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2006-08-03 16:57:44 · 20 answers · asked by gourou 3 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

20 answers

Absolutely he deserves to be impeached. most bellicose advisors, the American people and their elected members of the House of Representatives expose our country to ever greater hatred and isolation. By permitting President Bush to pursue his policy of domination through threat and lawless force, we risk ever widening international violence.

The new tragedy of Lebanon has brought death to hundreds of civilians, children, women and men. Hundreds of thousands, approaching one fourth the population of four million, are fugitives from their homes within and outside of their country. Destruction of the infrastructure will require decades to rebuild if/when peace comes. And rage at Israel and the U.S. dominate all other emotions in Lebanon and throughout the Muslim world. New anger is spreading over every continent.

If the capture of two soldiers, or one in the case of Palestine, justifies assaults against whole nations and peoples, as Israel has done, then there is no law, no alternative to war, no hope for peace. Only a person with a memory no longer than three weeks could believe the capture of three Israeli soldiers began the present violence. Was not cross border violence between Israel and Lebanon commonplace for decades? Had not Israel kidnapped half the Palestinian cabinet, destroyed its Foreign Ministry offices and other government buildings and engaged in summary executions throughout Palestine, the West Bank and Gaza, since the elections this year of the Hamas majority in the Palestinian parliament? Was there not a continuum of assaults at will against the Palestinian people over decades?

We must ask whether the forced withdrawal of Syrian peace keepers from Lebanon earlier this year by U.S. and Israeli political pressure after the murder of former Lebanon Prime Minister Harari was the prelude of a plan for Israel to assault Lebanon and reoccupy territories up to the Litani river in Southern Lebanon. While Syrian forces were present in Lebanon, such an assault did not occur.

And we must ask whether the fierce assault on Lebanon and Palestine are the prelude to broader actions against Syria and Iran. President Bush has made it abundantly clear that he would like nothing better than regime change in Iran and Syria and has attempted to lay responsibility for violence in Lebanon and Palestine at their door.

As Iraq descends into uncontrollable sectarian war, President Bush needs new threats to distract Americans attention from what his Shock and Awe policy has brought for Iraq, for us, and for the world. War in Lebanon helps divert attention temporarily and may serve to widen the conflict to include Syria, or Iran.

If not, there are always Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela and others to act against.

With only three months to the mid term Congressional election, we must make every effort to achieve support for impeachment in the new Congress. The two most important ways are first, to demonstrate widespread national support for impeachment by multiplying to millions the hundreds of thousands who have voted for impeachment. This will require grass roots efforts and a nationwide newspaper ad campaign beginning in September. And second, district by district, direct contact with House candidates of all parties urging them to be prepared to do their Constitutional duty and vote for impeachment.

As with Iraq, in Lebanon we have seen a war of aggression, the supreme international crime; an attack on the equal sovereignty of Lebanon, violating the First Principle of the United Nations Charter; excessive force of a major magnitude with as many as sixty Israeli planes over the Mediterranean waiting their turn to strike a nation defenseless against aerial assaults; indiscriminate bombing; targeting civilians; collective punishment, everyone in Lebanon suffers.

The future of Palestine remains the central issue for peace in the Middle East. That future is more endangered than at any time since the Oslo Accords. Everyone in Palestine suffers from the violence unleashed on its people by Israel’s renewed Roadmap to War.

President George Bush supports every act of Israel, alone among international heads of government, supporting every strike against Lebanon and Palestine. Nothing could endanger Israel more. And Condoleezza Rice congratulates the Prime Minister of Lebanon for his courage while telling him there must be further destruction of his nation and government — an insult to every human being who cares about peace and understands the world cannot be made safe for hypocrisy.

General Ramsey Clark

Take the time to watch the following video > more information on 911 you may not be aware of

2006-08-03 18:17:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bush deserves to be impeached and removed from office. Far more than Bill Clinton, who was impeached over a tawdry sexual affair, or Richard Nixon, who left office to avoid impeachment.

