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Can you please share whatever you know about these three religions because they are supposed to be connected some how which is not like all other belives, so i'd like to know more about them.. Also their commons and differences.. Thanx!!

2006-08-03 14:43:05 · 22 answers · asked by xero 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

oh my,, thats a huge huge topic.


you can read it here.



in brief.

Jews believe in one God.and prophet Moses and earlier prophets before him. and reject Jesus and Muhammad (peace be on them all) who comes after Moses.

Christians believe in Jesus as God. They beleive in Trinity, i.e. God the father, God the son, and God the holy ghost, but they are not three God but one God. They reject Muhammad (a.s)

Muslims belive in one God without any partners. Their prophet is Muhammad (a.s) and they believe in all the earlier prophets before Muhammad a.s . including Jesus, Moses, etc.

But, Islam is the only religion which teaches the existence of a one and only PERFECT God. A perfect God means that there is no sharer in His Nature and His Attributes:

CONCEPT OF "TAWHEED" (Arabic term) IN ISLAM differentiate it with Judaism and Christianity.

"TAWHEED" is much more than simple monotheism. Monotheism means that there is only one God. In addition to this condition there are three more conditions.


1. God is not only one numerically, but He is also one in essence and person. He has no partner in His Dominion and Actions. also includes the belief that Allah is Unique (One, single) and Incomparable. He has no wife nor offspring, no mother nor father. This excludes any notions of divine persons within the same godhead. Neither tri-theism nor trinity is compatible with 'TAWHEED'. God does not merge in any living or dead creature, nor anything is part of God. Neither living nor dead merges in the Being of God, nor is any creature part of Him. All creatures are created by His Order and are subservient to His Will.

2. (Oneness of Allah’s Worship) --- God alone is worthy of worship. None is to be worship instead of Him. None is to be worship along side with Him and nor is God to worship through any of his creatures including the prophets of God.

3.-- Any attributes of shortcomings, man-like weakness or limitations is not befitting for the Glory of God. This excludes any notion of God-incarnate.

Deviation from any of these conditions can be called as 'Shirk'. It literally means sharing or associating partners. In Islamic terms it means associating partners with Allah and is equivalent to idolatry.


Jews do believe in one God, but their concept of God has been distorted. Although the torah says that "God is not a man in Numbers 23:19" but torah has attributed to God some characteristics of human beings.

For example

Torah says that God made the heavens and Earth in six days and on the seventh day, he rested and was refreshed. Rest is the need of human beings, only humans got tired. God does not need to rest.
GENESIS 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

Quran says , Quran(50:38) We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us.
Al-Quran (2:255) God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting; slumber does not seize him nor does sleep;


If we study the concept of God in religions other than Islam, all of them fails the test of Tawheed in atleast one category.

This concept of Tawheed distinguishes Islam from many other religions. Those who have studied comparative religion can very easily realize that, while the Jews made their Creator like the creation[17], the Christians make the creation like the Creator[18].


hope this answers..


2006-08-03 14:53:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Similarities: All 3 are Monostheistic(worship Only One God).
All 3 claim Abraham as their father(as does Bahai, another monotheistic faith). All 3 started out in the Middle East, & all 3 venerate Jerusalem as a Holy City.

Differences: Their Sabbath Day: Jewish Sabbath Day is on Saturday; Christian Sabbath Day is Sunday; Muslim Sabbath Day is Friday.
Places of worship: Jews worship in the Synogogue; Christians in the Church; Muslims in the Mosque.
Scriptures: Jewish Scripture is the Torah: Christian Scripture is the Bible: Muslim Scripture is the Koran.

2006-08-03 14:53:00 · answer #2 · answered by clusium1971 7 · 0 0

Judaism= Christianity-Jesus


2006-08-03 14:51:41 · answer #3 · answered by nunovyorebiznis 4 · 0 0

Judism is a branch off christianity. Christianity consists of protestants, catholics, jehovah's witnesses, orthodox, etc. Christianity is also hypocritical, arrogant, and ignorant to today's standards of living, like their hatred for gays, their claim that their religion is the only "true" religion out there, even though they also claim to be enlightened.

