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Its African American to some, and black to others?
I say it should be black or white. What do you think?

Im not be racist, but im sure some black man/woman will say it is instead of handling like an adult, and will just sound dumb, so go ahead and say the truth

2006-08-03 07:08:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

15 answers

What are white people? Euro Americans? Never heard that myself ... I think we're either just Americans, or if you must, whites and blacks .... personally I don't mind being called white, don't see anything pejorative about that, and don't think black people mind being called blacks ... there's nothing pejorative about that either ... just a description really .... and African American is too darn long to type .. :)

2006-08-03 07:25:44 · answer #1 · answered by Sashie 6 · 0 0

How about just Mac or Jim, If everyone had to describe their ethnicity it would invariably be African, Mideastern, Asian, European-Eurasian, North American, South American.
Now take into account that racial purity is an impossible myth ( inbreeding, genetic regression ) and you have multi ethnicity's to add to the mix and that's just wayyy too much information to put on one form.

In the end what purpose does labels make, if you dislike something in a race you will find that issue in your own race also, Humans have historically used every conceivable excuse to dislike those they perceive as different but the truth is we share more similarities than differences because we all share the same DNA. When you look down your nose at another's actions there is a high likelihood that were you in the same environment your actions would closely parallel the one you take a dim view of.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.

2006-08-03 08:43:40 · answer #2 · answered by macdyver60 4 · 0 0

Why not 'american'? Slavery's been over for a long time, now, and most people have no problem based on skin color. For my part of it, I have a lot of respect for people that try to make it in life, and less for people that just go from one end to the other with a chip on their shoulder, and an attitude to match. I think when you've come to the point in your life when you've decided that your ethnicity is now a weapon, a tool to be used against others, that you've basically run out of Good Answers. As americans, we should strive to be color-blind as much as humanly possible, I think there's always going to be bias. Sometimes bias is good, sometimes that bias is bad, but what it amounts to either way is prejudice. Pre-judice. Pre-judgement.
Meaning that you're basically guilty until proven otherwise, and you'll find quite a bit of that in this world, be it ethnic or nationalistic. And, some of it is marginally accurate, different groups of people have distinct traits, positive AND negative, but those are more cultural than anything, I think.

Picture it this way. You're a 3-headed baby-from-Mars-ian-american. After you sort all the rest of that out, does anything matter but the last part? Not really. Can you get free money for the first part from the government? Chances are 'yes', if you cry loud enough...

2006-08-03 07:22:27 · answer #3 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

How about "American?" You can't be African-American unless you're from Africa. You can be an American of African descent, however, so the African-American thing is just another way of trying to be politically correct and setting yourself apart. There's nothing wrong with being Black - back in the '70's there was the phrase "Black Is Beautiful." But really, what's wrong with being an American who happens to be Black?

2006-08-03 07:58:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like American for Americans for that is the country we have our citizenship. That is what I prefer to be called. “Black” and “white” are convenient descriptions, though we are not really the color "black" or "white". African American was just an attempt for blacks to gain a sense of identity and belonging since they were not widely accepted into American culture at that time. Nowadays, we are just trying to clean up the mess created by those who came before us who wanted to keep the races separated. Things are more integrated but the terms remain.

2006-08-03 08:30:36 · answer #5 · answered by truly 6 · 0 0

Personally i prefer "Afrikanaan" ... it's a newer term that makes all sides happy. The term "black" is widely accepted but through years of racist American society black has taken on a somewhat perjorative meaning (i.e. good guys in movies wearing white bad guys wearing black, black sheep of the family, Black Friday, etc.) ... the term black is kind of like a subtle slap in the face on a subconscious level. African-American is too long and too confusing, especially since you have many whites from South Africa that may get strange looks when they check "African-American" on a job application. Afrikanaan means of or originating from Africa, very much like hispanic ort latino ... it's a broader term that encompasses many races, even though for the most part it's used to describe brown-skinned (SubSaharan) Africans.

2006-08-03 07:34:36 · answer #6 · answered by baq2calli 2 · 0 0

I am an African American and out of your query, you're pressured. Persons of African first rate are actually in each nation. The adjectives wherein describe them are beside the point. In the USA, we've long gone by way of many titles, coloured, negroes, black, Afro-American, and African American. Regardless of my name or my nationality, I am nonetheless the equal character. An African American with no trouble approach any individual of African beginning. It does now not imply the measure where we degree the genuine quantity of African blood. African Americans have each combination of blood recognized to guy as a result of the dimensions of the nation and its historical past. Be that as it will, we aren't in need of to be the whole thing besides black. Civilization began in Africa, and so they set the general in technology and math. Unlike you, I don't select to take a seat round and speak approximately my European or Native American blood. That is of no significance to me. I recognize it, however it isn't what makes me satisfactory. Africa makes me who I am. Just for the list, you'll select to name your self some thing you favor. It does now not difference who you're. Do now not turn out to be frustrated by way of the ones people who aren't narcissistic and realize who we're. There are thosef matters that I am now not happy with being an American, however the only factor that units me aside from others is my historical past as a black guy. Black Americans realize excess of you approximately the beginning of Africa and what it approach to be black on this international. I am now not caught on dull stuff and ashamed of who I am. Instead of being black, you're black West Indian. The indians are the poorest people alive, so that you went from unhealthy to worst. Be who you're, and don't fear approximately one more nationality that occurs to be black.

2016-08-28 13:16:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I prefer to say black. People get offended to easy. I have had black people get mad at me because I have said black person instead of African American..............cry me a river. I have been called a honkey or a cracker before and I could care less, its just a reason to cry and call people racist.

2006-08-03 07:47:06 · answer #8 · answered by lindsslc78 2 · 0 0

I'm with Sashie. Does it matter. I am from England. Do I insist on being called Anglo American? Hell no. It's all BS to keep the race thing going. What does it matter. Black White. No wonder this world is a damn mess. We are so hung up on names, titles etc when there is so much else going on to worry about.

2006-08-03 07:30:25 · answer #9 · answered by watty 2 · 0 0

I generally say "black".But thats cause it's easier than african american.I don't think it's a big deal.I mean,no one cares if you say white.Should we be offended?Maybe I'll want to be called caucasion.I hardly even know how to spell that,much less say it all the time!

Truthfully,"black" people aren't really black (more of a few shades of brown).And "white " people aren't really white either.More like ivory to tan.So,what should we really be called?Hmm,how about just "people"?

2006-08-03 07:49:37 · answer #10 · answered by Fluttery 3 · 0 0

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