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If God made us, then who made God? Where did he come from?

2006-08-03 13:49:28 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

No one...God said he is "the alpha and the omega the beggining and the end." (Rev1:8) No one comes before him and no one comes after him.

2006-08-03 13:55:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is an interesting question. I can't answer definitively since I don't really know the answer. But I can give a little speculative insight.
Right now we find ourselves on a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy, in a universe that's been around for some amount of time.
If you've read up on modern physics at all, you may know that Einstein said the 3 dimensions of space that we experience in our everyday lives (up-down, right-left, forward-backward) and the time dimension are tied together into what he called space-time. Even though we think of time and space as very different, they are really the same or part of the same fabric of reality (my understanding of this is a little weak, sorry). Now physicists are saying there are something like 10 or 11 total dimensions in our universe.
Before the big bang (the beginning of our universe), everything in the universe (stars, planets, moons, everything) was collasped down into a single zero dimensional point. If you try to picture this, you're probably thinking of a tiny point sitting in empty space. This is wrong. There was no space. There was no time. Once the big bang happened, space was created and time started.
I've gone though all this to say that God, the creator of our universe, is not from our universe. If he was in our universe then before the big bang there would be no place for Him to be and no time for him to do anything....because space and time did not exist. He must exist outside of our universe, perhaps in another universe or perhaps in something else that we have no concept of.
I think we aren't really that smart and our understanding is limited by world we are designed to live in. We think we're smart because we a smart compared to animals...but compared to the complexity of our own universe...we not too bright.
Living in our world and being human your question makes sense to me. But maybe in God's universe, where he lives, asking where he came from is like someone asking us "How much does an idea weigh?" Or "What does the color pink sound like?"
I don't know, I'm just throwing out some stuff to think about.

2006-08-03 21:38:15 · answer #2 · answered by Chapin 3 · 0 0

I will answer with total honesty, because so-called truth (especially in religion) is nothing more than a blatant lie, and elaborate hoax. When OUR species first showed up on the scene, and saw lightning, oh! GOD! when we 1st heard thunder
oh! GOD, when we lived in caves and it was pouring rain... oh! GOD! then we killed someone and it stopped raining, so the idea of sacrifice began and was re-inforced through ages. Even if it took a dozen or more sacrifices to make the rain stop. Then the idea formed that there must be something controlling the forces (wind, lightning, rain, flood, famine, etc.), so it became the standard answer: GOD. or rather in the early stages of developement, a series of gods, until the childish arguement ensued "My god is bigger than your god", or "My god is more powerful than your god", and so on and so forth, until finally one day someone came upon the concept of the Ultimate GOD..., the ALMIGHTY!!! well, during most of our developement, even though our species was absolutely the most advanced in nature, and had highly developed brains, we had a bicameral mind, meaning the two hemispheres were not integrated, and the right hemisphere instructed the left hemisphere, either in voices or hallucinations, thus the left hemisphere not knowing the sub-conscious right thought the messages generated in their non-conscious minds were messages from GOD. the reality was discovered around 3000 years ago, after mankind developed the conscious mind, because the other way of thinking was obsolete, and we could no longer survive as was. Once the conscious mind developed, along came Socrates that exposed the hoax, but along came Plato, to undermine Socrates, and teach a parasitical elite how to survive off the masses, and walla, we have our present governments and religions feeding off of and destroying all value producers with lies and guilt trips, and so forth.

and to refute the above answer, creation is created by conscious beings, and he mis-quoted; it's supposed to be existence esists, and if he were to consider reality scientifically, then he would realize his arguement is invalid, in the light of objective reality, and wide scope accounting. furter, please don't allow yourself to be suckered in by frauds with empty thoughts suchs as "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

2006-08-03 21:30:04 · answer #3 · answered by snafu22bohica 2 · 0 0

I love this question.
I have held a variety of beliefs over the years and I am still open to change. Currently, my best analysis is:
Gods were created as an early form of social control. You can only control a large number of people if they have a vested interest in following your lead.
The further removed a person is from your direct influence, the more reason he needs to conform to your rules. Moreover, people need an inborn reason to behave in moral ways because our natural instincts are not so socially acceptable. We needed Gods to give us a reason to act against our instincts to facilitate our living closer together in increasing numbers.
The rules and rituals of deity worship provide social norms that allow us to interact with strangers with a greater sense of safety. The common rules of conduct give us expectations. We are all more comfortable when we have some idea of what to expect.
I have a lot more I could say on this topic, but I think you’ll get the idea.

