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I am seeing all of these questions about what proof is there OF GOD and asking how they know he exists. I am asking, "What proof is there that he DOESN'T exist?"

2006-08-03 10:07:24 · 31 answers · asked by Hytegia 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Answerer #1:
Yes. But you can find evidence for something that does NOT exist. Like, can you disprove anything reasonable in the bible? You would need to or you couldn't call yourself athiest.

2006-08-03 10:32:53 · update #1

Answerer #2:
The definition of Create is to make out of nothing. He CAN create a rock that He can't lift, but he WON'T create a rock that he can't lift.
(I COULD destroy the world and prove I have the more supreme intelligence, but I am not about to.)

2006-08-03 10:35:17 · update #2

(If you don't belive in Gravity, can you disprove gravity exists? I mean, a guy probably got knocked silly by an apple and wrote down the theory.)
There isn't an answer.

2006-08-03 10:42:46 · update #3

31 answers

There is none.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
Everything points to the existence of God.

2006-08-03 10:13:44 · answer #1 · answered by nwill14 1 · 0 0

Problem of Evil.
God cannot BOTH be benevolant and all-powerful

Problem of direct causation.
there MUST be another force, outside God, in order to effect a differentiation of an effect (the earth) within the cause.

If that metaphysical stuff isn't enough...

All you have to do is LOOK at the fossil table.
The earth has been around for 4 billion years, not 4,000.

There are SO many historical errors
among the cosmological flaws.

The Bible is an amalgam of ancient mythology, heavily influenced by Zorastrianism. The text is apocrayphal and metaphorical. And yet some think it to be absolute truth: "In the beginning was the word, and God was with the word, and the word was God". If the book is taken to be absolute, revealed truth-- one FACT against it destroys the whole thing.

If not, then you have an interpreted God, a God that tricks into believing the fossil record against his will. A God that tells us what evil is, and then doesn't do anything to stop it. A God that casts judgment on all people for the "sin" of two. The entire concept of a forgiving, merciful God, who is the alpha and omega, is a manifest contradiction.

If you want to say "God is possible! The impossible is possible!" you have JUST VIOLATED logic. "Our logic may be flawed!" If so you're making NO SENSE. That is proof enough that such a thing as a God cannot exist, to US people on this planet.

And again, if you don't and can't know what it is that you are referring to, there is no meaning behind your words "God exists". And the whole project of disproving that which is
m e a n i n g l e s s is a total joke.

2006-08-05 07:53:24 · answer #2 · answered by -.- 6 · 0 0

Before I answer, in the interest of full disclosure: I don't believe in God as described by most religions. I don't think I am entirely atheistic, as I believe that there's some overall order and causality in the universe, which may be interpreted as a supreme being.

Now, to answer you: There is no such proof, and there will never be one, because it can't be constructed. Why? Because a proof is a logical deduction based on a set of premises. A proof that god doesn't exist, just like a proof that he does, lacks precisely that -- the premises. How does one start a proof that there is a God, or that there isn't one? What axioms (self-evident statements) would give start to such a proof? The answer is -- there aren't any. You choose to believe in God, or you choose not to.

The real argument that is worth being discussed is: if there is some statement (e.g., "Every even number greater than 4 is a sum of two prime numbers") that there is no proof for, are we better off accepting that statement for granted, with no proof, or waiting for the proof to appear? Since both "God exists" and "God doesn't exist" are proof-less statements, it's your shot.

2006-08-03 10:18:56 · answer #3 · answered by A.R. 3 · 0 0

Johnny_Zondo: gee, if that's atheists' stance, i'd say your position is pretty weak

Kryllianzarine: stop trying to be smart. you can't use a paradox to prove or disprove something -- it's like saying "this statement is false." the very nature of a paradox makes it impossible to use as proof of anything.

Salient2: whereas, things that exist tend to need a reason for their existence. i don't see atheism offering one.

Azazes: it's easy to say there is proof, harder to actually give some examples, huh?

Phil & Incubabe: give me a break. if the Bible were written by just one man (nutcase or not), Christians would probably give it about as much authority as "The DaVinci Code" (which is NONE).

"The Bible is the most extensive and authenticated historical document in existence. It has extensive falsifiable details that have proven to be accurate by archeology. The integrity of the handed down text has been proven to be virtually the same as the original text or text documented soon after the historical events."

Hytegia: God exists. you said it yourself, you've seen a lot of evidence on here that He does, but no one can provide convicing arguments that He doesn't, can they?

2006-08-03 10:25:11 · answer #4 · answered by star86 2 · 0 0

You are essentially asking for proof of a negative. Can you prove:

*that there are NO unicorns?
*that there is NO Santa Claus?
*that there are NO elves living in the park ?
*that Zeus, Apollo, Odin, Vishnu, Ganesha, Mithra, Osiris, and all the other gods that humans have worshipped do NOT exist?

