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I'm an Atheist, and the first person that convinces to me that God exists will get 10 points.

2006-08-03 13:54:44 · 53 answers · asked by Mike-Q 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

i think most people believe in god "just in case" there is one, so youre not completely screwed when you die. i only believe in god when im about to skateboard over a stair case or roof. other than that, what else do you need him/her for? but u catholics get to drink wine every sunday, whos not up for that!

2006-08-03 15:29:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

If you are already bias that there is no God, then you already have a preconceived notion in your brain and it won't matter what anyone says because you will shoot it down.

The better question is, can you convince me that God doesn't exist?
Which you can't - because both this question and your question can be proved or disproved depending on the person.

I personally know God exists and I don't need to prove that to anyone. If you actually were interested in spirituality and God that would be a different story and you wouldn't be looking for someone else to prove God exists, you would in turn decide to seek information/spiritual guidance with an open heart/mind and find out for yourself that God does exist.

2006-08-03 14:00:15 · answer #2 · answered by Rawrrrr 6 · 0 0

Ive got a question for you.. can you convince me 100% that the realms of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, mathematics, and magneto hydro dynamics are all 100% accurate and are the actual explanation for our world. So.. I sense that you believe in all of this.. well.. I do too.. but I believe that God had a part in all of this. I mean have you ever stepped back and noticed how the whole world operates in sync? How events and objects and people are all similar in their physical characteristics. Isn't it funny that the world operates in a chain of events? Where do you think that started from? I believe that God created this all in a more genius way than you or I will ever understand and it is human nature to question these things because we cant even begin to imagine how our whole world could have possibly worked so well without a little external help. Most atheists are just those people that mock religion because we embrace the possibility that something higher than us is responsible for our creation and the creation of our perfectly balanced world with all of its coinciding events and objects.

2006-08-03 14:08:50 · answer #3 · answered by evilcheerioman 2 · 0 0

Well, I was an atheist for almost 28 years, i great one. I have basis for argue everything. Then, i got the call, and i was converted.

Nobody can convince you, this is a personal search. There is no logic in faith. I can tell you two things: One, God changed my life entirely, i know im not alone, i can feel it, hope someday you can do it too. Second, read the bible, start with the new testament. You can do it.
Best wishes

2006-08-03 14:06:13 · answer #4 · answered by thor3000 3 · 0 0

To your Initial question, "can you convince to me that God exists?" The answer is NO, I CAN'T. If the God in whom I believe cannot convince you, then how could I?? Are you proud to be an atheist? If you are, then I'll bet no one can satisfy you, and for that I pity you.

Generally, do you observe Christians (for mere example) to be happier, or more content with life, than atheists?
Generally, do you observe Believers in God to be less cynical, or less pessimistic, than you?
Generally, do you inwardly envy those whw are "seemingly blissful, with an acceptance" of a Deity, greater than we humans?

Atheists are useful comparasions to the great masses, i.e. the rest of us all, in one way or another, because we see what we might have been, without our God.

Does God exist??? I believe so, but I don't know it for sure. But I see the symmetry of everything, from the Planet Jupiter's benevolent presence in our solar system, to the sublime design and the smell of rain-bearing clouds, to the humor of Jerry Seinfeld, to the utter brilliance of the perfection of Baseball.
4, what have U created??

2006-08-03 14:10:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am a Christian, and i believe that you have to allow yourself to have faith. i think you are trying to make yourself not believe, and with the attitude you have, nobody can make you believe in God. you've probably heard it all before, but if you havent, then you are just a lazy person who chooses to be atheist so you dont have to follow any rules or study anything. you choose not to believe, because you dont want to waste your time. well how do you think this world and universe got here? if it came from a big boom, then where did the material for the big boom come from? how was it created? some higher power had to create it, and that higher power's name is God. the best thing you can do is do some research and actually figure out what it is you believe, and why you believe it. visit some churches. find out what it's all about. or end up in hell someday and remember i told you so! it's your life. you choose!

