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This particular forum is nothing but hatred. What I don't get is people who say the illegal immigration issue is not a racial thing and then go on by saying let's send them back to Mexico. Well that is racial because although a majority are mexican, not all illegals are Mexican. These people also say that Mexicans are demandin things from our government, well I'm of Mexican heritage but born in the United States, but i've never gone to city hall and said hey give me free shi-t. Some extreme haters say really nasty things, then most everyone says you give white's a bad name, you don't speak for all of us. Ok take the same concept there and apply it to illegals and mexicans, whatever a group says, they aren't speaking for me, so stop with the hatred and focus. Is that so hard?

2006-08-03 06:44:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

9 answers

I hear you! Someone asked a question earlier about if the US had a war within it's boarders would you stay and I guarantee you that most people wouldn't stay, they would try to find a better life for their families. That is all that these immigrants want. A better life. Living below the poverty line or in a shack here is 100% safer then in Mexico so they are fighting for survival and a better life. Yes they need to become legal so that legal Americans aren't losing their jobs for cheaper labor (which by the way happens anyway because companies will just move to India for cheaper labor) BUT the "American Dream" is something that every one wants a piece of. And no, not all of them are Mexican, but because the majority are they are made an example of. Unfortunately the bad apples of the bunch make it harder for the majority of Americans to accept them into our country. I am not so sure that it is racist to say they want them sent back but the assumption that they are here for a free ride and are demanding things is ridiculous. People are just mad because not only are they willing to work for less but the quality of work is better! They are excited to have any job when spoiled Americans feel it is below them. I believe all the illegal immigrants without a violent record should be made legal so these poor people can get paid decently and have to opportunity to go back to Mexico to visit their families and come back to America without worrying that they won't make it past the boarder!

2006-08-03 07:01:26 · answer #1 · answered by 20mommy05 5 · 0 0

Well, what did you think of 'america is dying', or the flag trick?
What do you think the United States either 'owes' Mexico, or should be giving them outright? You claim hate, I don't see much of that, I do see some differing views on the issue, my personal view is that it's time for Mexico to take care of their own problems at home. Yes, Mexico DOES have problems at home, so do most of the central american countries you could name.

The difference between a festering 3rd world cesspool and an up-and-coming progressive nation is the initiative and the will of the People of that country to 'make it so'. Someday, when countries like Mexico make it their own top priority to clean up crime, fraud, and corruption in their government, as we are prone to do in the United States, they'll really have something, there. Until then, though, it's really best to recognize that a little quarantine goes a long way, and that any help you give to people who are on the general path to dysfunction, be it personal or national, is wasted until they wake up as people or as a body, and make important changes in what they do and how they do it.

Since that really doesn't seem to be the case with Mexico, I'd just as soon see their people largely stay out of our country. Nothing personal, but just because you may feel sorry for a drunk is not a good reason to let him move in with you.

Final note: Disregard some of the drivel you read here. Some of it is race-baiting posted by people who are closet pro-illegal, but are still a bit shy(or just being devious) in expressing it. They want people to think that all americans are racist, that all white people hate other races, things like that. If you read the news much, you'll find america demonized on a regular basis. Pay it no heed, judge our character with your own eyes and ears, and not by the misguided/misguiding rhetoric of knee-jerks and agitators...

2006-08-03 13:56:20 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

Girl you are full with hate .... but i understand where your coming from.... You have alot of ban wagonist out there. Most of them are clueless to the whole situation, just repeating what they hear on Tv or other from other haters. I have herad so many stuff that illegals are getting medical/financial support from the US govt which i have even tried to access with no avail. I have read web sites made phone calls to gain access to the funds and guess what "The system does not support illegals". Now to here these ignorant people say we are using there system is just plain BS. Whatever an illegal has ...he worked twice as hard to achieve it. No one looks at the dirty labor work they do..... but they are glad for the nice homes that are built by cheap labor. The media should list all the benefits of what they do so the nation can be better educated and respond more intelligently.

2006-08-03 14:00:46 · answer #3 · answered by edwards_j 2 · 0 0

It's a race issue because many illegal Mexican aliens and their supporters made it that way. What does "La Raza" mean again? These people are demanding special laws that cater only to Mexicans, no one else. THAT is racism, in my book. Towards everybody who isn't Mexican.

When was the last time you saw a group of Mexican illegal supporters get out and protest in favor of illegal Chinese aliens? Or illegal European aliens? Never? Exactly. Because it isn't about helping all illegals, it's about only helping illegal Mexicans. Do you see the unfairness of making laws that basically favor Mexican illegals over everybody else?

A big problem I see on this forum is that anybody who doesn't support illegal aliens is automatically labeled a racist. I have no doubt there are people here who have even called me a racist. F*ck them. :) I've even had racism launched towards my race by people who are basically the "leaders" of the pro-illegal group at this forum, just because we mostly don't support illegal aliens. These people are actively TRYING to spark up racism against my race.

I agree with you, the hate needs to stop. All the racists, on BOTH sides, need to just shut their mouths and quit trying to make things worse. They need to realize that all the hate they spread here is read by Yahoo knows how many people, and that their hate filled internet banter is effecting people all over the US. BOTH sides here at YA are guilty of hate, guile, and racism. It's pretty disgusting actually.

2006-08-03 15:36:28 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Bojangles 5 · 0 0

What do you want to know. It is a heated issue. Not too sure why, it is not like we can't afforded to accommodate 12,000,000 extra people who are working in the US -- presuming they are working. They do pay sales tax like the rest of us. They do pay into SSI and may never collect it out of the system (still not sure about that one). The most articulate Conservative of this era gave undocumented aliens amnesty in the '80s. I can't see why we cannot do it again. If the issue is only one of documentation, as in we want to know who is here, then document them and be done with it. Yes, there are some jobs they take at ridiculously low wages, which do hurt those who do live in the US, but there are ways of addressing that. If we document them, they cannot be exploited, and they can then demand the going wages for the jobs they do. I am referring to construction jobs, not farm work. What else do you want to know?

2006-08-03 14:03:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

all illegals from every where i am against illegal immigration not the color of you skin i have brown people in my family as we have Indian in us its not about that but the facts are most illegals are from mexico! and the mexican people are getting favoritism in this matter as they might get scamesty which lets them cut in line of people who are still waiting in line and our government is being sued by other immigrants waiting in line as they have been waiting so long so do shut up

2006-08-03 13:56:39 · answer #6 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 0 0

I agree. They say stop using the "race card" and then deny that there are any people on here that say racist things. What about the outright racists like "White American"? We are calling them like we see them. If some of the anti-illegals are so sensitive about being called "racist" then they need to stop saying racist and prejudiced things!

2006-08-03 13:53:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You really answered your own question. Yes the majority are mexicans, so that's why they say go back to mexico. It's easier than saying go back to mexico, honduras, guatamala, colombia, cuba, jamaica, dominican republic, haiti, puerto rico, panama, brazil, argentina, etc, etc.

2006-08-03 13:55:30 · answer #8 · answered by pattycake 3 · 0 0

I hate when they say they're not racist and then go ahead and say something like that! You're right! They're hypocrites.

2006-08-03 13:52:47 · answer #9 · answered by Don Dons! 3 · 0 0

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