I think you can see the problem here. However, I would say the fact that, in thousands of years of recorded history, there has been not one scrap of evidence discovered for the existence of God, despite millions of people believing he/ she/ it exists and even killing each other for not believing in the right one. The fact that no two people can agree on exactly what God is, what it does, what it looks like, why it exists, and what it wants from humanity, and the fact that every group of people paints their God as looking just like them (Africans have dark-skinned gods, the Norse have blue-eyed fair-skinned ones, Europeans show Jesus with European features, etc.) is proof enough that humans make deities in their own image, from their own imaginations.

Furthermore, everything has been found to have natural, testable, observable causes, not mysterious supernatural ones. The more we learn about nature and the cosmos, the less reason there is to say "God did it" every time we find something that we don't understand. People used to not understand lightning, so they attributed it to God. Nowadays, only an idiot would do such a thing, since we now know that lightning is a natural, not a supernatural, phenomenon. The same is true for everything else. No God is necessary.

2006-08-03 10:23:55 · answer #5 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

None. As much as evolution or any other theory about the beginnings of the universe, you can't prove or disprove the existence of God.

You'd have to be everywhere and in everyone to make sure God isn't hiding under a rock or above some cloud.

2006-08-03 10:16:00 · answer #6 · answered by Paolo 2 · 0 0

YOU CAN PROVE A NEGATIVE PEOPLE! The very claim that you can't prove a negative is a negative statement. If you can't prove a negative then that statement is nonsense.


That said, it's impossible to prove god doesn't exist, I can just show evidence that may or may not convince you.
Because I look at what life was like for human beings for the past 40,000 years (maybe 6,000 for you). People lived for an average of 30-40 years. More than 50% of children died before age one (until about 100 years ago!). I look at thousands of children permanently blinded by parasites they get from playing in creeks in underdeveloped countries.

Then I look at children of modern developed countries, of any religion. I see that they live until their EIGHTIES!! Have all their teeth for a very long time. Have excellent health, etc... And I see that this has nothing to do with religion or god. It is medicine and science. So was it god's plan that hundreds of generations of people would suffer and die in their 40's and suddenly in the 19th and 20th century, everything would get better?
That's nothing other than sadistic.

I also look at all the different gods and interpretations of these gods for the past 4,000-5,000 years. I see how silly it is to point to one religion in the roman era and say "Ah, THIS is the correct one!"

2006-08-03 10:17:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The thing is, there is no proof he exists. That is proof he does not exist. You can not say something exists, till proven it does not when it has no evidence. If you could, then anything anyone made up would be true. The tooth fairy, Santa, giraffe people in the 2nd dimension. You can not prove they do not exist. We do not assume everything exists, then define our world by proving things don't, because you can't, and everything would exist. We discover our world by finding what does exist.

2006-08-03 10:25:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you typed this question, other identical and similar questions asked by others popped up. The real question is, since there were many answers in those questions, why ask this one? Why do you feel the need to make people explain their beliefs once again? Are you insecure about your own beliefs or do you just like to annoy people? Really, it can only be one of those two things. Also, don't you now you cannot prove a negative?

2006-08-03 10:20:06 · answer #9 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 0 0

Where is the proof that unicorns don't exist or never existed? I'm not trying to belittle your beliefs and you are right there is no proof that defintively says god doesn't exist. there are several compelling theories that say he's unnecessary but nothing saying god doesn't exist. proving a negative is impossible because there is no evidence. to assert that something does exist implies that there is evidence.

2006-08-03 10:25:55 · answer #10 · answered by Jake S 5 · 0 0

God is in and over all. You are a son of God,
because you are, for short the same essence God is.
Where do your thoughts come from? you can’t know.
But don’t you feel it? if you feel it is God. All
good and bad are God.
But good or bad is the judgment of those who not
perceive God. It all has a use you can’t see for
now: because God’s in you, but not every soul can
feel it yet: they are out of frequency, others are
Why God’s in everything? because everything is God.
No, not that easy: not a no sense popular citation.
We all are in fact one. What I do for you is as I’m
doing for me or for God. What you do for me, comes
as from God sent. Here is a reason there are some
who suffers and others that smile. We trace our
destiny through our actions and intentions that we
divide with God’s love, the universal love. We grow
up our consciousness each moment in time. But our
very beginning is God’s essence. God’s in the inner
of each atom. In the enormous emptiness between the
nucleus and a electron there’s a “soul-like” kind of
energy of what you are made of. That’s why not even
a leave of tree falls without the God’s knowledge.
Because, just like you and me, we are all in God.
God knows that. You don’t yet. When you’ll
understand that “macrocosm” is in “microcosm” and
vice-verse, you finally be in communion with God. If there’s NO God, there’s NO me, there’s NO you, NO-body, NO-thing.
Yes, there will be no God since there’s a God.

2006-08-03 10:30:06 · answer #11 · answered by Hagar 1 · 0 0

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