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It's is really riduculous too see how many homeless people live in America...I have some food for thought.... America is the land of opportunity so why the homeless americans live in the street? How come an illegal lives better than a homeless american? How can you be an American and be homeless?? what's is wrong with this picture?

2006-08-03 06:50:01 · 19 answers · asked by mj23 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

19 answers

Mental illness and drugs are the picture. When substance abuse becomes more important than housing or shelter you have the homeless panhandler looking for his/her next bottle of wine. Illegal immigrants are here to work and earn money. The homeless are primarily here to ride on the coat tails of the people who feel sorry for them and support them. We Americans will not allow shanty towns or really low cost housing to exist because of our sociological fears. As a result the lowest affordable housing is way beyond the means of the pitiful souls who occupy our streets. The immigrants are willing to live twenty to a bedroom, in order to stay off the streets because to do so means risking deportation. I have an idea, lets have INS or ICE pickup all the homeless and deport them to Mexico as replacements for the ones coming here.

2006-08-03 07:09:52 · answer #1 · answered by yes_its_me 7 · 1 1

It is a shame that there are so many homeless people out there and as time gose by it will get worse. Or econamy is getting to the point where people have to chose. some people have to chose between a gallon of milk for there kids and a gallon of gas . some people have to chose to eat or there medications. And the way the rent is these days it's crazy. and no employer wants to give cost of living raises. and lanlords just keep raising rents to the point where people cant even live.I do understand there are alot of hard working people that work hard for what they have. and that is cool

but what about the disabled . or the mother that did not finish school and her husband of 15 yrs just left her . or the big company that just downsized and the supervisor that worked at the company for 10 yrs just got laid of couse of it.

And all the comercials to help all the people in other countries what about helping our own fellow man first before we help evryone else in the world. and those poor katrina victims that are still struggling after it all

America you really need to look at your own back yard before you help others . i suggest people valentier at your local church give that bum on the street your spare change instaead of saying get a job. freecycle the clothes you dont want or need . give food to the local pantry place for the less fortanate.

I am proud to be an american becouse i looked in my own back yard and i have help many even thuogh i am disabled with limited income i always find a way to lend a helping hand

Can You?

2006-08-03 07:17:40 · answer #2 · answered by mary_llinas 2 · 1 0

You know its really sad reading the responces to this question. Many of the responces are very poor and dont realize reality. There are many people that are homeless for many reasons. Some of them are they had high pressure jobs that took them to the edge. Some are woman that there husbands abused them and threw them out on the street. Not all homelss people are hooked on drugs. The fact is that many of them never used drugs till they ended up on the streets. THey are not lazy. In this county to get a job you need to provide a valid address were you live. So if you are homeless you would not have an address so therefore how do you get a job. Some people have emotional breakdowns and just give up on life because it becomes to much for them and they just loose the thirst for life. So those of you who dont realize this take sometime and visit a shelter and see for yourself. You may find your heart breaking and see that one day believe it or not it could happen to you.

2006-08-03 07:01:21 · answer #3 · answered by Rob 4 · 0 0

Regardless of the reason why you became homeless, most employers will not hire you if you don't have an address or transportation. It is quite easy to become homeless here if you work a low paying job (Those jobs we supposedly won't do) and no savings. Not everyone can go to college as it costs money and not everybody has a trust fund. Our citizens are the people our government should be trying to help, not illegal immigrants. Also, many of our homeless are untreated mentally ill people. If we can't assist them why in the HELL should we be helping illegals? I don't care why they came here, they are ENTITLED TO NOTHING. And why should we care about your poor starving families if all you can do is make fun of US citizens who are down on their luck?

2006-08-03 08:45:09 · answer #4 · answered by DJ 6 · 0 0

So many heartless answers ... so illegals are better because they work hard? Look, not all homeless people are even able to work ... they may be sick, have mental problems, or even just be handicapped ... these pro illegal people who are so set on creating a permanent underclass in the United States would do well thinking about the fact that a number of homeless people are disabled vets, who are too traumatized to work ... ever think of that? While illegals are meant to be pampered and looked after, our own people, some of whom who have fought for this country, are being looked down on and don't get the help they need and deserve ... I'm not one for generalizing, but those people who put illegals on a pedestal and look down on their own countrymen and women who may have fallen through the cracks through no fault of their own to my mind mind are the lowest of the low ....

2006-08-03 07:48:14 · answer #5 · answered by Sashie 6 · 0 0

" "Dan, no longer all human beings individuals are pigs. we've a community of philanthropy in the time of this land." With very few exceptions, that community money the humanities, PBS, and such. apart from Pres. Jimmy Carter's efforts little or no is finished to feed the hungry, supply adequate scientific guard the working undesirable, housing for the homeless. that's time for the U. S. to bathe the sh!t off their very own doorstep and butt out of the affairs of different international places. As a " Superpower" the U. S. has little or no time left if it does not start to look inward. Already too lots administration has been transferred to China. it ought to already be too previous with the aid of opposite what has surpassed off. It must be very no longer user-friendly for the asker and different individuals to be certain the decadence around them, the obsession with international domination, the money wasted on area probes(so Pluto isn't a planet, who cares?) that doesn't positioned food on the tables of united states of america or a roof over one individuals head. It stuns me that maximum of folk in the u . s . think of each and every person else in the international is chomping on the bit to alter into an American. As a Canadian, I care a great deal for individuals and that i will experience their frustration and that's heartbreaking. adequate reported, i'm happy i exchange into born north of the border. could God help united states of america.

2016-10-01 10:39:08 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Most homeless are homeless because they didn't take school seriously, they drink too much, they're on drugs, they don't spend their money wisely, they are too lazy to get a job, and they sit on the ground with a cup for money and a sign that says "Feed me." I don't feel bad for homeless people one bit. Meanwhile most illegal immigrants actually get a job and try to earn money. That why they probably live off better than a homeless person. They TRY!

2006-08-03 06:55:20 · answer #7 · answered by Don Dons! 3 · 1 0

I have worked with the homeless most if not all have a degree of mental illness. They are not capable of holding a job or even making decisions on their own. But the good ole USA has classified them as hopeless,disposable people as demonstrated here on Q & A. Yes the majority self medicate because they can't afford the meds nessasary to maintain a "normal life" Does that help????????????

2006-08-03 07:06:29 · answer #8 · answered by gidget lil bit 4 · 0 0

If people are homeless in this country its either cause they want to be or they are mentally ill. Undocumented workers come to this country and work their a$$ off getting a job or two to make ends meet. If an undoc can come here and find work without even knowing the language, there is no excuse for a citizen not being able to find work. they are either sick or lazy.

2006-08-03 08:35:53 · answer #9 · answered by magdalen 2 · 0 0

I think there are so many homeless people because they are either drug addicts, too lazy to go job hunting right when they lose their last job, or people who just don't know about shelters. I see them everyday here in Downtown Atlanta, and I think to myself, if they were really desperate enough, they could probably get a job somewhere...even if it is cleaning at a hotel. It is better than nothing!

2006-08-03 06:55:06 · answer #10 · answered by aloneinga 5 · 0 0

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