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when the bible says worship no false Gods/no other Gods but me, is God implying that the other gods & goddesses, i.e. Zeus, Odin, etc. all existed? and that they are simply beneath the "one, true God"? and are the past Gods the 24 elders in revelations?

2006-08-03 14:10:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

no what he is referring to is that anything that is takes the place of God in ones life is considered an Idol...same as a god....He wants to be top priority in our lives....

2006-08-03 14:19:14 · answer #1 · answered by shiningon 6 · 0 0

The bible was written by a lot of people that were never known by the 3 men who put together the OT and the guy who thought up the NT, so how can we know that what they wrote was even really true. These are stories until someone finds out if these guys really heard the Creator, or God if you wish, talk to them or if they were just plain nuts and thought God talked to them. Gezz people try doing some studying on how the bible was put together instead of just believing what you read because some church person told you to. Don't you all have brains? Then use them and do the research. Every time someone on YA asks a question about this thing or that person in the bible some yahoo answers it with a passage from the bible. What? Can't find any answers except those from Christians? Think people, think for yourselves. I don't care a hoot if you want to believe the bible or anything associated with it, go ahead but give us some answers besides those that only Christians have answered. There has been a lot of archeology work done over the years that prove the bible has errors in it. No one knows for sure just what happened back in those days so stop trying to use the bible to answer questions that you have no clue to.

2006-08-03 21:32:17 · answer #2 · answered by melrae1116 3 · 0 0

Actually when I looked up the word "worship" in the Bible, I did NOT find where "God" said to worship him. I found where he said not to worship any idols or images, not to make any, and I found where is says he was and is worshipped - I just didn't find where he told anyone to do this.

Also people worship money, fame, success, it's more important to them than anything, even morals at times. It's a common sense statement, if you don't worship things, then you are a better person overall. People view other things as there God, also in that day, people were worshipping cows and all sorts of things as Gods.

2006-08-03 21:39:39 · answer #3 · answered by arvecar 4 · 0 0

There is only one God... the One who created heaven and earth... when He said that we should never have any other gods, He meant that we should never worship any other being (or thing)... the humans (especially in the early ages) have a tendency to worship everything... the sun, moon, river, cows, a tree, a stone, Buddha, Confucius... people should worship the Creator, not the creature... Zeus and company by the way are still known as part of myths and legends, there were no basis of their existence, they were never mentioned in the bible

2006-08-03 21:23:19 · answer #4 · answered by D e n n i s 2 · 0 0

the bible could have been referring to the various idols that were venerated in their culture which the Israelites were forbidden to have

Baal worship was prevalent in biblical times - the idea behind polytheistic worship was that different deities were behind different natural phenomena and that various rituals were 'required' to gain the favour you required to make your life a little easier.

Often these rituals involved promiscuous sexual activities and even human sacrifice including that of children - both something that God abhorred.

So people were getting into these various practices which God abhorred when God was in control of the rain and harvest conditions in the first place.

I do often wonder if the various stories of Zeus and Odin were based on some men of valour of old (remember genesis 5 where sons of God had children with daughters of men and produced many men of valour) and then those stories were embellished beyond recognition?

2006-08-03 21:21:55 · answer #5 · answered by Aslan 6 · 0 0

God knows that people, being sinners as we all are, will put other things before him. Those can be false gods such as the ones people in biblical times actually worshipped, or they can be the things that get in our way of putting Him (the one true God) first in our life. That being said, I don't think the 24 elders in Revelations would be those gods you speak of.

2006-08-03 21:20:58 · answer #6 · answered by cj_justme 4 · 0 0

No, He means you don't put a cow or cat etc on a pedastol and
worship them as your God. Like in the old testament when they
decided to worship a cow(made out of gold I think). There is only 1
God. You should fear, love, and trust in God above all things. If you have more questions or need a more thorough answer you can
go to www.whataboutjesus.com

2006-08-03 22:05:37 · answer #7 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

What that is stating is that people will "believe" that there are many gods and goddesses but he wants you to know the truth of worshiping the one True GOD.

2006-08-03 21:54:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Often we tend to put other things before God. Your priorities get out of wack. You get so caught up with school, work, boy/girlfriend, etc that you lose sight of what you should really be focusing on...God.

Also, in the Old Testament the people could easily get caught up in this stuff, such as the passage that i linked to below, where the people worshipped a golden calf (crazy huh?).

2006-08-03 23:22:07 · answer #9 · answered by hiccup_snickup 4 · 0 0

there is formless and form

formless = energy, god, tao, hidden, Amen-Ra, unknown god, characterless, unlimited, neither this nor that, or both this and that, both good and evil, both of all dualities/polarities, identity of opposites, unknowable because utterly formless - indestructible because no form to deform - uncreatable because infinite, formless, boundless, timeless, spaceless, changeless - = the singularity - is fully present in every spot, ie is hologrammatic [like ideas, fully present in two people, but still one idea, not two specimens of one idea] = mother of all the gods, = origin of life = great goddess = neither male nor female, or both male and female = isis = mary = virgin mother [virgin because nothing else exists to impregnate it, mother because origin of everything]

form = matter, charactered, limitation, this or that, describable, destructible, temporal, noneternal, mortal, changeable

the gods are charactered, limited, male or female

the hidden or unknown or unknowable god is pure formlessness, unlimitedness, characterlessness - pure lifeforce, energy, singularity, prior to time and space, prior to everything - the most ancient god, source of all gods

so one should not put the gods before the ultimate, waywayback god - the gods are already aspects of life, departments of life, divisions of life - eg venus is love [=uniting], pleasure, beauty, femininity - mars is war[=dividing], strength, vigour, maleness, yang, etc

the unknown god is pure undivision, pure precreation, pure creator - the ultimate - one should not forget the waywayback god - one should not put the departmental gods before or above the ultimate god, which is existence, life, energy, mystery, good and evil, neither good nor evil

in the yinyang symbol, yin and yang are the first stage of division of the unity - the unity is the whole circle 'hidden' behind the yinyang

the formless is called the nothing, because it is no-thing, ie uncreated, unformed, unlimited, unboundaried, uncharactered

character is mortal - it is form that can and will be de-formed - it is the little self, the ego, the pride which will fall, the what goes up must come down, the personality of the body -

religion is letting go the limited charactered self and uniting with the infinite undefined unlimited true self

'sacrifice that which you love most - infinite are the benefits' - whatever limited self you have made of yourself, give it up and thus move on to further growth - dont stop at being a sapling - dont be so proud of what you are that you forget your infinite potential - embrace your opposite - the ultimate god is the merging of opposites - ie, be open, take in, live and grow always, never ossify or petrify in one form and call that you, and refuse to change - any form is mortal - every mould will be broken

find anything that is not you and embrace it, absorb it, enlarge yourself to include it - like going down a twig till you come to the join and you become both twigs, and so on till you reach the ultimate, the trunk and the whole of the tree of life - then you are immortal - you are one with energy that cannot be created or destroyed - you will be rounded, perfect, complete, above time and space - the singularity, existence itself, life itself

2006-08-03 21:58:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is one of the contradictions in the Bible. Certain verses say that there are no other gods and that the people are just worshipping idols. Other verses mention the names of other gods and that those gods are inferior to God.

2006-08-03 21:18:51 · answer #11 · answered by bikerchickjill 5 · 0 0

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