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Why do women have abortions?

74% say having a baby would interfere with work, school, or other responsibilities.

73% say they cannot afford to have a child.

48% say they do not want to be a single parent, or have relationship problems with husband or partner.

Less than 2% say they became pregnant as a result of rape or incest.

People are always using the 'dad raped the 12 year old girl and the baby will ruin the girls life' case. less than 2 % of females in america abort FOR THIS REASON. Giving an INNOCENT life up for adoption for all the reasons listed would SOLVE all the problems listed. Don't you agree?

source: http://www.mccl.org/abortion_statistics.htm

2006-08-03 09:53:03 · 30 answers · asked by Nikki 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

actually i intend on adopting one chinese baby, and 2 of my own to that comment calling me a hypocrite :)

2006-08-03 10:00:19 · update #1

30 answers

Some pregnancies result in the mother's death. If that can be avoided by an abortion, then it is permissable.

2006-08-03 15:46:35 · answer #1 · answered by peppermint_paddy 7 · 0 2

I can tell you that abortions are a horrible thing to witness. I have had to do them myself, and after I was out of residency vowed that I would never do another one. I haven't. I refuse to do them, women have to go elsewhere to have them done. My own personal beliefs play a big role in my decision. If you aren't responsible enough to except the consiquences of your actions, you shouldn't be doing that behavior in the first place!

Abortions can cause so many emotional and medical problems after the fact. Most of the women that I have talked to after an abortion- a few years down the road usually- say that they are so sorry for having one. They are so upset that they ended the life of something that they created. The wished they could have gone back and had the baby and put it up for adoption. At least then they would know that the baby was alive and taken care of. Usually I see them when they are either pregnant again, or wanting to get pregnant again. Some go through untold amounts of heartache as the pregnancy progresses over what they did in the past. It's hard to deal with when you can feel the baby move, watch your belly grow, hear a heartbeat, see on ultrasound how the baby is developing.

I believe that life is precious and fragile. I agree that if you don't want the baby, put it up for adoption. Give a family that has no chance of having kids on their own a chance to be parents. They will love that child more then anyone else due to the amount of hardship they have had to get a child. I know what it's like to want a child and not have one. We tried for almost 8 years before we had a live birth. We were ready to adopt, then found out I was pregnant. Now I have 2 lovely daughters who I wouldn't trade for anything!!

2006-08-03 10:14:40 · answer #2 · answered by odd duck 6 · 0 0

Unwanted children end up being physically and emotionally abused. They get bounced around from foster home to foster home. A lot of them become depressed, drug addicted loners who resort to all sorts of criminal activities as a way of life. (yes, I know the flip side. a hand full of them do go on to do great things with their lives.) An embryo or an early fetus is not yet a "life". It is no more than a cluster of non-thinking, non-feeling cells. The strange thing is that you don't see any of these pro-lifers offering to raise many extra children if any at all. They complain about girls who make babies that are on welfare, but they are against abortion or the morning after pill (and some are even against contraception all together). To watch a child suffer is heart breaking. This is a wicked, evil world we live in. Some may consider it an act of love to spare someone or something the pain of being here. I have searched the scriptures and I am still pro-choice. The Bible says there is a time and place for everything. love, hate, peace, war, life, death, joy, sorrow, good, evil. People who are quick to say thou shalt not kill must also see that thou shalt not do a bunch of other things too that everyone of us does from time to time. One sin has no greater degree than another. Remove the plank from your own eye before trying to get the splinter out of someone else's.
I had an abortion, many years ago, and I'm very glad I did. I now have a nine year old daughter. She is my heart and I love her the way a child should be loved. I do everything I can to protect her and provide for her. I have a great life. I have Jesus in my heart. I trust that God is in control and everything is going to be alright no matter what happens. I am content with every peak or valley, past, present, or future. God is good and so was MY CHOICE.

2006-08-03 10:38:26 · answer #3 · answered by HazelEyes 5 · 0 0

No, I don't agree. The 2% is important as it destroys the
concept that abortion is absolutely wrong for most people
pondering the issue.

At that point, they MUST agree that it is a complex issue - that
is, there are other things than simply "its a human life". At
that point, they start listening with their "listening ears" and
stop screaming.

Indeed, by your very question, you have tacitly agreed with that.

I have heard other statistics than those you site, but even
given them, you need to realize that poverty and its side
effects are far deadlier than flu, terrorism or car accidents.
Poverty causes poor health care causes earlier onsets of
disease, age related issues...

"Interfers with work, school, etc." is basically how we get
out of poverty and "can't afford a child" is the other side of
that equation.

People who support anti-abortion legilation are trying
to state that an embryo is inherently human and should have
the same rights as a baby - and I do not agree. An embryo
has POTENTIAL to be human, but so does a sperm or an
egg. Since the process of sperm and egg merging and
genes combining is a documented-and-getting-ever-more-
documented, I do not see it as magic. I hear no trumpets.

I certainly don't see trying to "catch" sperm from young
boys as they sleep and their sexual organs mature.
But by the argument that any potential to be a human life
is sacred, shouldn't they? Isn't that the next step?

Or if a woman dies, do we routinely cut her open and
remove her eggs as potential humans? Why not?

