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Save the babies!!! Nix healthcare or any publicly sponsored child welfare system. That really makes alot of sense, you know? So, these poor kids grow up unwanted, undernurished, passed off to orphanges, abusive foster parents, and wind up in juvenile hall, then prison...or the graveyard due to violence or suicide. You know what you are "saving"....millions of Charles Mansons....products of the "compassionate conservative" system. Cold, bloodless sociopaths who wouldn't know a human thought if it stabbed them in the heart. This is worth saving?

Come on people, practice what you preach. If you're gonna offer a fight, you must also offer a solution.

2006-08-03 09:36:10 · 40 answers · asked by jaike 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

to ????....

So, you want to corrupt and warp the natural maturity process of adolescent teens (children) in order to save unborn children?? 1 billion American dollars are wasted on such "community" programs every year. They have no success rates. They are smoke and mirrors for the "moral advancement movement" which...as you pointed out yet once again...has no ideas or solutions. Those programs are as fruitless and wasteful of money as the "war on drugs".


pass the hashpipe.

2006-08-03 09:44:34 · update #1

Good answers concerning adoption. However, why is there such a long waiting line? Why do so many kids grow up in the system instead of a home? Is it because people are too shallow or fearful of adopting a kid over 1 year of age? Once again, this doesn't seem like a working solution.

Why don't the extended family members of these unwanted children step up and adopt? Grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. How can such a cold society (as some of you claim) become warmed in love if family doesn't even look out for family?!

2006-08-03 10:08:13 · update #2

40 answers

Ironic...a man wanting women to have an abortion. It's not even your body (it's not hers either, it belongs to God). How could someone be so selfish, self-centered and evil to want to kill, commit murder?

...I'm FOR life. Life doesn't begin at birth; it begins at conception. Birth is the arrival!

If you are asking what to do with unwanted children, there are so many couples that would love to adopt. They are waiting in line to adopt; not just babies but young and older children, too.

By the way, who made you judge and jury on a life? You are not GOD. You never will be, either.

Every life is precious and PRICELESS!!! Every person has worth...some just don't know it.

Grace to you and God Bless!

P.S. For the ladies out there that have experienced abortion, this is not to condemn you. You can be forgiven in Jesus Christ. You only need to ask...and you will receive.

For any ladies that are thinking about it; please re-consider. Your unborn child deserves to live, even if you don't want to keep this gift from God. There's adoption. Will it be easy? No, but it will keep you from a regret that will haunt you. You deserve better...and so does your child.

2006-08-03 09:39:45 · answer #1 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 2 1

There is no solution. And the saddest part is that kids born into homes where they're clearly resented, unwanted, and hated by their parents will never develop normally. Why force a fetus into being born into this sort of life? Why force a person who didn't plan the pregnancy to bear the burden?

If people are so much against abortion, why haven't they developed 100% effective birth control with no side effects? Even really careful people on the pill have 'accidents'

2006-08-11 05:53:23 · answer #2 · answered by Funchy 6 · 0 0

Legalized murder is not the answer, either. It's just sweeping the dust under the rug. How are we going to save all these women from lifelong guilt for murdering their child? Have you ever met a mother who committed an abortion on her child? Do you know that most of them regret it and miss their child all their lives? Do you know that even married couples abort their children because it is not "convenient"? Do you really think a 13 year old girl should have to make that kind of decision on her own? You know the solution, you just don't want to hear it: DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX IF YOU DON'T WANT A CHILD. It really is simple, it's called birth control, and it has been widely available in the western world for decades.

We should definitely work on the adoption system so that it isn't so difficult for parents to adopt. That, however could be reserved for children that are not "unwanted" but have lost all their family. The foster care system also needs a lot of improvement. Don't you agree? There are a lot of children that grow up with their biological parents and turn out to be sociopaths. Not all children who are adopted or in the foster system become criminals, a lot of them even end up going to college. Not giving them that chance is selfish.

Murder is not the answer. We don't murder disabled people, elderly people or children when they lose their whole family. Why should it be ok to murder babies?

2006-08-03 10:00:26 · answer #3 · answered by Sara B 4 · 0 0

Do you really know anyone who is FOR abortion? I certainly want it to remain legal -- but I am as against it as some of these Christian Extremists. The difference is that I believe that the way to stop abortions is through education, not legislation. ANd I'm not talking about teaching abstinance. The USA has the highest teen pregnancy rate of any western country. If we educate people, then there won't be all these unwanted kids.

2006-08-03 09:50:23 · answer #4 · answered by Ranto 7 · 0 0

The answer to the teen pregnancy problem is the teens need to be taught that sex is for marriage only. What kind of damage are you doing to their maturity by encouraging them to take on something like sex which takes the maturity of an adult to handle?

Your question suggests that abortion is the answer for these "unwanted" kids. Next, you'll point out the burdens of the handicapped or the elderly, and how inhuman it is for people to live in such "conditions", so we should legalize assisted-suicide to take care of that. At this rate, we'll find something wrong with just about everybody and just get rid of all of them. Nothing but death death death death.

