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Over the years Mexico and the United States have fought several conflicts. Think of this Homeland Security. This time they only havet o send guns the 20 millionman army is already there.

2006-08-03 07:14:04 · 20 answers · asked by Wayne A 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

20 answers

Well, it still sucks to be Mexico, if that's their intention...if they don't like their country now, imagine how they'll like it blackened and burnt...basically, Mexico's our Poor Cousin to the south(though not quiiite as poor as they like to let on...there's money there, well-hidden). Like any Poor Cousin, they've become dependent out of convenience.

What Mexico NEEDS is INdependence, meaning they have to figure out how to support all the people they've got, and how to stop having 6+ kids. The Catholic Church LOVES to encourage growth in Mexico. Absolutely LOVES it. Why? More followers, of course! ROTF

This is the 21st century. The Wide Open Spaces got paved over a long time ago, what's left over is owned either by Century 21 or private parties. Welcome To The Future. Hell, people like Gates etc. could practically buy themselves a private state and kick everyone else out. You already see that in micro-scale, these property wars, and the Big Property War of your question is the result of the US/Mexico war of 1848, after which Mexico signed a treaty with the United States ceding all interest in lands north of our existing border. The 1853 Purchase even sweetened the deal for em. 15 million in 1853 was Quite A Bit Of Money, and effectively helped serve as seed money for the Mexico we see today, which again is far from being as 'poor' as they might like to pretend. They know americans are suckers for a sob story, and we're being played like a cheap dimestore guitar while our own GDP gets siphoned off in larger and larger portions.

I'm all for reforming immigration laws. This is, like I said, the 21st century, we should have a city on the moon instead of prisons in California. But, because of lackadaisical border enforcement, and other 'giveaway' policies of this and previous Congress' and administrations, instead we're 8.4 trillion in the red, and climbing.

There's 6.5 billion people in the world. A realistic approach to the issue would tend to strongly suggest that not all 6.5 billion can set up housekeeping in the United States. Hence, it is necessary to table policies that will keep growth in the general vicinity of reason and sanity. Inaction/silence are the same as implied assent, and it's time for Congress to exercise its' collective vocal cords on this one and say 'NO MAS'! on behalf of the american public, who, in my estimation, were they PROVIDED the option/opportunity to collectively vote on this important national issue, would most likely give voice to same or similar sentiments.
I'm glad that the House decided to 'hit the road' and ask questions of the public on this one, and to see for themselves what's really going on, because that's how you do that job, I believe. Representing the american public doesn't mean sitting on your duff while your illegal housekeeper does the dishes. Representing the american public means you get 'down in the trenches' and go see jails and prisons and talk to city councils and individual people about the issue, and oh, I don't know, maybe even read the occasional newspaper. At any rate, doing stuff like that is probably a lot more effective than just listening to some lobbyist extol the virtues of 'open immigration' or whatever BS story they're trying to put over on the public this week. Anyway, nuff said on that...

2006-08-03 07:40:01 · answer #1 · answered by gokart121 6 · 2 3

Your ancestors fought for the country and called it the "land of the free". Immigrants built this country and your ancestors knew that bc they were immigrants. So for an immigrant to follow the rules and obtain citizenship your ancestors would be okay with the situation, because they followed the rules.....Just look at as if you started college and you followed the rules, then you earned you College degree. The professors are happy that you succeed and now know that you deserved what you accomplished. Your ancestors werent stupid, the rules are strict and tough, plus it take alot to become a citizen here.

2006-08-03 14:22:53 · answer #2 · answered by edwards_j 2 · 0 0

I think you are citing a wrong example because Canada and US is totally different by Immigration policies. Canada doesn't allow any illegal immigrants whereas the there are millions of illegal Mexicans from Mexico in US today.The US govt. didn't realize it's effect unitl recently. As a matter of fact, it's not possible for the US govt. to kick them out because of their numbers in millions now. As far as Canadian Immigration is concerned, it gives citizenship only to the needy refugees and professional immigrants who likes Canada more than thier own homeland. Therefore, this process isn't going to degrade the sentiments of Canada in any manner.Instead, Canada has gianed many of the countries deficit like economy, population and Skilled professionals from other countries etc. Canada is gonna attain the highest success in the next 10 years for sure, a way ahead of US.Good Luck Canada!

2006-08-03 14:54:34 · answer #3 · answered by Ethan 4 · 0 0

You are a xenophobic bigot! Unless you are a Native American, your ancestors were also immigrants not too long ago. Part of what my ancestors fought for was the idea of a country that welcomed new arrivals, a country that offers opportunities for people of different cultures to coexist and flourish.
Are you so insecure that you cannot accept anybody that doesn't conform to your narrow definition of an American citizen?

2006-08-03 14:22:29 · answer #4 · answered by neerdowel 3 · 0 0

I don't think that letting them in is a bad thing, but not making them earn their citizenship is. If they want to live here fine, I can't disagree with someone just trying to get a better life. BUt do it the right way, learn english, and some histroy of this country before we give them all the rights that many others have worked so hard to earn. Giving them what they want is a big slap in the face to us, but it is even worst for those people who moved over here and earned the right to call themselves US citizens.

2006-08-03 14:23:44 · answer #5 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 0

No. Citizenship is not given away, there is a test and other requirements. Your notion of Mexico sending guns to Mexican Americans and them using them against other American citizens is ridiculous -- the likelihood of that is less than zero -- and in no sense is an "army" here that merely needs to be given guns -- and army has to be trained and organized it doesn't just happen.

You seem kinda paranoid to me.

2006-08-03 14:23:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your ansistors did not fight for anything they stole it at the point of a gun from peaceful people that did nothing to bring this on.
Europeans are thieves, murders and imperialists(look it up)
And its time for a world court to see the true evil in americans and justice for the victims.
And americans invaded iraq to take their natural resources , oil and we killed many thousand innocent civilians and young americans to attack a country that has no weapons or nothing to do with twin towers bombing.
Bush lied to you to invade a country and steal their oil.
So if this is what white america feels is OK to do to other countrys and people why do you call your selves christians these actions are not god like do you think god will forgive these crimes against peaceful humans.
Then you must think he will forgive hitler too?
Im glad im not white!

2006-08-03 14:49:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Welfare and free medical benefits for illegals is what's degrading everything our ancestors fought for.

They tax us citizens out of our homes, and make us pay for our meds while those who come here illegally get a free ride and can work tax-free under the table jobs.

I have no beef with immigrants ~ It's the ILLEGAL ones that are a bain to our society.

2006-08-03 14:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by Z33K Zmorphod 3 · 0 0

How is it degrading. The people that made this country were escaping a corrupt government. They meant this to be a country of immigrants. So no I highly disagree.

2006-08-03 14:17:00 · answer #9 · answered by Chelle's Belle 4 · 0 0

yes, our Native American ancestors fought long and hard against the Europeans just to let the Mexicans get it for free.

2006-08-03 14:17:51 · answer #10 · answered by Inframan 4 · 0 0

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