Bush deliberately and knowingly lied to Congress, the American public and the world about the 'intelligence' reports concerning Iraq prior to invasion. The reports were manipulated by the Administration with Bush's knowledge and consent (so it does not excuse him to say that Congressmen and Senators also approved of the invasion based on the same 'intelligenc', because what they saw was already doctored). This led to an illegal war, in violation of treaties signed by American administrations past and never rescinded by the Bush Administration prior to violating them by invading a country that posed no serious threat to the United States. This was pure and simply a war of aggression, which the United States has signed international agreements never to engage in, based on fabricated 'intelligence' reports.

Bush has violated the constitution of the United States by illegally directing the NSA to intercept personal correspondece of Americans and legal immigrants to the USA. He has further violated the consitution by denying civil rights and Miranda rights to detainees that have never been charged but have lingered in American detention centres (concentration camps) for years without counsel. He has illegally turned prisoners over to third parties for purposes of torture and has sanctioned torture directly through the US military at Abu Graib and Guantanamo.

Not all of these charges are proven, but any impartial observer with a brain in their head can clearly see he is complicit in all of these events.

Sadly, dragging the reputation of the United States through the mud is not an impeachable offense, but he's done that too.

2006-08-03 17:18:01 · answer #2 · answered by Rory McRandall 3 · 0 0

Bush should be impeached for warcrimes. If you think the killing of innocent Lebonese men, women, and children over two or three captured Isreali soldiers is just, then I am afraid of what is in store for our country. Bus is a business man and he plays by business tactics. Only the profits mean anything at all.

2006-08-03 17:03:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've always find it ironic that Clinton was almost impeached for something that happened in his personal life that doesn't hurt anyone physically, and yet, Bush has allowed the slaughter of over 2500+ of his own troops. And that doesn't even count the Allied loss and civilian casualties.

2006-08-03 17:03:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

reading some of these "answers" all I can do is shake my head at some of the totally uneducated responses. The question was should Bush be impeaced. there's responses about Clintons personal life, do your homework his offense was not about who he did it was about him LYING to a grand jury. then theres the one refering to killing Lebonese people. all you have to do is watch the news... It's not Bush that's doing that, it's Israel. And 2500 soldiers dying is bad, but people you have to remember WE WERE ATTACKED BY CRAZED MUSLIMS ON 9-11. Look back at the numbers of soldiers killed during WW II. in just ONE DAY while capturing the island of Iwo Jima over 500 soldiers were killed ONE DAY. If not for there sacrafice we'd be speaking either japanese or german. Before you start spouting "facts" do 5 seconds worth of research. And not on some idiotic "blog" do actual research and learn the truth

2006-08-03 17:16:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If not Bush it will be another Clinton. They are all the same. The time spent on impeaching can be spent on other constructive things that demand immediate attention.

2006-08-04 00:06:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And Clinton was impeached.
But he directly lied to me.
If you say Bush did then Hillary did and Ted did and Joseph did and Bill did and who ran against him last time?
I don't remember.
They are all record for condemning the Iraqui gov't
But the cowards don't remeber that do they?

2006-08-03 17:06:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

President Bush has committed no crime. He has made difficult decisions, and made some horribly bad ones, but you cannot impreach a president based on your opinion of his leadership or policies. Save it for 2008.

2006-08-03 17:03:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes most defiantly, he has systematically lied and mislead the people of this nation. And on top of that he has over stepped his limits, and broken the law, even though he thinks hes above that.

2006-08-03 17:03:40 · answer #9 · answered by The Prez. 4 · 0 0

he should probably go over to the middle east and stand somewhere with a giant target on his head, so someone can aim for it, but i'm not sure about impeachment... i guess they can't bring him up on charges for stupidity. that's hardly fair!

2006-08-03 17:03:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

he hasn't done anything impeachable, and besides that all impeaching does is say hey you did something wrong, now go back to work.

2006-08-03 17:01:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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