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Iv been looking online and reading the Bible for the past couple of days trying to find out how exactly Catholics beleive Armageddon will come..

Someone told me of a war with Iran,Russia and alot of other countries invading Israel and its allies, and 1/3 of the population of Earth being killed during this war, but then God comes down and saves Israel and its allies..

But in the passages iv found in the Bible it talks about an Anti-Christ coming and starting the War and sending angels down to set flame to the earth, then covering it w/ snow and opening Hell..And it talks about the Final Judgement and sending the Anti-Christ and sinners to a Lake of Fire and then connecting the Heavens and the Earth and Living Peacefully in etirnity...

Could a fellow Catholic or Christian tell me the actual beleifs of the Church? Which one of these is right? Or if they are both right, what passage does it talk about this Final War for the Holy Land (Israel)?

2006-08-03 11:05:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and company have been making millions of dollars putting out false prophecies about the end of the world.

In the 1970's they claimed the Soviet Union would attack "Israel." Didn't happen.

In 2002, they claimed that Iraq would attack "Israel." Didn't happen. (Funny thing is America attacked Iraq, and Hal Lindsay even admits that Bible "prophecy" makes no mention of America, his own country, the most powerful country on Earth.)

Now they claim that Iran and Lebanon will team up to destroy "Israel" in 2006 or 2007..... (I would really like to know how this is going to happen since Iran and Lebanon have no nuclear weapons, whereas "Israel" has at least 200 NUCLEAR WEAPONS!)

Wake up! Hal Lindsay is a fraud. So are Hagee, Parsley, Robertson, et al. They all live in multi million dollar mansions while Muslims (and Eastern Orthodox Christians) get butchered in Lebanon and Palestine.... all in the name of the Armageddon Battle they seem to desparately want.

You should read the Koran, which is God's Word. Good luck to you!

2006-08-03 11:15:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you read Revelations there are certain things that are very clear.

The world no longer has technology as everyone is fighting on horseback with swords.

There is countries that do not fit any configuration known today.

The theater of operations is centered around Israel.

There is an extreme amount of population gone compared to today.

If you take those things in context, there seems to be a vast amount of changes to the world than it is today. The bible makes mention of a nation whose smoke was seen by other nations from a far off and they mourned for her. The only reason nations would mourn another is if the destroyed nation held economies together. The US and Britain represent 45% of the world's economy. Certainly if we were destroyed many nations would mourn us. Failed economies could end most technology as we know it. Nuclear war can eliminate vast populations. The bible mentions "palm trees of smoke, blood and fire", could this be nuclear explosions. Now these signs are prior to the end times. Out of the chaos comes the anti-christ who will bring peace between Muslims and Jews. He is born half Syrian and half Jew and will betray both.

In essence the world will change vastly than it is today. My theory is it will take a while.

2006-08-03 18:16:30 · answer #2 · answered by Fantasy Girl 3 · 0 0

i am catholic and yea, both of them are right, well kinda.

there are going to be a lot of pleagues. i think 7 of them or something like that. and the anti-christ is going to come and the people have to choose from going with God or the devil. the anti-christ is going to be the devel dressed exacly as God and the people have to choose which one they want to go with. if you really believe in God you will know which one is he and you will go to heaven, the people that go with the anti-christ will go to hell. it is said that God will let people live in Heaven for 1,000 years and then the devil is going to come to kill.
also, it is said that countries are going to go to war and kill most of the earth's population. it is also said that they think that Germany is going to be in it because they have been in the last two world wars. it is also said that iraq and those terrorist countries are going to be in the war. i think that it will be like world war three or something.

It is also said that the ocean is going to return to its place, basically it will cover the whole earth again.

p.s. are u a catholic or christian?
if you are, it is said that when the anti-christ comes you will knwo who is the real God if u look that he has scars on his hands and stuff. This is because of when he was crusified, the first beat him.
when they beat him scars stayed on his skin. so it is said that if you see those scars, that is the true God.

finally, it is said that until all those things that i have talked about happens, the end of the world will not come. when all of those things happen, then the end of the world will come.

Hope this information is useful to you.

2006-08-03 18:19:41 · answer #3 · answered by KK 2 · 0 0

First of all, don't call Israel the Holy Land. Under God's sight, we are all His creatures, so there can't be any chosen people (like Jewishs use to tell). They don't even recognize Jesus, His son o Earth, so they lost theor pact or alliance when they sent Him to crucification.

Israel and its allies (United States and United Kingdom) are the real evil, trying to control the Middle East by forcing Muslims to act like they want to. If they keep doing that, they will get all the Islamic countries to attack Israel and blow them out of the map.

2006-08-03 18:19:02 · answer #4 · answered by barrabas 3 · 0 0

Catholics aren't gonna have a clue-The bible says that many nations will gather to attack Israel in a place called Armageddon. Israel will be just about to be wiped out and they will repent for their nation rejecting God-then Jesus will appear and destroy those nations with the words from His mouth.

Read the commentary on Revelations by John Walvvord. You can get it in paperback.

2006-08-03 18:19:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is not a war of the people ,fighting eachother,this is GOD'S WAR.
AGAINST all those wicked ones and those ruining the earth,-Rev.11:18 / Dan.2:44 / Rev.19:17,18- and 16:13,14 / 1John.2:16,17 /
this is world wide not one land,Zeph.2:3 /Rom.10:13 / Ps.37:34 / John 3:16 / **Rev.7:9,10,14**

2006-08-03 18:28:16 · answer #6 · answered by pocomaxsandy 3 · 0 0

Aramgeddon is God's war on wickedness, God will send his son Christ Jesus back to the earth to rid the earth of all wickedness, only outcome can be is the destruction of all earth's governments and their armies, commercial empire, all false religions, and all who side with them. Only those whom God deems as righteous will survive as He will give his angels a charge to protect his people.

2006-08-03 18:14:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is beyond me. You should talk to a clergyman who has studied that book extensively for an accurate prophesy. We don't know when this will happen or if it has already happened. God has managed to save Christianity a few times since Jesus was in human form. perhaps one of these times was the armageddon. but don't take my word for it. im no prophet.

2006-08-03 18:12:33 · answer #8 · answered by Stand-up Philosopher 5 · 0 0

I believe you will find references to the end times, in several places in the bible. I don't knoww hat Bible you're reading, but mine is the Holy Bible (NIV). I also have the NKJV....OKay, there is the book of Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation for sure.

2006-08-03 18:09:35 · answer #9 · answered by gracefully_saved 5 · 0 0

Oh honey.....it's more complicated than that. You'd need to speak with a religious scholar because you're going to get a bazillion different answers. Everybody interprets the Bible differently.

2006-08-03 18:10:20 · answer #10 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 0 0

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