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Wouldn't that be a way to show your respect for my perfectly constitutional decision?

2006-08-03 08:39:46 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm not afraid. I just feel it's something too annoying and arrogant of SOME believers to do that.

2006-08-03 08:45:16 · update #1

My puppy's way to show her care and love is by biting my toes. But she's big, so she can hurt me. Should I let her?

2006-08-03 08:48:13 · update #2

Unbeliever and nonbeliever are both okay. http://www.wordreference.com/definition/unbeliever

2006-08-03 08:57:19 · update #3

42 answers

No because you are asking me to follow your beliefs. If I pray for you, that does not mean that you have to follow mine.

I just prayed for you.

EDIT : Also prayers for stinky, adam, brit, and wondergirl. See it didn't hurt a bit.

2006-08-03 08:45:01 · answer #1 · answered by unicorn 4 · 5 3

Are you the reincarnation of Bill Hicks?

I don't even know you, so I wasn't intending on praying for you, but you leave me in a quandry, how can I omit you from a generic prayer for peace on earth? Shall I say, "except that guy that doesn't want it", or what?
Does it make that much difference anyway? If I am wrong in my beliefs, and you are right in yours..... does that make my spending time "wishing" (which if there is no God it basically comes down to) for other peoples happiness unconstitutional?
And for that matter, what constitution? I live in a monarchy, we don't have a constitution, so do YOU believe your constitution covers you in all areas of the globe? Honestly? Well thats a stuipid thing to believe, not even Bill Hicks perpetuated that myth, he'd have shot you for uttering such stupidity.
Really, you might want to examine your own beliefs and find a couple of flaws before shooting off at the hip about other peoples.

Peace be with you.

2006-08-03 08:57:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your truly an unbeliever, why spend time posting a question like that in a "religion and spirituality" category? Are not you wasting just as much, if not more time by posting the non question than a believer would be by praying for U?
Sort of like going to McDonald for a burger, but taking the time to call Burger King to tell them you will NOT be coming there for a burger.

2006-08-03 08:55:07 · answer #3 · answered by bigbadwolf 5 · 0 0

I've really never understood why, if a person is really an "unbeliever", they'd be upset if a believer prayed for them. If you claim that you don't believe in the Entity that the person is praying to, how could their prayers possible affect you?
But then...

oh, dear...

What if....

Oh, horrors!!
What if...

What if...

the God they are praying to...

Oh, I just couldn't stand it!!

What if He...






[several minutes later]
I don't know if I ought to tell you this...but I just sent up a little prayer for you...and for all the non-believers in Yahoo Answers.
I do hope that, if you can't find it in your heart to believe, at least you will be able to learn not to be rude and abusive toward those who do. That would be the way to show respect for their Constitutional rights.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, may the Lord be merciful unto you and give you peace.

2006-08-03 08:48:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

problem is that it would be against my faith not to pray for you! So you will have to put up with the simple fact that sad cases like me will continue to pray for you but come on bro' it will do you no harm and just might do you some serious good! You see by asking questions like this you only encourage folk to pray! LOL until 5 min ago I did not know you existed and now I am praying for you.....God works in mysterious ways my friend why not try talking to Him yourself?

2006-08-03 08:55:44 · answer #5 · answered by Broomtree 2 · 0 0

You ask something UN-Christian of us. No one is asking you to pray. No one is asking you to believe. I'm sure you have heard all reasons we think you should believe, and you have for what ever reason chosen not to. So there is nothing more I can say to you. When it comes praying for you if I choose, why can't you respect MY perfectly constitutional decision?

2006-08-03 08:59:41 · answer #6 · answered by Eye of Innocence 7 · 0 0

For someone who says she is an unbeliever , why should it bother you if someone prays for you
You do not believe in the power of prayer so really, why should it bother you , even a little bit .
nobody would dream of trying to change you !
you stay as sweet as you are, and let us take care of ourselves
good luck

2006-08-03 08:51:04 · answer #7 · answered by sweet-cookie 6 · 0 0

Don't think that they're saying they will pray for you because they seriously care. They're saying it as a way to say "I'm better than you because I'm saved, so I'll pray that you and everyone else in the world will find God and think exactly like I do" Cuz God forbid people be capable of thinking on their own.

So don't let it get to you.

2006-08-03 08:48:43 · answer #8 · answered by Allison L 6 · 0 0

You know they're going to do it anyway, right? Apparently, to the Christian minded, stating you are an unbeliever is the same thing as a cry for help.

2006-08-03 08:43:18 · answer #9 · answered by Girl Wonder 5 · 0 0

It doesn't work that way. Religious people pray all the time for all different reasons and even for people who don't want their prayers. Don't let it bother you. It is not an act of hostility.

2006-08-03 08:46:04 · answer #10 · answered by Diane D 5 · 0 0

You have to understand that religious people don't look at it like you and I do. I feel they have the right to believe what they want and so do i so i leave them alone. They however think they know the truth and you are wrong, so they are praying for 'your ignorance'.

2006-08-03 08:43:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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