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1:are you pro-choice or pro-life?
2:are you for or against In vitro fertilization?
3:are you for or against the death penalty

if you feel like it you can also tell me why

i am pro-choice ...to an exstent. i believe life begins with a heart beat (between 12-14 weeks)
i am for IVF i believe life begins with a heart beat (between 12-14 weeks)
i am against the death penalty. innocent people have been exicuted

dont bother to tell me i am wrong. it wont chang my view i am asking to understand you better. please answer all 3 parts

2006-08-03 17:27:56 · 53 answers · asked by specal k 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

1. I am pro-choice AND pro-life. My choice would be life. Another's choice is hers alone and I would, like Voltaire, defend to the death her right to make it. (I'm paraphrasing, of course; Voltaire said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.") I have stood outside clinics protecting women on their way in and out and I support those who do so, even though my choice would be to not use the services of one of these clinics to terminate an unplanned pregnancy.

2. I'm for in-vitro, if people can afford it and want a child that badly.

3. I'm against the death penalty because it's state-sponsored murder, there are not enough protections against the innocent being put to death, it's barbaric, and it's much more expensive than providing room and board for prisoners for life. (Amnesty International has the numbers on this: see below.)

2006-08-03 17:40:18 · answer #1 · answered by Banba 3 · 1 1

1. Anti abortion-criminalization
2. Anti in-vitro-fertilization-criminalization
3. Generally against, but not on ethical grounds, rather, because I don't trust the system to actually administer justice. A lot of innocent people probably get executed.

Life begins BEFORE conception, so that isn't the litmus test. The litmus test to me is at birth, unless it could be proven that an in utero baby is conscious. Then I might change my position. But I don't thik consciousness really emerges until about 1 year old or so.

I have nothing to say on IVF, other than, why should it be considered wrong?

Against death penalty for the same reason as you.

2006-08-03 17:38:55 · answer #2 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

1) I am pro-life. I believe life begins at conception
2) I don't have an opinion about in vitro fertilization, but I do think adoption is a better choice since so many children need homes.
And I am against homosexuals having kids!!!
3) I am for the death penalty in cases where the killer is proven guilty (eye witnesses, confession, DNA, etc) and obviously not in cases of self defense.

2006-08-03 18:41:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Pro-choice

2. Don't have a problem with in-vitro.

3. I am definitely AGAINST the death penalty. Why? Because I work at a law firm where two lawyers worked for a decade to get an innocent man off of death row. They were a day away from executing him when my lawyers got a piece of evidence proving his innocence. The guy was set up. And as far as true murderers go. I've been inside prisons. It's a far worse punishment to spend the rest of your life there than drifting off to a neverending sleep.

2006-08-03 17:49:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Pro-choice. I'd rather the woman have the baby, but I believe women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Plus, I think that in cases of rape or if there's a very good chance both the mother and child would die, it's more acceptable.
2. Pro in vitro fertilization. I don't see anything wrong with a mother and father wanting help to have their own baby.
3. Against the death penelty. I don't think death should be used as a form of justice.

2006-08-03 17:44:39 · answer #5 · answered by easilydissolved 5 · 0 0

1. Pro Choice
2. For in vitro as long as abortion is legal. If I can't have the right to choose because of the "morality police" then others shouldn't be able to make a baby in a tube or by artificial means.
3. Unless the condemned has admitted guilt, then no, I don't agree with the death penalty because the system is so flawed. The endless appeals are insane and I don't believe that they even care to find out the truth in some cases. One innocent person sent to the electric chair, gas chamber or gurney is one too many!

2006-08-03 17:34:46 · answer #6 · answered by First Lady 7 · 1 0

1. Pro-Choice, even though i am Catholic and believe abortion is wrong, i still think that it's not really any of my business what other people are doing.

2. In-vitro fertilization seems ok to me, why not let someone who can't get pregnant, get pregnant

3. Definitly for the death penalty; and, instead of injecting them with a needle, they should have a room set aside just away from the court room to shoot the people in the head so that taxpayers don't have to pay thousands of dollars a year to harbor these convicted people while they sit for 10 years on death row trying to make up excuses why they shouldn't be killed.

2006-08-03 17:34:12 · answer #7 · answered by Mikey 1 · 0 0

1- I'm Pro-education. I believe that before a woman has an abortion, we should present the options that she has to her. Not propaganda mind you, just unbias information. Then let her decide. This way she won't have regrets later because she wasn't informed.

2- I'm for IVF for families that can prove they can take care of a child. I say a couple should go through the same steps it takes to adopt a child in order to be allowed to proceed with IVF.

3- I could never sentence a person to death. So I would never be juror on a case where it was a posibility. But I believe that both the prosicutor and the Judge should have reprocusions laid upon them if a person that was found guilty and exicuted was later found to be innocent.

2006-08-03 17:52:43 · answer #8 · answered by DynamoMan 4 · 0 0

First, let me comment on your last statement. No one can tell you that you are wrong. It is your view or opinion. It is YOURS, and as such, no matter what anyone else will say, will remain yours.

1) I am pro-life for me, but for any other women, I am pro-choice. I don't feel I could do abortion, but there are compelling reasons why it should remain pro-choice. For instance, pregnancy due to rape; a decision to go through medical procedures (such as chemotherapy) in order to prolong one's own life and possibly even have children afterward; and several others, which are too controversial to mention... would cause a riot in this forum!

2) I am for IVF. How many couples are there out there that have benefitted from it? How many more could? No matter gay or straight. If I was in a situation where that seemed to be my only option to conceive a child, I would do it in a moment. To have a life growing inside one's own body should be an experience for any woman that desparately wants it.

3) Against the death penalty. Why? Because to me it seems its simply the taking of one life as revenge for a criminal's behavior. I think putting all the death-row inmates in one super-prison and letting them go at each other would be just fine. Keep minimal personnel to discourage attempted escapes (but don't let inmates have direct contact with guards...) and let them take each other out. Scurge of the earth and all... One way to ensure that these violent people are kept out of society.

2006-08-04 05:55:19 · answer #9 · answered by truthseeker909 2 · 0 0

How can you be for abortion and against the death penalty? Aren't unborn babies the most innocent? Isn't the death penalty just late term partial birth abortion?!?!?

How many women have you had sobbing on your shoulder after they've regretted getting an abortion?

If you're going to sleep around have a vasectomy. I'm for THAT.

In vitro fertilization is ok, but what's wrong with adoption? Take it from a stepmother of two daughters who have given me beautiful grandchildren, you don't need blood relation to love your kids!

2006-08-03 17:46:00 · answer #10 · answered by angrygramma 3 · 0 0

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