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1. Us Atheists are too good to believe a Good God would allow people to get killed in the name of God

2.. God believers dont care if God allows horrific crimes. They just want to make sure they get a ticket to heaven

3. Us Atheist dont care about a man dying on the cross just so we can do evil, repent and still get a ticket to heaven. We know we wont do evil in the first place.

4. God believers are happy that someone died for their dirt. They get to do evil things and still get to heaven. What a deal!

2006-08-03 17:53:55 · 23 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2006-08-03 17:57:44 · update #1

23 answers

When the science community makes a discovery or modifies a theory they publish a paper for all to view, speculate on, and debate. Invariably such discoveries open up our simplistic minds and expand our horizons. Examples would be the works of Einstein and Hawking, to name a very small sample.

So why do preachers have to continually pump their one theory (God exists) down our throats? Why do they stand on street corners and hand out leaflets, yell at passers by, gather huge crowds and push unsuspecting victims over in the belief they will be cured of whatever mental or physical ailment invades them, if they just believe in the theory of God?

Why can’t the believers of religious theory just behave in a decent manner, in much the same way as the scientific community does?

2006-08-03 17:55:58 · answer #1 · answered by Brenda's World 4 · 0 0

1. People killed around world are not according to the will of God. No killing is in the name of God. They take the name of God to justify their acts, that's all.

2. God allows everyone to do his will. This is with an intention to identify who will be good and who will be bad. If someone purposely comits a crime thinking God will forgive him - then he cannot get forgiveness. Qualification for forgiveness is the state of his mind when he seeks forgiveness. Purposeful sinner cannot normally reach that mental stage. So the question of his forgiveness doesn't arise. If at all a person succeeds, he will be totally different and God will forgive him.

3. Jesus was crucified because he preached a doctrine that is not acceptable to the Jewish community that time. By giving the laws (ten-commandments and the related laws of worship) to the Jews, God wanted the people to reach a stage what Jesus preached. For example: When you tell your son "don't spoil your book" he will naturally think that it is concerning all other things like pencil, pen, scale, tiffin box and all those things at home and so on. This is the growth a mind should attain through a simple sentance. Do not lust - that means a lot of things. Elaborately thinking you can write a large book on the subject. If Jews had kept up this growth they would not have cricified Jesus. They stayed at the state where they started and did not spoil book but spoiled everything else. This is the reason they could not accept Jesus when He came among them. There were few who could understand Him.

4. There are people even today dying for the sake of their own dirts and for sake of others dirts. If you are willing to go deep into the subject, Judiciaries around the world are killing innocent people as well. Even in developed countries it is happening. It is very high in Islamic countries and India, Sri Lanka, China etc. etc.

Among all these problems a person who follows God has his ways to live and he lives even today.

2006-08-03 18:27:29 · answer #2 · answered by latterviews 5 · 0 0

It really doesn't seem as though you want a question answered, more like you want a platform to spew your insults on...And yet you never do evil? Find that hard to believe.

As for the question at the top, no, I don't think you ever have to do anything to believe in God, but if you choose to be saved and be a Christian, the Bible does teach us that all humans are inherently sinful since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. We are sinful, though with God's help we do less sin. Like any other habit you try and change, only harder. Like trying to quit smoking, you commit to it, you want to do it, but occasionally you might slip.

To respond to each of your (mostly incorrect) statements:
1) Be thankful God 'allows' the things you're speaking of. That allowance of free will is the same free will you are exercising when you choose not to believe in the creator of the world. It's by His permission that you believe what you do, though He knew you would choose as you have even before you were born.

2)Believing in God is absolutely NOT a ticket to heaven. And many Christians do fight to try and prevent horrific crimes (like abortion) that are in their power to prevent. Again, that free will thing. Exactly how is anyone supposed to prevent a man set upon committing a murder? God doesn't 'allow' this, it is that man's choice, and that man has let Satan run (and ruin) his life.

3)It is sad "you Atheist" don't care about Jesus Christ dying on the cross. If you did, you would reap the benefits of the great love that made him do so. Again, the crucifiction was not a pass to do evil, it was a 'pass' to be able to be forgiven, washed clean, and acceptable to God. It is never a ticket to Heaven. There is no such thing. It is the life you lead, not good deeds, but what is in your heart, and what you do for God while you are here, as well as being saved. Being saved gets you on God's list forever, but as humans, he expects that we will mess up. And I find it quite ignorant and egotistical to say that you know you won't do evil in the first place. So you're trying to say you've never done anything wrong? I don't believe that for a minute.

4)Of course Christians are happy Christ died for our sins, without that act we would have been forever separated from our Maker. Do some research to understand why. We do not 'get' to do evil things...b/c true repentance involves admission of wrongdoing and effort to not do so again. So if you do something wrong over and over, that's not repentance, and won't be forgiven by God until you show true repentance. God is a forgiving God, b/c He loves the beings he created (though I suppose you are one of those who thinks that BOOM one day a perfect earth and intricately complex ecosystems and human bodies just APPEARED), however, the Bible says He is also a vengeful and jealous God. Meaning He would like you to turn to Him, and He is undoubtedly hurt that you place yourself above the rest of His people as well as above Him.

Since you have put yourself in a position above reproach, correction, or learning, at least in your opinion, I doubt anything I've written will have any affect. But still...I tried.

