm trying to be impartial here, but you're coming off as intolerant and a little over the top.

2006-08-03 18:15:45 · answer #1 · answered by s_dude702 2 · 1 0

Hide, are you kidding, people speak out against religion more than you understand. I think you perceive it this way because you live around and speak to christians. Columbine is minor compared to the religious wars that claimed countless lives. Christianity has redefined itself to adhere to changing moral values and is not consistant by any means. People are scared of death and want answers, but i'm sorry to say the bible is not the answer. You should also note the bible has been translated so many times in many different languages and it is proven that it has changed significantly due to such rewritings. Many of the stories now in the bible were not there until the middle ages.

And quit quoting the bible to prove it is right, as i said in another answer, that's like me quoting the peanuts to prove snoopy really walked the earth.

2006-08-03 18:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by tonymrep 2 · 0 0

I don't know any atheists that slam Christianity specifically. The few I know don't like organized religion in general.

The only Christians I have a problem with on here are the ones who take the Bible literally and condemn nonbelievers to Hellfire, without considering that what they're professing as "Eternal Truth" is actually a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation of a story somebody told someone they heard someone say Jesus said, and somebody nearby with a stylus and a piece of parchment wrote it down. Jesus didn't speak English, but he's quoted by these folks as if he did. And it drives me NUTS.

2006-08-03 18:08:39 · answer #3 · answered by Banba 3 · 0 0

Religion is responsible for the majority of wars, conflict and murder of innocent life since humanity began. There is considerable evidence to classify religion as evil, and talk of religion (Gods etc) should be banned. Because the records prove over and over again throughout humanity that religion is clearly responsible for crimes against humanity, taking part in any religious activity should also be outlawed and made a criminal offence.

The world would be a much happier and peaceful place if religion ceased to exist. Although there are some decent religious believers and preachers, they are unwittingly spreading evil around our world, and that they should simply keep their beliefs and thoughts to themselves in the best interests of humanity, or suffer the consequences for their actions.

Have you ever considered that the world would be like Heaven if religion ceased to exist, but all the believers and preachers have turned the planet into Hell?

2006-08-03 18:02:02 · answer #4 · answered by Brenda's World 4 · 0 0

How many times do I have to say it...

*clears throat* Many people use the internet as a safe place to take out aggressions and be more outspoken on issues they normally would not say much about in person. For atheists, in a world where many people are predejuced to us and there are people who are even nutty enough that they might KILL us for our beliefs, we don't often feel free to talk about who we are, but people use the internet as a safe place to have a voice when they may say nothing in real life.

So YES you will notice it more online. Does that make sense? The large majority would not have a real problem with you in life, but like any minority sometimes people poke fun at the majority as trying to find humor is one of the ways people deal with some of what they deal with.

2006-08-03 18:29:52 · answer #5 · answered by Indigo 7 · 0 0

Why is it that Christians have such a problem with Atheism? Why is it that atheists are constantly shouted down, abused, and insulted?

As to why do they "HIDE" behind their computer screens: if an atheist professes their belief in public, they are likely to be villified and harrassed to no end.

You are the majority. Enjoy.

2006-08-03 18:06:46 · answer #6 · answered by RabidBunyip 4 · 0 0

The leader of atheiests has left the fold to join Intelligent design. And a well known skeptic wrote a book entitled FINDING GOD IN THE QUESTIONS by Dr Timothy Johnson. Oh, the athiest leader that left the pack is Andrew Flew who wrote the book ATHIESTIC HUMANISM.

So some towers are tumbling. There is no smugness as I write this just that the truth will eventually win out.

2006-08-03 18:15:21 · answer #7 · answered by rapturefuture 7 · 0 0

you sound very intelligent.
i admit i don't know everything and some time i am wrong
i was raised Lutheran
i am agnostic now. i am spiritual but not religious. each agnostic person has a different view and is impossible to group with others
most of my questions center around morals. i know what i believe personally is morally right or wrong for me and i can answer why to each one. i am trying to fight hypocrisy some people call themselves Christians but the bend the morals of the church to fit their needs.
example i believe that life begins around 12-14 weeks because i understand that is when the heart starts beating.
therefore i am OK with some one getting an abortion before that time
i am also OK with the idea of in vetro fertilization.
there are Christians that say life begins an conception. they are against abortions and IVF i am fine with these people
but there are many out there that say life begins at conception that are against abortion but are OK with IVF i have a problem with these people
here is why. IVF fertilizes many eggs. the eggs not used are destroyed. if you believe life begins at conception then the destroyed eggs are murder
i don't care where you draw your moral line in the sand as long as you draw it strait

2006-08-03 18:29:46 · answer #8 · answered by specal k 5 · 0 0

Because you have persecuted and killed so many millions of people over the last two thousand years.
You are scary - look at all the religious wars over the centuries.
Why do you think the Pilgrim Fathers fled to America - they were scared of other christians not atheists.
And now we see the good christians Bush and Blair killing thousands of people in the Middle East and talking about doing the same to Iran and North Korea.
You bet we are scared; there's no end to your bloodlust.

2006-08-03 19:07:45 · answer #9 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 0 0

why is it that the christians on here have such a problem with atheists, agnostics, muslims, jews, hindus, and buddist?

Is it because you believe that you're beliefs are the only ones that people should have? I believe it was Jesus who said "Love your neighbour as yourself" or is that reserved if they are christian...

Can I just add, that this section is not just reserved for christians...it's called RELIGION and SPRITUALITY just because a person isn't a CHRISTIAN doesn't mean they don't have A religion or they don't believe in spirituality...You guys drive me nut with your holy than thou attitude...Persecution my ****, you are just as to blame as all the other religions for persecution...learn some history then get back to me..BLAH

2006-08-03 18:16:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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