I believe it is a tragedy to kill an embryo, but there are far
worse tragedies. Moreover, I do not believe that I am (or you
are) in a position to tell a woman what she must do with a
process that is happening within her own body.

The further along the embryo is, the more of a tragedy it
is if it dies - but I'm still not willing to interfere with the
mother's perogatives here.

Generally, the mother is in a far better position to know
what she and her would-be child would be up against than
you, I or the congress could ever hope to be.

Only after the baby is born am I willing to give the
state more say in the life or death of this baby than
the mother.

This is primarily because the state no longer requires
the woman to cooperate to enforce its will.

The flip side of making abortion (in all forms) illegal is
that the state is forcing a woman to gestate against
her will.

The counter argument (that she didn't have to get pregnant
to begin with) is deceptive because it ignores human nature
and again runs up against the 2% above.

Moreover, situations change and 9 months is a long time.
What if she loses her job or ends up in jail?

Again, I agree its a tragedy - but I know that I am not the
right person to be making the decision - and neither are you.

2006-08-03 10:31:02 · answer #4 · answered by Elana 7 · 0 0

Well first off 74+73+48+2= 197 so that looks way off to me. In addition I don't think that taking a woman's right to choose just because a small amount of the abortions don't happen for reasons that you agree with makes sense. You have nothing to do with another persons right to choose, and neither does the US government. I also feel that adoption has it's own set of problems. If a person wants to abort a pregnancy they should have every right to that, including access to clean and safe means of having the procedure done. Life begins at birth, until then it's your mother's choice to have you or not, plain and simple.

2006-08-03 10:03:06 · answer #5 · answered by xphile2015 3 · 0 0

And I have to wonder--how many of those women actually made the choice all by themselves--and how many had some pressure exerted on them by family, friends, or boy friends?
I have an idea. Let's say we go ahead and keep abortion legal, but with this rider. Every woman who has an abortion, must be sterilized at the same time, unless it is for rape or incest, or because the baby would be deformed in some way, or her own life at risk (certification required for every case), No one can have an abortion without naming the father. If she cannot name the father, she must have the baby and it automatically goes up for adoption, and she must be sterilized. If the father wishes to take the baby, she must have the child and let him raise it. If he refuses, he must also be sterilized. Since both parties have shown that they want to have sex, but do not want to have children, this seems a fair option for everyone. In this way, we will drastically cut down on the numbers of unwanted pregnancies.

Oh, did I hear someone say "but what if they want kids in the future?" Excuse me, but, why should that even enter into it? They have already shown themselves to be sexually irresponsible, and as having little or no respect for their children. Isn't the whole point of abortion to cut down the numbers of kids who are neglected and/or abused? Heck, these people already MURDERED one child. Why ever would we even think they could be trusted with another one? Leave child bearing for people who really want kids, and the quality of life for those kids will automatically improve.
Who is with me?

2006-08-03 10:11:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, unfortunately not everyone thinks this way, if on the other hand , abortion was to be banned like in many other countries, they would still be done illegally, which would result in a higher death rate for women, cause more crime, etc.

Its a sad truth that people are gonna do what they want to do, no matter what.
Besides, not everyone has the Judeo-Christian ideal that abortion is so evil. In many other places abortions are welcomed, if it means the better welfare of older children and for the family as a whole not having to have another mouth to feed

2006-08-03 10:02:30 · answer #7 · answered by TranquilStar 4 · 0 0

I suppose it would, but whatever happened to having the freedom to do what you want with your own body? I don't understand why people always feel they have the right to judge others. If a woman wants to give up a child, than that is her right whether you agree with it or not.

Plus do you think that a woman that has been raped will admit that she got an abortion too. I doubt your statistics are 100% accurate since they are on an anti-abortion website.

2006-08-03 10:06:35 · answer #8 · answered by wtf 2 · 0 0

I disagree, as she still has to carry and birth the baby.

No women impregnated by rape should EVER be forced to carry the baby to term.

The best way to reduce the number of abortions performed, if this is what you're suggesting, would be to reduce the number of unwanted or unintended pregnancies with education, availability of birth control, and with the pill that prevents the egg from attaching to the uterus.

Unfortunately, the people who would force rape victims and other women who didn't want to give birth are the same people who prevent the measures that would decrease abortions without ruining women's and girl's lives.

Well, you asked.

2006-08-03 10:08:55 · answer #9 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 0

I do not agree it is the womans choice it should not matter why they are doing it thats like an extra few million people a year, that would be below poverty line barely getting by second reason is they cant afford it, so if they cant afford it are you going to help buy diapers, milk, cloths, pay for the childs cloths, cause mom is trying to finish her education so that she could put food on the table!!!!!........ i dont think any one should get envolved, they made it legal for a reason, because if trained professionals cant help them, they will find someone who will which can lead to other problems, infection, exposure to HIV heptis c and other infections, that is worse then having a baby.........

2006-08-03 10:01:45 · answer #10 · answered by Bear 2 · 0 0

All of those are good reasons for the SAKE OF THE CHILD.

If someone isn't ready to raise their own child they shouldn't have it. It will only cause problems for the child. Putting the child up for adoption is an option, but not a very good one. If the child's life is ended before it is even begun how is that wrong? Without experience of life one cannot miss it.

2006-08-03 09:59:09 · answer #11 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 0 0

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