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What if you get don't worship the right way. What if the Catholics were right instead of protestants or visa versa? I know he is a loving God, but if you screw up or adhere to a different version of scriptures/interpretatons are you damned?

2006-08-03 13:42:58 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So few of the population is set for heaven but there are billions of Christians on the planet (yes I know some only go through the motions).

2006-08-03 13:47:51 · update #1

48 answers

The point of the Old Testament law was to show man that he could NOT do everything right, hence the need for a Savior.
SIncere repentence (which is asking for the forgiveness that Jesus provided in dying in our place), and turning from a lifestyle of sin, and asking God to be the Lord (decision maker) in your life, is pretty much it.
If you are sincere, and you seek God's counsel through prayer or reading scripture, you are actively seeking a relationship with God. That is exactly the kind of heart He requires.
David himself wasn't perfect (hello! adulterer, liar, murderer!) and he was considered "a man after God's own heart" Why?
Because he recognized that he was not perfect, needed to repent to God when he sinned, and sought after God's will.
As long as the primary doctrines of faith are adhered to (diety and messiahship of Christ, the existence of the Trinity, etc.), worship God in whichever church you fit with. He's creative and the untamable Lion of Judah. Just worship in faith!

2006-08-03 13:59:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God is a loving & forgiving God, so u can screw, adhere to any version of the scriptures as it dosn't matter to God.
All people are equal in God's eyes, no matter what their religious beliefs are.
As for how tough it is to get into Heaven, that's a retorical question, as some people believe Heaven is the white light. a tunnel & angels waiting to escort them to St. Peter at the pearly gates & then meeting God on his golden throne.
To other people heaven is sitting by a brook watching the water in all it's glory.
To others it's a meeting of love ones whose gone before them.
To others it's watching children at play & remembering their childhood.
To some people it's having their ashes scattered over a place that was part of their lives, & letting their spirit roam free.
So I think Heaven is whatever you want it to be, no matter what religion you practice. It's a state of mind, body & spirit together.
AS for worshiping the right way, don't fret about it as everyone worships in their own way.

2006-08-03 14:13:40 · answer #2 · answered by REBELCAT 4 · 0 0

" the mind is its own place and in itself/can make a heaven of hell or hell of heaven" Milton from paradise lost

There is an ancient Indian story of a great King Vipashchit who was very very kind and most beloved by all his people. The Deva's in heaven were awaiting is arrival so that he could be there teacher. when he died he reached his destination and settled down he was welcomed with smiles and great joy some time passed and he remarked that Heaven is much nicer than he expected. Then he was told this isn't heaven this is hell. The people here are miserable but in your presence there suffering is turned to joy.
Just then heavenly messenger came to apologize for the great mistake. we are waiting in heaven for you. Vipashchit then said " I am staying here i have found my heaven"

Thomas Gospel Jesus said" the kingdom of heaven is here men do not see it"

"If you get to heaven do you take up the vehicle that brought you there and carry it around> no that would not be wise" Budda

each relgion is its own path to the inner reaches of ourselves to open us up to the trancendental getting stuck in ritual seves no purpose if it does not take us out of ourselves Fighting over these things are what lay people do people who have only read books and can not describe the undescribable.
It does not matter what car you drive drive and feed a hungry child along the way.

2006-08-03 14:06:09 · answer #3 · answered by Rich 5 · 0 0

If you read Jesus' own words in the Bible you will know that He is the only way into heaven. The Catholic church has incorrectly taught millions of people that the Church is the only way to heaven. I was raised Catholic. Fortunately for me and my siblings our dad read the Bible cover-to-cover many times during his life. The only Bible I ever saw in a Catholic church was on the altar. God doesn't really care how we worship Him, just that we do it. Regardless of the translation Jesus' words are the same ... "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father but through Me." Pray to God for His guidance and strength to walk with the LORD every day. You will slip up (sin). We all do. If you sincerely repent you will be forgiven. God bless!

