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My puppy's being weird. He's 7 months and he's a husky/chow/pit mix. To start off, when he was about 5-6 months, I brought him to PetSmart so I could maybe socialize him a bit. (NOT PetsMart classes) He reacted very well to a dog who was there and he was really submissive to the other dog. He was also doing well with people too. But around here, he gets scared when people try to pet him and he pees b/c he's so scared. He also pees when someone new comes over (from excitement). After 5 mins, he warms up to them and is fine, but it's like that with every person around here. What's even worse, is if a motorcycle passes by, a lawn mower, weed eater, or big truck, even the UPS truck pass by, he gets scared and freaks out. I've been trying to get him used to these things. I've already gotten him used to barking dogs and he seemed fine when my friend just now passed us on his bike. He used to be afraid of bikes. But anyway, will he grow out of this? And no, I don't baby him when he's scared.

2006-08-03 08:29:29 · 14 answers · asked by Dawg 2 in Pets Dogs

But he's even scared when there's a lawn mower or motorcycle in a yard not even turned on or moving. He gets scared and tries to back away or hide behind me. And I've been using Cesar's techniques. It worked perfectly for the barking dogs, and these lil' toy cars that the little kids ride around in over here, but I dunno...

2006-08-03 08:31:06 · update #1

And I hate it when I walk him and he freaks out over these things. It's annoying... I understand it's not his fault, and I don't get mad or anyting b/c that'll just make it worse, but I dunno what to do anymore... -_-

2006-08-03 08:33:27 · update #2

Oh, no. I'm pretty sure he hasn't been abused. I got him when he was 7 weks old. He was as happy as can be, and the guy we got him from seemed really nice too. ^_^ He's just afraid of these normal everyday things, and I've heard that he'd grow out of it, but I'm not sure... I /wish/ we had a dog park around here. -_-

2006-08-03 08:44:51 · update #3

14 answers

He will grown out of it. The best thing you can do is get to his level and show him that it will not hart him and prays him when he does a good job. It could also be from something that happened before you got him. All you came do is be there when he needs you!

2006-08-03 08:44:53 · answer #1 · answered by jessaller 2 · 0 0

This is natural at that age.

Just act normal and talk to him. But don't overly protect him or cuddle him too much for being scared, because he will think he is supposed to be scared.

He will grow out of it. Continue taking him to places where he will see a lot of other dogs and people, and can get used to seeing vehicles and things from a distance.

When my dog got a little older, he barked at a garbage can that had been put in a new place in the park. Pretty funny!

2006-08-03 15:36:07 · answer #2 · answered by Diane D 5 · 0 0

Yes, it's normal. Just ignore him. If you give him positive attention when he's scared, he'll think that it's okay to behave that way rather than grow out of it. If you punish him, then he'll become more scared. My great dane mix was affraid of everything until he about 9 months old. We just ignored him and continued about our way and now he's totally chill.

As an example, we took him to a local dog park and he just cowered in the corner right next to the gate where you leave the park. We would continue walking around the park with our other dog who would socialize and leave the dane by the gate. He eventually started to venture out and then run back, but now he romps with the biggest of the dogs and has a great time. Just give him time to adjust and let him do it on his own terms. Make sure you keep exposing him to everything though so he becomes used to seeing/hearing/seeing others' reactions to situations.

good luck!

2006-08-03 15:36:36 · answer #3 · answered by lorikae99 2 · 0 0

First, it is important to know at what age was your pup taken from his mother and littermates? In the first 4 weeks of a dog's life it is developing visual, hearing and motor skills. From 5 to 8 weeks puppies are developing their canine social behavior patterns. They learn from their mother how to react to unformiliar situations, other dogs and animals, including people. The mother dog's approach to things like lawn mowers, bikes, vacume cleaners, ect. is the example the puppies are given as a way to react. So it is helpful when looking for a puppy, to see the mother and litter together, so you can observe how the mother reacts to you and how the litter reacts to you.
Another important developemental stage for puppies is the beginning of a "pack" mentality..This is when a pecking order is starting to be established, usually around 8 to 9 weeks of age.
Many times I have seen puppies that have been taken from their mothers too soon become overly timid or overly aggressive due in part from their lack of canine socialization. This trait will help establish you and family members as your puppy's "pack" with you as the "top" or Alpha" member, to which the pup will look to for support and guidience.
The peeing thing is usually a juvenile lack of bladder control and will more than likely be outgrown, but be forwarned, try not to overreact to the puppy's excited peeing at the introduction of new people and things. This could possibly lead into an unwanted learned behavioral pattern inadvertantly. If you make a big deal over cleaning up the mess and scolding the puppy, he may misunderstand and take it as a wanted response to people and things he is introduced to.
With the timidness to noisey things, try to expose the puppy to the things he exihbits fear of in slowly, but frequently,allowing him to get away to a safe distance, still within his sight, like placing a lawn mower in the yard, not running, leaving it there for him to see and inspect as he feels comfortable. Then try pushing it around , not running , until he shows little fear of it, eventually start it up and let it run, not moving. As the puppy becomes acustom to the sight and sound of the mower, begin pushing it for short distances. By this time he should be more curious than fearful of it.For the puppy's fear of loud trucks and other vehicles try sitting with him, close to your side, in your front yard or sidewalk, and watch traffic on the street from a distance he feels somewhat secure at. When he shows fear of an approaching noisey truch or bike, hold him firmly to your side and try to calmly scratch or stroke his chest or under his chin with a simple verbal reasurrance such as "Your're OK, his name." Using his name helps to break his attention from what he is fearful of to you.
Hopefully you can use this information and it will help you and your puppy. Your puppy is still growing up and has a lot of new things to expeirience. Just stay calm, show patience and give lots of love and your puppy will develope into a secure, well adjusted pet. Remember, there is no such thing as a bad dog,only bad owners, so don't let your dog be bad!

2006-08-03 17:44:26 · answer #4 · answered by easybreez 1 · 0 0

I would keep doing Cesar's techniques. He just needs some confidence and your leadership and it should all work out. In case your wondering i have been a vet tech for 10 years. Whne someone comes to your house tell them to ignore the dog and let the pup come to them.

2006-08-03 15:34:46 · answer #5 · answered by taalberty 1 · 0 0

That is perfectly normal. And yes he will grow out of it. Dogs go through that scared phase usually at least twice. Just go through the socialization process again.

2006-08-03 15:50:55 · answer #6 · answered by JINDEN 2 · 0 0

Well it is normal for a puppy to act like that. He should grow out of it. If not try to get him used to other people that you know and try to show him that he has nothing to be afaid of. take him for car rides walk your dog in a park with other dogs and get him used to noise.

2006-08-03 16:21:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like he has been abused. This could be a case for the dog whisperer.

2006-08-03 15:39:31 · answer #8 · answered by heavenescence 1 · 0 0

exactly same here. we got a beagle from petsmart at 6 months and is a year now and is still afraid but a little better. . .i think it is abuse.( except benny was literally afraid of everything at first)

2006-08-03 15:35:23 · answer #9 · answered by rockergrl202 3 · 0 0

nice nickname! confuzzeled....i like it!

and for the dog, it's just scared. you need to make hime face his fears. hold him and walk up to the things he's scared of and you touch it and help him touch it. it will help him that ur doing it and blah. blah, blah. you get it.

2006-08-03 15:37:48 · answer #10 · answered by ~Pom!~ 3 · 0 0

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