How morbid.

Unwanted children need love. Period. They need people that care about them and want to help them grow up as mature, loved adults. They are not animals that can be put down like a dog at a vet. They are people.

Love starts with the One that is love - Jesus Christ. Get back to Him and the problems we have today will be fixed. Might sound like a vague statement but it is the truth. Everything you mentioned above is the product of a society that does not care, that does not love.

God bless.

2006-08-03 09:56:04 · answer #5 · answered by Danny H 6 · 1 0

If a person doesn't want a child and ends up pregnant, the least they could do is place the child up for adoption. The legal system is so pro family reunification that a person who doesn't want their kids keep getting them back until the are either killed or damaged for life.These poor children should be put up foe adoption before all the damage is done. I think there would have to be government run children's homes for children until they get 18 if they cant be adopted. Make sure there are ombudsmen checking on conditions regularly. I'm currently raising a totally handicapped girl that was a foster child and now I'm her legal guardian. I love her like she was my own.

2006-08-03 09:48:25 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I agree there are a lot of kids who grow up without a family and are tossed around our system but at some point, we must stop the process of having these unwanted children. If there were no children born out of wedlock it would reduce the numbers greatly. But our society thinks its acceptable for sex at an early age and outside of marriage and consequently, there are unwanted pregnancies. We really need to get our morals back and into practice!!!

2006-08-03 09:41:18 · answer #7 · answered by L D 3 · 1 0

ok, first off, not every person who believes abortion is wrong wants to "nix healthcare or any publicly sponsored child welfare system." you are overgeneralizing a LOT.

secondly, i don't know how you're making the assumption that all "unwanted" children who aren't killed as fetuses will somehow end up sociopaths.

thirdly, i would like to point out that in America, between 1.5 and 2 million babies are killed every year, whereas there are about 2 million American couples currently waiting to adopt. therefore, your use of the word "unwanted" is ridiculous -- do the math! every one of these babies is wanted!

fourthly, along the same line, the problem IS NOT THE CHILDREN. the ADOPTION PROCESS needs to be made simpler, easier, and less expensive, so that it will be easier ot give these children homes. if there are children without loving homes, it is because of all the money and wading through red tape it takes to actually adopt a child, not to mention waiting for months or up to years until everything can be processed or approved.

fifthly, if there are 1.5 to 2 million abortions performed each year, and since each abortion can cost as much as $2,000 -- if you do THAT math, you'll find that it equals between 3 and 4 BILLION dollars a year -- that women spend to kill their own babies. i'm sure we could start a nice little welfare system with that kind of money.

but no, we'd rather kill off unborn human potential than try to improve the potential of those children already living.

my sixth and final point is that you seem to be so concerned about all those kids out there who are apparently growing into sociopaths, who don't have loving, stable homes or good education or anything like that. well, i maintain that THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE CHILDREN.

the babies who are killed every year are not the ones responsible for their own births or for the poverty and depravity in which so many adopted kids supposedly end up. why should they lose their lives -- their great potential -- for the mistakes of others?

encouraging abortion encourages a society that places NO VALUE on human life. it is only by making abortion ILLEGAL that we can begin to regain a respect for HUMAN LIFE, which will cause us to want to improve the lives of those children already with us and those to come, instead of killing them off while in utero to try to avoid future problems.

2006-08-03 10:03:09 · answer #8 · answered by star86 2 · 0 0

The best way to prevent unwanted preganancies is for girls to keep their knees together. Perhaps a better way to tackle the problem of unwanted pregnancies would be to neuter the parents of the unwanted child, this would ensure that such a mistake couldn't happen in the future. Obviously these people aren't cable of managing their own affairs and someone else needs to do it for them. Only in the case of rape or where the life of the mother is a t risk should abortion be allowed. Of course the rapist should be neutered as a matter of course, to prevent him from reoffending and preventing the risk of unwanted babies.

2006-08-10 18:28:54 · answer #9 · answered by uselessadvice 4 · 0 0

Scarlet Rose is my hero.
She said just about everything i was going to say.

Though let me through in that I've had a few friends who spent their first 18 years in orphanages or going back and forth between orphanages and foster homes, and based on everything they've had to go through I think some of them would have preferred to have been aborted. One of them killed himself when he was 19. Two of the other girls I knew (twin sisters) were heroin addicts the last time I spoke with them. Would all of you bible-thumping idiots prefer children to grow up thinking no one loves them and end up as statistics, or just never be born? It'd be alot easier on everyone if women who knew they couldn't give the child everything it needed just had an abortion. The adoption process takes too long, and most people only want to adopt newborns anyways so anyone who is put in foster care after the age of 2 or 3 is quite likely to spend their entire childhood in foster care.

If none of that made sense (which is quite possible as I'm half-asleep) just know that everyone woman should have the right to choose what she does with her body. It's her business and no one elses.

2006-08-10 23:01:43 · answer #10 · answered by oaklawngirl04 1 · 0 0

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