Islam is one of the more peaceful religions out there. They preach tolerance for other people's beliefs (not too sure what their stance on gays are). In my opinion, they're the most peaceful one right after Buddhism.

2006-08-03 14:49:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All revere Abraham as father but in Judaism, the Messiah has not yet come; in Christianity, the Messiah is Jesus, and in Islam, the Messiah is Muhammad. Ironically, Islam has a higher regard for Jesus than Judaism.

2006-08-03 14:54:44 · answer #5 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

Ok, a breakdown...

You remember in the Bible that God told Abraham that his seed shall inherit the Earth? Well, in those times it was common (still is in places) for a man to have more than one wife/concubine. Abraham was no different. One of the major differences in Christianity and Judism vs. Islam, seems to be WHICH son is designated as the "seed" of Abraham. "Isaac", the first son of Sara, Abraham's "wife", or "Ishmael", Abraham's first born, but from one of his concubines... The Christians and Jews contend that Isaac (and his descendants) shall inherit the Earth, whereas the Muslims contend that Ishmael (and his descendants) are the ones. Hence the battles over Isreal as the promised land.

As far as differences in beliefs....

Judism and Islam are true monotheistic religions. One God, period. Christianity on the other hand, actually consists of a God and a Demigod (son of a god and a mortal) and a Fallen Angel (sort of a lesser God), like an abbreviated Greco-Roman religion, hehe....but enough of that. Despite this, all three have numerous angels, devils, and other supernatural beings mixed into the mythology.

Judism and Islam acknowledge Jesus as a prophet of sorts, but refute him as the son of God. Christianity claims Jesus as the son of God who died for the sins of man. The reason for the similarities is due to the fact that they are all based around the same events. The differences are due to the "telling" of these events from different perspectives. Over time, these minor differences evolved into complex rituals, and even greater differences.

There is also the whole idea of the "message". Jesus had one take on God, Mohammed another, etc. Different peoples found their own ideas reflected in one of their messages. It should be noted that Jesus was "Jewish" but then claimed to be the son of God (which then angered those Jews who didn't share the belief in this claim, hence the split and founding of Christianity).

The similarity of how they treat women is a reflection of their times. At the time, regardless of faith, women were second-class citizens, so this is reflected in the foundation of each of the three faiths. Don't forget the idea of woman as the source for original sin, etc.

In both Judism and Christianity, God & Yahweh stem from earlier beliefs of a sun god. Islam's Allah stems from an earlier moon god (as previously mentioned by another poster).

In a nutshell...
SIMILARITIES - Sign of the times, similar people in similar situations and with similar values and ideals, same events that occured.

DIFFERENCES - Stem from the different ways the same events were interpreted by different people. Over time, it evolves into even more differences as more rituals and rites are introduced.

You had Judaism, around the years we call 0-30 people were having trouble relating, so new gospels were written, there was a revelation and Christianity is how the people adopted Judaism to their more modern views. (it is questionable and very debatable whether there was a Jesus, and if so how much he actually did- completely different topic)

A few centuries later people needed to relate Judeo-Christian beliefs to their own culture and Islam was born.

Each is a step foreward past the others and builds on them. This is not to say the first ones didnt' have it right, maybe the new guys were disillusioned, maybe they were right. We don't know that yet. Maybe they are all crazy, maybe not.

All three are from tribal religions and include pagan traditions and parts in them. The people were pagan before they converted and didn't completely ditch their old ways of life. But you are dealing with different pagans each time.

Muslims as a whole are not dangerous, nor do they all want to kill the rest of us off. There are psychotic Muslims that stand out more than the regulars- just like there have been radical Christians and Jews being nuts throughout history.

When you convert a Christian about some jerk you met the other day you told you how you were going to burn in hell, etc- how many of you have ever heard anyone say "well, he's not really a christian" or anything along those lines? Some people just have an overdeveloped sense of self-righteousness, it's not the rest of the followers fault.

