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What happened? How did you react?

2006-08-03 08:17:01 · 30 answers · asked by oaksterdamhippiechick 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm talking about real psychics, not those storefront gypsy con artists or the dial-a-live-psychic 900# hotlines lol

2006-08-03 08:25:51 · update #1

I'm talking about real psychics, not those storefront gypsy con artists or the dial-a-live-psychic 900# hotlines lol

2006-08-03 08:25:52 · update #2

oops my additional comments repeated themselves for some odd reason...

2006-08-03 08:26:34 · update #3

30 answers

Not exactly, but I've been really, REALLY spooked by things the Tarot cards tell me! (I don't claim to be a psychic, but I've been reading the cards for some 30 years now.)

When the same card comes up in the same position in three layouts in a row, I figure that card is trying to tell me something that I missed in the first two layouts. I can call twice coincidence, but three times is hard to laugh off. Thing is, each and every time I've had this "three-card signal," it turned out to be highly significant. In short, it turned out to be a genuine warning about real trouble brewing in one case, and a really, really good luck outcome in another. (Ace of Pentacles -- coins -- in the outcome position three times in a row just days before I got a $5,000 bonus . . . less taxes, of course, but still!)

I won't tell you about the warning one, because it is too personal and too painful. I was warned, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I did try.

2006-08-03 08:26:43 · answer #1 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 2 1

Psychics are justs for laughs
True story. I live behind the store/home of a psychic. Says she does fortunes. Up the street is a rowdy bar. One night somebody was overserved at the bar and crashed his car into the front display window of the psychic’s place. Think she should have seen that coming? Anyway how come a psychic never wins the lottery?
Check out www.randi.org

2006-08-03 15:22:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I have. I was told by a psychic that I had just lost my father(he had died a month earlier), and I needed to be strong b/c I was going to experience more loss in the near future. She said she normally doesn't tell anyone bad things, but she thought I needed to know so I would be prepared. 2 months later, I had a miscarriage, and then my bro-in-law died. I've been too scared to go back for another reading since. BTW she was a real psychic. She never charged for her readings, and wouldn't give a reading to just anyone. I know of quiet a few people who have been turned away.

2006-08-03 16:52:23 · answer #3 · answered by bme79 3 · 0 0

I was told I will move from a town and that I will not have a job in 2 months. I thought it was impossible as I was well settled. It happened as predicted, although the timeframe was slightly different. (this was ok for me, cos what mattered was what happened). The psychic told me later several details in the future that have come to pass, none of which was what I wanted to hear sadly. But I trust this person.

2006-08-03 15:23:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Once I received a gift certificate to have my chacras read. I went and during the reading, the woman, who was a total stranger to me, told me very deeply personal things about myself. Things I had never told anyone before. I am the ultimate skeptic and thought that my friend must have told her about me and that she was able to intuitively figure out my secrets. As the process continued, she told me things that I should do to improve my energies. She also made some rather specific predictions. They all came true. I tried to see her again so that I might better understand what had happened but she had died. She died the day after I saw her of a massive heart attack.

2006-08-03 15:26:08 · answer #5 · answered by Chainsawmom 5 · 1 0

The first time I had my palm read, it was totally on a whim, just something to do to kill time at a festival.

The palm reader asked me if either of my parents were in poor health, and I said that they were both fine as far as I knew. She said, "One of them, I don't know father or mother, isn't exactly fine. It will end up ok, but whoever it is, there is a hospital stay, and they will need your understanding." I was actually kind of bummed that her reading didn't fortell anything exciting for me in terms of fortune or romance.

So, whatever, right? Except when I got home, there was a message on my answering machine from my sister to call her. "It's about Mama," she says, "but don't worry."

Don't worry!?!?

When I called my sister back, she said that Mama had checked herself into a treatment center for problems with depression and drugs & alcohol.

True story, I swear.

2006-08-03 15:26:53 · answer #6 · answered by missusjonz 4 · 0 0

i didn't go to an psychic on purpose she kinda just found me.
one day after my ex And i had broke up i went out with my brother and sister and all the sudden my hand cramped, closed real tightly and got swollen for no reason . i freaked out ut some ice on it and it went down. i thought it was maybe about nerves or tress so i went into this herbal store to get lavender oil( suppose to be calming) the lady at the counter wanted to put it on my wrist so she took my hand and then her eyes got really wide. asked her if something was wrong and she said not with me but you are going through something very difficult, something related to love. he hurt you really bad but you want to stay with him. (all of what she said was right by the way) she gave me the lavender and told me to breath in deeply and imagine my life free without him, to imagine what my life would be like in 15 years if i wasn't with him. after i did that i opened my eyes and felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me and i felt a sense of liberation. she told me that my life would change for the better after that day. i am now happily married to the greatest guy in the world that i met the day after this all happened and i have never been more happy with my life and myself.

2006-08-03 15:27:57 · answer #7 · answered by ~Saratini~ 4 · 0 0

Kind of. My boyfriend's grandmother is a psychic. She predicted that I would be getting a new job within 6 months and I did exactly within 6 months. But nothing spooky.

2006-08-03 15:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by mmw108 3 · 0 0

Once, when I had a broken neck, complete with the Frankenstein head gear, I paid a fortune teller $20 to read her Tarot Cards about me. She told me that I had recently met with misfortune that set me back financially and I had a long road in front of me….

I asked for my money back if she couldn’t tell me something I didn’t already know…..

2006-08-03 15:27:13 · answer #9 · answered by itsinthepalmofmyhand 1 · 0 0

I went and saw a psychic on a whim...I went in all smiles and giggles..and she sat me down and started talking to me about my current relationship...she hit everything right on the nose..how unhappy I was, how I put him in the same catagory as my father, how Im always searching for male approval...It just kind of hit close to home...so I cried...like any girl would...

Now granted I went alone, and didn't promt her on anything..I wouldn't even talk to her before we were sitting at the table ready to go. She creeped me out, and said my boyfriends name twice..I didn't flinch, or give it away..she just smiled..it was odd.

2006-08-03 15:23:17 · answer #10 · answered by Bevin M 3 · 0 0

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