2006-08-03 21:06:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Because they think everything must have a cause, they think god is that cause.
Christians think they don't need to explain where God comes from because God, unlike the universe, exists without any external cause. In that case, however, they've blatantly contradicted the very assumption that made them suppose that the universe must have been caused by God--namely, the assumption that everything must come from somewhere. Without that assumption, the existence of the
universe is no longer evidence for God.

2006-08-03 21:00:51 · answer #5 · answered by RED MIST! 5 · 0 0

If you ask who created god, then you then must ask who created the being who created god. This question can go on and on, so one must reach a point to conclude that there is the main god that has always existed and will always exist. This main god is what all life, the universe... etc. has stemmed from.

2006-08-03 21:00:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are seven basic proofs God exists. Properly, they belong in a separate book all by themselves, but I will cover them briefly here.
(1) That there is a great CREATION is obvious. The very fact of the existence of THINGS; the universe, the solar system, the earth and all myriad forms of life upon it, demands a CREATOR!
(2) The existence of great, immutable, powerful LAWS (and I speak of the "laws" governing the physical universe; the laws of science and chemistry; laws governing the action of water in its three states; the cleavage and fracturing properties of minerals; gravity, inertia, isostasy, etc., etc.). The existence of these great laws demands a lawgiver!
(3) The intricacy of complex design; whether the feathers on the wing of a bird; the eye of a fly; the breathing apparatus of a dolphin; billions of intricately-designed snowflakes; your own muscular, skeletal, digestive and circulatory systems-etc., etc., requires a great DESIGNER!
(4) LIFE exists. Life in myriad forms. You and I both know that life only comes from preexisting life! This is called the "law of biogenesis." Life demands a great LIFE GIVER!
(5) Life only comes from preexisting life of the same kind! Thus, there is procreation, and the sustaining of life on our planet; the constant recycling of falling trees, rotting vegetation; the bacteria which break it down to become food for the insects which are food for dozens of other creatures, which are in turn food for larger creatures, which are in turn food for man; the cyclical character of our symbiotic environment which, like a gigantic machine was once "wound up," and is gradually running down, requires a sustaining force. Inherent within this proof are the laws governing the "conservation" of energy" and the laws of thermodynamics. It is obvious our universe has a great sustaining force-a GREAT SUSTAINER!
(6) Fulfilled prophecies, of which there are dozens, with dozens more yet to be fulfilled, constitute a great proof of Almighty God. Even simple high school or beginning college-level Bible handbooks such as Halley's, or the Angus Bible Handbook contain fascinating proofs from the spade of archeologists corroborating the prophecies of men who foretold the collapse of great empires and the emergence of others centuries and centuries beyond their own lifetime. Now, we are able to look back at such men as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others, and see what they foretold actually HAPPENED exactly as they foretold it!
Many of the biblical prophecies are in process of being fulfilled. The serious student of biblical archeology knows that it is axiomatic that, wherever archeology reveals information about ancient civilizations, it always corroborates the biblical record, never refutes it!
(7) The final proof-one which dyed-in-the-wool disbelievers will doubtlessly scoff at-is answered prayer! Of course. God does not answer the prayers of skeptics and disbelievers. However, those individuals who have experienced the answer to PRAYER; those who have been healed of their sicknesses and diseases, who have actually seen miracles performed, are no longer doubting, but believing. Answered prayer is definitely a proof that there is a God who can hear. and answer!

2006-08-03 20:58:31 · answer #7 · answered by His eyes are like flames 6 · 0 0

A purely specualtive question. First you need to define god and his/her/it's history. This cannot be done because it's a matter of belief. You can say anything about the subject and be right or wrong - there is no way to prove or disprove the the exsistance of god/gods.

2006-08-03 20:53:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've always wondered that too. That's why I have a hard time believing the Bible thing. Every time I'd ask that in sunday school as a child, no one had an answer for me. All they'd say is you must have faith to believe. I still don't get it, and never will.

2006-08-03 20:57:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God was, is and always will be. God has existed. There was no beginning and there is no end. We, all things, are part of God and God is in all of us.

2006-08-05 22:21:14 · answer #10 · answered by Robert 2 · 0 0

Beta God created him using the "Diety Developers Kit"

2006-08-03 20:53:12 · answer #11 · answered by johnny_zondo 6 · 0 0

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