2006-08-03 13:52:34 · answer #4 · answered by celticwoman777 6 · 0 0

The great part of this whole question is that it is an unnecessary one! God knows that we are imperfect creatures. He expects us to mess up, as well as to sin. That is why he gave us His Son, to wash us of our sins, and to offer us another chance.

Don't listen to people who say that it is not worth trying to get into Heaven. There are a few reasons why I say this:

1. They are wrong. There is an afterlife, and it is paradise.
2. Say they are not wrong, and there is no afterlife: All you've lost by believing and living a good life is paying back some terrible consequences here on Earth.
3. God knows what is in our hearts, and bases His judgement on that alone. If you were raised in a Hindu family and had no exposure to Christianity, how can you be held responsible to not being a Christian? God knows that you have still given your life to a higher power. God can go in many guises.

Don't let non-believers sink you. They just don't want to drown alone.

2006-08-03 13:50:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am an American, living in China and I am Buddhist. I became a Buddhist (no, I am not shaven-head, do not wear a robe and I cheat and eat meat...Buddhists are supposed to be vegetarian). When I was a child, I was terrified by the mysteries of the Catholic church...there seemed to be so much suffering of the martyrs, the crucifix, the blood-red votive glasses and the damnation of hell if I made a single mistake. I used to shiver when I entered the church. My family moved to the Orient, and my parents passed on, and I was adopted (actually a foster-son) of a Chinese family but they let me decide...I was never pushed towards Buddhism but the monks and nuns gave me a feeling of tranquility and I felt happy to be in a temple. I learned that life is thought to be like a wheel, and each incarnation is like a spoke in that wheel...one more step...when we have reached perfection then we enter into Nirvana but if we fail that lesson, we are born again to achieve merit. We believe in merit and without going into detail, we believe that some actions are without merit. We believe that Buddha was only a teacher, not a God, to show us the path to enlightenment (Heaven). In Buddhism, there is no sin. These basic concepts of Buddhism are nearly the same as taught in the Bible but perhaps without fear of damnation.

2006-08-03 14:02:29 · answer #6 · answered by Frank 6 · 0 0

You don't get to heaven by doing right. You can do everything "right" you want to, but that won't get you into heaven. Unfortunately, if you are being taught the wrong way to live, under the wrong scriptures, then yes, the chances are slim and none that you will find yourself in heaven when you die.

John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

2006-08-03 13:50:59 · answer #7 · answered by HazelEyes 2 · 0 0

Heaven is not something easily attained. Jesus' apostles were rewarded with heavenly life, but look what they went through as his followers. They were thrown in prison, beaten, and persecuted constantly thoughout their ministry. They remained faithful until death. The Bible says that "faith without works is dead." So a person must be more than just good to be rewarded life in heaven. There are many people who may lead a good and respectable life, but they do not believe in God. So not all good people go to heaven. God has promised us that a "great crowd" of Christians will be given eternal life here on earth. Jesus said that only a "little flock" of Christians would be rewarded life with him in heaven, to be a part of his heavenly government, which will rule over those on earth. Those who receive the reward in heaven will rule as "kings and priests" with Jesus. I have the hope of living here on earth in total peace and security.

2006-08-03 14:07:03 · answer #8 · answered by Micah 6 · 0 0

I believe you can't earn your way into Heaven, you just have to accept that Jesus is God's son, believe that He lived on earth as a man, and repent (be sorry) for your sins. You have to try to do God's will and sincerely be sorry when you fail (and you will--we all do). We get to Heaven by God's grace, not by our deeds. You do good because you want to, not because you have to. And if you are a true Christian, you WILL want to. And, I don't believe some religions, or methods of worship are right or wrong. I think God is more accepting than that. He just wants you to love Him.

2006-08-03 13:50:59 · answer #9 · answered by TigerLilly 4 · 0 0

To each person is their own interpretation of Heaven, and while some prefer to live within the idea that their religion is right and will get then into "Heaven" if they abide by the rules of said religion, it's a pretty pointless objective, because the only real way to get into "Heaven" is to live your life to the best of your ability, and do the things you see right and fit in your mind.... 2 points

2006-08-03 13:49:37 · answer #10 · answered by Jazzy 1 · 0 0

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