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well, my aunt offered to let me live with her cuz my mom and i dont get along that great. but the problem is my aunt lives on the other side of the state, where all my fam lives. i already brought the subject up to my mom, and of course she said no. i think it would be for the better, but she doesnt understand that. also, the only reason i would want to stay here is to persue my dream of acting pro. my aunt was gonna talk to my mom about this, but should i still have her try after i tried and failed? please help me! another reason i would move is because my friends are "bad" kids and its not that easy for me to drop them.

2006-08-03 07:49:08 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

48 answers

speak to a counselor and don't hang with the bad kids! See if your mom will follow you after you move. tell her you love her but you have to what's best for your future too.

2006-08-03 07:52:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not knowing all the particulars makes it difficult to answer. You didn't mention how old you are. There comes a stage with most mother/daughter relationships where the bond seems strained. It does pass. It's also never a good idea to start running away from problems, it could develop into a life-long trait. It might be better to stay and deal with your feeling with your mom. Get some help, there are plenty of places that can help you communicate with your mom. If she sees you making a sincere effort to better your relationship, she may make more of an effort as well.

As for your associates who are bad. I know it's easy to say just stop, but that really is the best solution. Be busy when they want to do something. Have something else to do. I have an acting lesson, I have to finish this report, whatever. Be creative. Bad associates will drag you down, sooner or later, best to kick them to the curb now. Be strong, be independent. At the end of the day, you need to be your own best friend.

I wish you all the best.

2006-08-03 08:05:34 · answer #2 · answered by Suzette R 6 · 0 0

I'm sorry that you and your mom don't get along very well, it's very obvious that your mom cares for you deeply, and doesn't want to let you go metaphorically speaking, of course.

Yes life would be better for you in terms of your desired career, also especially because you would be miles away from your current circle of "bad" friends.

Please consider the possibility that your mom at that point would have been missing an integral part of her.
Yes you have tried to convince your mom that you want to go live with your aunt and failed, but here's what you need to do,
come to the conclusion that you both have unresolved issues, take one day this weekend, or any day for that matter when you both have some free time, make it a point of duty to discuss objectively, all points of dissatisfaction.
Only after you both can be comfortable with each other can your mother accept the fact that she can let you go.

2006-08-03 08:30:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You obviously seem more psyched about moving than about staying. Truth be told, if you're a minor, you're gonna have to listen to what your parents say... so it's up to them whether you move or not. But all the negatives you have in your present situation (like your "bad" friends, etc.) can be figured out even if you DON'T leave. Just find a new group of friends. One that has people that share your values and beliefs. And as far as acting, you can study acting anywhere. If you want it that bad, you'll find what you need to pursue it. I know because I've studied acting since I was ten years old. I'm now a 22 year old College senior in a theater conservatory. I wanted it bad. So you don't have to move to resolve all those other problems. But as far as the issue with your parents, talk to them, tell them their fighting or whatever is the reason you want to move away. Maybe that will help them see that they're hurting you.

2006-08-03 07:57:40 · answer #4 · answered by laurakins7 1 · 0 0

Yes, your aunt should still talk to your mom. Your mom may have seen your attempt as a mere way for you to try to get out of her life and had no real plans on going to your aunt's place. Have your aunt explain that you both feel it would be in your best interest to move away from your friends and if your mom cares for you at all she will see this as a positive move for the whole family.

2006-08-03 07:56:54 · answer #5 · answered by BB 3 · 0 0

Maybe talking to your aunt will help your mom realize that it could be good for you right now. She's being a parent and probably thinks nobody can take care of you like she does. You can also suggest to move temporarily for 6 months and if it doesn't work out or you're not doing good in school or get along with your aunt then you come back, but maybe if she sees its temporary she'll be more open to the suggestion.

2006-08-03 07:55:05 · answer #6 · answered by honey27 4 · 0 0

I would have your aunt talk to your mom about it, but DON'T PUSH IT. I'm sure if you moved you could still pursue your dream of acting, and as for the friend situation, I think that's a really mature decision to want to be away from bad influences. Well, I hope everything goes ok with your situation, and you should contact me to let me know how things went. Best of luck!!!!!

2006-08-03 07:57:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only you knows what's in your heart. Parents can be not understanding at times...but children also can be the same. One suggestion I would make is maybe you and your mom could get some kind of conselling whereas you could become better with each other and unstanding each others wants etc. For the bad kid thing.....I wouldn't suggest you hang with these people anymore. Don't run away from your problems...seek help. Help is available no matter where you shall live. Hope this helps. Take care.

2006-08-03 08:04:49 · answer #8 · answered by Gez 2 · 0 0

Yes, I think you should continue to pursue your dreams and not let anything get in the way. I have spent my life moving countries and even continents on my own to get away from places and pursue my dreams, and I am only 17. But please remember there is a difference between making a mature decision which you think you must do to give you a future or just 'running away from your problems' which is something you must never do. Because you cannot run from your problems forever. But you sound like somone who is just frustrated with your current hand that life has dealt you because you feel there are bigger and better things for you elsewhere. Which is fine and good.

I am not fortunate enough to have an aunt who offers me a place to lodge and if you are in bad company and problems in your own home that you feel are holding you back in life I think you should persistantly pursue the issue with your aunt and mother and move, if you are old enough which because you are asking this question I assume you are not then you would be able to move without your mother's permission. But in this case I think you should not give up and continue to get your aunt to coerce/convince your mother (If you are still dependent on her she has to fully understand where you are coming from, and where you are going and why) into seeing both your points of view. I wish you the best of luck!

But ok upon closely reading your question I realize by staying with your mum you have a better chance of pursuing your acting dream. In that case forget most of what I have said and always think about your future. Never compromise or risk the future for what is bothering you 'in the present' such as bad friends and problems at home. Work around them and concentrate on your 'future'. So if it would affect your future career in anyway I would urge you to stay at your house with your mum where you are now, if your friends are 'bad' avoid them and stick to your work. If you are successful you'll be able to go anywhere you want in the 'future'. I move around because I know where i am going and looking for better opportunities, I do not get along with my parents but I am not running away from them - I am still getting them to accept my dreams - because problems have a tendency to 'grow' so they need to be taken care off.

2006-08-03 07:56:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well what i would do, is try to have a meeting with all three of you together in one room. you, your aunt, and your mom.

and if you have any other family members that have ideas, let them help too.

also, you and your mom just might be able to work out your relationship, if you really try. spend more time with her, do what she says as long as its nothing violent. you know. try your best to get along. and if it gets too bad, im sure you can find ways to get your acting into gear where your aunt lives, or somewhere close.

and you should also maybe talk to your counselor or something, to help make your descision or work out the problem. (:

2006-08-03 07:54:22 · answer #10 · answered by polkadots(: 1 · 0 0

yes let ur aunt talk to ur mom and maybe all three of u can sit down and talk about this situation cause if u are not getting along maybe u should suggest maybe seeing if ur mom will let u go stay for like a week as a trial run and see how it goes from there.

2006-08-03 07:52:44 · answer #11 · answered by sweetpea200476 2 · 0 0

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