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Why the hell most Christians at this time crying about innocent ppl been killed in Lebanon? Have they read OT and see how it was done by GOD's unconditional love?
If we look at the situation.. If any Christian was killed he is automaticly in heaven. If any non Christian is killed he is automaticly in hell. Isn't that a Jesus or Christinianity teaching?
WHy so much fuss when that's exactly what Christianity is implying. Ok he did not leave long enough but the guy in heaven for eternity. What can be better . Or it seems that Christian now are being jelous that ppl goes to heaven before them?
Some1 explain the idea of being Christian if going to heaven is not a such a good thing after all.

2006-08-03 09:09:42 · 14 answers · asked by PicassoInActions 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

wow "can't explain but u r reported "
they always run for higher autorities . Church teached them good.
Christians are just at thier best are hypocrits. And it was not for Christians we would not have wars starting long time ago.

2006-08-03 09:22:26 · update #1

Again its not a question if its bad or good. According to GOD this had to be done long time ago when he command Jews in OT .
Every murder by GOD will be justified by Christians and there is not a secret of that. They all will go into infinity justifications of GOD's beatifull reasons. The question is why complaining about ppl being killed is bad from religious perspective. This life is short and who cares, life after this one is eternity.
Ppl trying to tell me everything except answering the question.
I am not religious and i hate crimes. I think all killings must be stopped and stop justifying them. But for religious ppl the killing should not look as bad as it looks to normal ppl.

2006-08-03 09:38:57 · update #2

14 answers

Equating the old testament to Christian values is erroneous. Recall that christianity was born from social rebellion against the institutions of the old testament.

Any literal interpretation of the bible without contextual understanding of the then current society is going to present problems. My favorite example of this is that Abraham, the forefather of Judaism, Christianity, and even Islam had a beautiful wife. When he entered others kingdoms he would offer up his wife to the ruler claiming she was his sister. If that isn't strange enough, then consider that he later confesses to one king that technically she is his sister as well as his wife -- they have the same father. Literal interpretations open up some very sticky issues.

On the other hand, Christianity was born from the life of Jesus as evangelized primarily by Paul. First, Jesus rebeled against the codified laws found in the bible. Further, Paul's evangelization emphasizes an ideal later ascribed to Jesus' own teachings 'Love thy neighber as thyself and love God with all your heart.' Considering that Paul also represented the concept that God is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit can be within us all, then loving God means loving other people.

That said, there are plenty of fundamentalist christians that subscribe to a literal translation of the bible. Those literal translations are quite haunting to me as a non-fundamentalist christian and also to some other non-christians. However, equating fundamentalist christians with non-fundamentalist christians is in some ways as erroneous as equating Jews and Muslims because they share a religious forefather, Abraham.

That said, going to heaven is a good thing. Yet, it is only the result of your actions. Actions that promote the ideal of 'Love thy neighbor as yourself and love God with all your heart' will result in a heavenly experience at death. Of course, this leaves open the question of what or who is God as well as what or where is heaven. Those are the larger questions that are fueled by faith, not science or history.

This is a post after reading the askers comment that killings should not look as bad to religious people as they do to non-religious people. If you subscribe to the ideal, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself...' it is fairly easy to see that killing other people's loved ones causes innate human pain which is not how we'd want to be treated. Maliciously inflicting pain on others has shamefully been an instrument used by most religious institutions at one time or another throughout history. Jewish, Chistian, Muslims, and others. However, most individuals immediately recognize the practice as a primordial wrong.

2006-08-03 09:37:09 · answer #1 · answered by tke999 3 · 0 3

Remember, that the OT was replaced by the new covenant. The new covenant was God's promise to us that we will be saved throught the blood of Christ. This is our new promise. This is what separates Jews from Christians. The Jews keep the OT promise and all its applicable laws and rules. We are of the NT, the new covenant.

Jesus, and our subsequent religion of Christianity teaches us that no one can get to heaven without going through Him (Jesus).

I don't understand the rationality behind your opinion that Christians are being jealous becuase other people go to heaven before us.

Incedentally, Christians are against all killings, be they Lebonese or other.

2006-08-03 10:14:00 · answer #2 · answered by lyricsop 2 · 0 0

I'm a Christian, but I don't believe that innocent people of any religion go to Hell, if there even is a Hell. I believe that the majority of the Muslim people who have died in Lebanon were likely good people who, like me, love their families, wanted to use their religion to express thanks to Allah, who is the same as the God I believe in, and live their lives in peace. The same is true for the innocent Jewish people who have died in Israel. The death of innocents in any situation is a lamentable shame. It's also wrong to take actions of governments and violent groups as a statement about the opinions or characteristics of the people they claim to represent. (For my fellow Christians who may not agree with that, just think what we would look like to others if we were judged solely on the actions of the IRA or the KKK?)

If we really look at Christianity, we see that the entire point of it all is to love God and love others. That's true for most religions. We are all equal and God loves us all. I believe that anyone who tries to live right will go to Heaven. Let's just not be in such a hurry to send each other there.

2006-08-03 09:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by Cunning Linguist 2 · 0 0

first of all.....most religions believe if that you don't believe in their religion you will go to hell... Do you not hear others telling all to convert not just Christians....and they don't believe they will automatically go to heaven.....No one has gone to heaven yet...you are so far from the truth of any religion that you have no clue as to what the Divine day is about. before you start accusing the people of Christianity of a belief that doesn't exist...you should do your homework.... everyone not only Christians feel the pain of those lives lost in Lebanon...as well as Africa....and anywhere else there are killings...even here at home. Needless slayings of men, women and children..

2006-08-03 09:25:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who ever told you that Christians automatically go to Heaven? That's certainly not true.

That's as wrong as a Muslim thinking he's going to Heaven for committing a premeditated mass murder!

God gave us a brain for a reason. More of us "Holy" people should learn to use it more effectively.

2006-08-03 09:17:31 · answer #5 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 0 0

I spoke to a 14 year old girl on MSN IM today, she was in Lebanon. I was safe in England. She was scared. Death is easy, children the world over do it every day. It's the suffering and the fear that is the problem. That girl was on her computer, chatting, listening to her favourite music, just like you - but with the stench of death and fear all around.

2006-08-03 09:18:07 · answer #6 · answered by Mike10613 6 · 0 0

Trying to use logic to explain religion is like using a fork to eat chicken broth. It's a waste of your time, the forks time, the bowls time, and the broths time. It's totally the wrong tool for the job.

2006-08-03 09:13:36 · answer #7 · answered by mike_castaldo 3 · 0 0

One mans heaven is another mans hell. Chistians believe the Bible means what they say, not that the Bible means what it says.

2006-08-03 09:14:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Muslims will go in Heaven only.... no one who worship anyone else with God can go there ...and any one who disagrees with God's preachings will not be able to go there!!!

2006-08-03 09:17:17 · answer #9 · answered by sarah m 4 · 0 0

that is fine for those that do go to heaven but milions wont and once they are dead it is to late to repent

2006-08-03 09:16:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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