One serial killer doesn't make all US citizens murderers any more than one psycho-terrorist makes all Muslims terrorists. The fact that anyone can even think all Muslims are out for world domination sickens me.

As to scriptural references (in any type of gospel) sure- there are some things that today sound really bad, but at the time they were acceptable things to hear. At the times people feared god (in whatever name) would come and smite them for their wrongs, they sacrificed animals and rid society of criminals to protect themselves. It was from fear, not some sick desire to kill!

2006-08-03 14:48:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Judaism believes in the God of the of Abraham and believe He will bring them a Messiah (Anointed One) to save them from Bondage

Christianity believes in the God of Abraham who is the God of the Jews and that He already HAS brought the Messiah as Jesus.

Islam believes in the god of Abraham but believes that god has turned his back on the Jews and the Christians and wants them to either become Muslims or be destroyed.

Id say there are some differences eh?

2006-08-03 14:49:02 · answer #7 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

Judaism --
One God. Major prophet was Moses. Source of tradition is the Torah (the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), which was written by Moses as revealed to him by God. God is a unity (as opposed to the Christian Trinity). Scritpure is the Hebrew Bible, which is the Protestant Old Testament. Other books include the Talmud, an explanation of all 613 laws of the Torah. No definitive belief regarding Heaven and Hell. Beliefs regarding Heaven and Hell are left up to the believer.

Christianity --
Christianity is monotheistic as well as Judaism. Christianity believes God to be a trinity, composed of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus of Nazareth), and the Holy Spirit. Heaven is the place where all those who believe that Jesus Christ was crucified for their sins will go to in Christian theology, and Hell is for all those that reject Jesus as their savior. Christianity has several denominations: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism (Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.). Offshoots of Christianity include Jehovah's Witnesses and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism). Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified (a method of execution by the Roman Empire), and three days after his death, he was Resurrected and ascended to sit at the right hand of God the Father.

Islam --
God is a unity. God is called Allah, which is Arabic for "the God". Mohammed is the last, and greatest prophet of Allah. Jesus is also a prophet, and the Messiah, but isn't seen as God or the Son of God. Islam was founded in 623 by Mohammed, who received revelations of Allah through Michael the Archangel. Mohammed wrote these revelations down, thus forming the Qur'an (Arabic for "recitation). The Qur'an is the Muslim Bible. All those who follow Islam (Arabic for "submission (to Allah)" will be able to enter Heaven, while all those who reject Islam will be sent to the Hellfire upon their deaths.

Similarities --
All monotheistic
All claim to be descended from one man, Abraham. Judaism is descended from Abraham's son, Isaac, and Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, also descending from Abraham. Islam claims to be descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael. Thus, they are called "Abrahamic faiths".

2006-08-03 15:17:12 · answer #8 · answered by Nowhere Man 6 · 0 0

All 3 are monotheistic.

Judism does not see Jesus as the messiah, only a man.

Christians do not see Mohammed as a prophet

Islam does not recognize Jesus as god and has dietary rules similar to Judism

2006-08-03 14:50:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

they all believe in the same god they just have different names for him.. the main differences are the people that prophesied god and his teachings, the people that wrote about it, the name of the book that its written in and the age of the religions...Christianity is the newcomer to the set ..true Islam is not about violence that is another misinterpretation of religion same as the different versions of the bible... all stories get changed and twisted around to benefit someone and all three religions have groups in themselves that are more extreme than others...its really like asking can you describe water it is basically the same but individual factors change it from one country to the next

2006-08-03 14:59:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jews=No Jesus, but Elijah, Eloisha, Issac, Moses and whatnot...

Christians= Jesus is god, all prophets before him are phrphets, but Jesus is the savior.

Muslims= Everyone mentioned above, ALONG WITH Muhammed and those mentioned after him (if there are any, I'm rusty on him). jesus was a great teacher but Christians got off the right path and so we had to get Muhammed...

2006-08-03 15:59:43 · answer #11 · answered by pixipaperdollfairee 2 · 0 0

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