2006-08-03 18:10:24 · answer #3 · answered by littleangelfire81 6 · 0 0

I don't mean to cause offense but If I were an Atheist I'd be embarrassed by you. I don't blame you for not believing in Christianity, I do blame you for attacking it when you clearly know nothing about what Christians ( at least the Christians I know) believe.

1. God is so Good he wanted to let us have choice, what greater gift could have given. As a result bad things happen because we make the wrong choice.

You could prevent your children a lot of pain by never letting them make their own decision, but what kind of life would that really be? Same thing for God, our choices an bad things.

2. God believers do care about horrific things and wish they did not happen. If everyone followed the teachings of most "Gods" much less of these horrible things happen.

And just because someone does something in the name of a God doesn't mean they really represent that God or faith.

3. The bible makes it clear that the sacrifice on the Cross is not a get out of jail free card.

26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

This is just one of many examples. If you want more e-mail me.

4. refer to previous comment.

2006-08-03 18:09:40 · answer #4 · answered by Dane_62 5 · 0 0

I am a Christian.

1. I don't support holy wars.
2. I care, but I understand why that must be this way.
3. I don't think all atheists are evil.
4. It's more complicated then that. God is fair, and if believes do evil things then they can receive a far greater punishment. Where much is given, much is required.

2006-08-03 18:02:55 · answer #5 · answered by Michael M 6 · 0 0

I'll just shoot down the first point you attempt to make. that should suffice.

If there is no God then we are just unimportant life forms. The same as worms or rodents. Really without souls we would just be a collection of atoms that are not really special at all. If these atoms revert back to a previous state as you must think they do when we die, why do you consider this a bad thing. It would be neutral, neither good or bad. Therefore you cannot judge what is good or bad. So why does it piss you off that people have died? If you truly believe what you say? Your argument defeats itself. Tragedy cannot be used as evidence to say that God does not exist.

2006-08-03 18:03:22 · answer #6 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

My salvation is not a free ticket for me to do evil, just because I am assured of a home in heaven. My eternal security gives me the opportunity to try and live my life for Christ, knowing that if I mess up, and I do, I can go to Him and ask forgiveness and pick myself up and try again.
BTW everyone is born with the knowledge of God. It is a shame the world's system has stolen that from you.
You can't even be truly atheistic, because you have to decide not to believe in God

2006-08-03 18:01:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only man can come up with such horrible acts like genocide, and war. It is the sin of MANKIND that causes these things to happen. God offers us salvation from the rightful punishment of Hell through belief in the gospel. Preachers continue to preach hoping that one person may hear the good news, salvation is for all who accept. It is not an excuse for sin; it is a call to live a more righteous life of peace and love. Sadly many miss the love aspect that God calls us to show, "they will know us by our love" should be the motto of every christian. I know it isn't but it should be.

2006-08-03 18:04:19 · answer #8 · answered by graywolph82 3 · 0 0

why are you so interested in spiritual things, if you don't believe in them?

1.) Who said God told these indivduals to kill people:? They are called false-prophets, they distort the truth.

2.) The soul that sinneth is an enemy of God. Therefore Satan is permited to attack the world. He came to kill, steal, and destroy. Were God came to bring life to those who seek him. Yes some Christains might be treated badly, but so was Christ, so we know that means his spirit rest on us. We no judgement is deserving, and yes we do not want to be seperated by our maker.

3.) What is evil? You say nothing is absolue, there is No god? Evil is all relative to the athiest. But to us Christians it is said do not lie, steal, use God's name in vein, its is even said do not lust after a woman, which is commiting adultery in the heart. Of course it is impossible to fufill these commands. So we know are guilt we admit it, we don't become self-righteous and hide our filth. The cross was made to undue what Adam did by bringing death to humans. Since Jesus was not born from a man, but by the spriit, and live a perfect sinless life, he was worthy of the sacrifice.

4.) Yes we are happy, we are thrilled. We have done evil in the past, but we cry out to God for his mercy, and receive his ever-lasting forgiveness. You are right we don't deserve it , and we know we deserve eternity in hell, we admit that. We are only filled with awe, at what a loving God did for us.

2006-08-04 04:04:23 · answer #9 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 0 0

1. The Crusades were influenced by the haschishins (assassins)
a radical(in the bad way) group of killers who killed for the fun of it but smoked haschish before to give them a sense of invincibility

2. god allows these horrific crimes becuase satan said that humans dont need god to be successful. so god stepped back so satan could prove his point for a while. if he didnt give satan a chance we couildnt call him a very fair god could we? also, it may seem like a long trial period to us but to someone who lives for eternity, our lives are blinks in his eyes.

3.Real christians try their hardest earnestly to apply the counsel and commandments found in the bible. even mahatma ghandi, a hindu said that if we could apply this counsel we would all live in peace.and for crying out loud, only the chosen anointed ones go to heaven(Revelation 7:4). the others besides the 144000 anointed go to paradise(Revelation 21: 3-5)

4 We aren't happy, we are grateful that someone was kind enough to try and help us, so we real christians, as fpre mentioned try our hardest to live by the bibles standards.

and you know you shouldn't bad mouth christians. there are far worse in other religions, including atheism. try learning instead of cutting.

2006-08-03 18:11:58 · answer #10 · answered by Don Hasford 2 · 0 0

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