2006-08-03 14:03:10 · answer #6 · answered by musicislife1233 2 · 0 0

There are seven basic proofs God exists. Properly, they belong in a separate book all by themselves, but I will cover them briefly here.
(1) That there is a great CREATION is obvious. The very fact of the existence of THINGS; the universe, the solar system, the earth and all myriad forms of life upon it, demands a CREATOR!
(2) The existence of great, immutable, powerful LAWS (and I speak of the "laws" governing the physical universe; the laws of science and chemistry; laws governing the action of water in its three states; the cleavage and fracturing properties of minerals; gravity, inertia, isostasy, etc., etc.). The existence of these great laws demands a lawgiver!
(3) The intricacy of complex design; whether the feathers on the wing of a bird; the eye of a fly; the breathing apparatus of a dolphin; billions of intricately-designed snowflakes; your own muscular, skeletal, digestive and circulatory systems-etc., etc., requires a great DESIGNER!
(4) LIFE exists. Life in myriad forms. You and I both know that life only comes from preexisting life! This is called the "law of biogenesis." Life demands a great LIFE GIVER!
(5) Life only comes from preexisting life of the same kind! Thus, there is procreation, and the sustaining of life on our planet; the constant recycling of falling trees, rotting vegetation; the bacteria which break it down to become food for the insects which are food for dozens of other creatures, which are in turn food for larger creatures, which are in turn food for man; the cyclical character of our symbiotic environment which, like a gigantic machine was once "wound up," and is gradually running down, requires a sustaining force. Inherent within this proof are the laws governing the "conservation" of energy" and the laws of thermodynamics. It is obvious our universe has a great sustaining force-a GREAT SUSTAINER!
(6) Fulfilled prophecies, of which there are dozens, with dozens more yet to be fulfilled, constitute a great proof of Almighty God. Even simple high school or beginning college-level Bible handbooks such as Halley's, or the Angus Bible Handbook contain fascinating proofs from the spade of archeologists corroborating the prophecies of men who foretold the collapse of great empires and the emergence of others centuries and centuries beyond their own lifetime. Now, we are able to look back at such men as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others, and see what they foretold actually HAPPENED exactly as they foretold it!
Many of the biblical prophecies are in process of being fulfilled. The serious student of biblical archeology knows that it is axiomatic that, wherever archeology reveals information about ancient civilizations, it always corroborates the biblical record, never refutes it!
(7) The final proof-one which dyed-in-the-wool disbelievers will doubtlessly scoff at-is answered prayer! Of course. God does not answer the prayers of skeptics and disbelievers. However, those individuals who have experienced the answer to PRAYER; those who have been healed of their sicknesses and diseases, who have actually seen miracles performed, are no longer doubting, but believing. Answered prayer is definitely a proof that there is a God who can hear. and answer!

2006-08-03 14:00:57 · answer #7 · answered by His eyes are like flames 6 · 0 0

No one will be able to convince you of anything if you have already made up in your mind that you don't believe. Trying to convince you to believe in God, that is a personal issue between you and him. I know that He exists.

2006-08-03 14:00:38 · answer #8 · answered by Caleb's Mom 6 · 0 0

Listen, no one here can convince you that God exists, because as a human being in general you need solid fact, and im sorry man, but there is none, you will believe if you so choose, and if you don't, than well, you just dont.

2006-08-03 13:58:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you in a house,apartment,ect. How do you know it exsists can you see the builder of it? No right! Well where's there a building there had to be a builder. If you see a painting how do you know there is a painter the painting is the proof that there is a painter.Well GOD is our creator and the earth and all on it is his creation. When you do something that you know in wrong do you feel guilty? If so that is your conscience, con meaning with, science meaning knowledge. Every time you do something wrong, you do it with the knowledge that it is wrong That's how much GOD loves us, he gave us a conscience so we can judge ourselves and make the proper changes before he Judges us

2006-08-03 14:25:01 · answer #10 · answered by working4jc1 2 · 0 0

You can keep the 10 points. There in no mortal on the face of this planet that can do that.

What I can offer to you... If you are an honest individual and not just another trouble maker claiming to be an athiest just ot bait the Christians... All honest seekers are welcome at my website where I offer my pov of the God Stuff.... I invite you to read my testimony... I am 59yrs and just over 6yrs as one of The Christian Faith... one morning i was anti Jesus when i got up... 3 hours later I was one of God's and I have been praising Jesus ever since for what He did for me...
No, I did not get cornered by any Bible thumper...It was just me and God.

Here is the direct link to my testimony if you are serious about reading proof offered...


All honest seekers welcome

2006-08-03 14:08:54 · answer #11 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 0 0

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