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seriously i'm just wondering because i can't see why it would be wrong. i mean especially if you believe that god created people because then why would he create gay people just to say that they are evil?

2006-08-03 06:34:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Hi Lisy,

There is both Old Testament and New Testament proof that homosexuality is definitely not approved by God. Romans Chapter 1 is a good chapter that talks about how man chose to worship the creature instead of the creator and so God left them over to the depravity of their own minds and they began to do whatever pleased themselves and one of those things include men with men, woman with woman and it says they gave themselves over to their unnatural uses... etc.

In other words- people chose not to acknowledge God and His ways and chose to follow their own hearts and this is one of the things that have come about with man doing whatever man thinks is right. God is the one who designed us and if you look at the parts anatomically first of all- homosexuality doesn't fit. Part of God's blessing too is creating and men with men and women with women also does not create. It does not mean that this is the only purpose of sex- God created sex - meant to be enjoyed in the context of a marriage between a man and a woman.

In Romans 1 we kind of see the essence of sin- man choosing his way over God's way. So it is not being gay that sends someone to Hell, it is a refusal to accept God's way and insist on following one's own way. In that sense everyone has sinned and need Jesus' forgiveness. That's really important because many in the homosexual community get a sense that God hates them. God hates sin, not people, he died on a cross for people to have the opportunity for forgiveness.

God doesn't just tell us things to prohibit us but for our good. The homosexual community has a much higher rate of promiscuity and statistically few relationships last for a lifetime (which is what so many people are searching for isn't it? A love that lasts forever.)

i hope this helps i'm trying to just share based on what i've learned from the Bible and also from some of my homosexual friends (i'm a pastor by the way). i believe God has asked us to love people but to also tell the truth to them. There is a ministry of Christians who used to be homosexual and they shared with my church a lot of the damaging things that homosexuals have gone through and i think they could be helpful as well, checkout livingstones.com

in Christ's kindness,


2006-08-03 06:37:43 · answer #1 · answered by Nickster 7 · 0 0

Homosexuality is only wrong if practiced. the bible teaches that homosexuals are to be accepted and loved for who they are, just like any human being. It is the sexual act itself that is wrong, not the person. Originally, in the time of the bible, sex was meant to be between a man and a woman for procreation. Homosexuals cannot procreate. God never said homosexuals are evil, and neither do most religions. It is the act itself that religion has a problem with.

2006-08-03 06:50:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many atheists would also agree that homosexuality is wrong because its not normal and goes against the course of nature. God created people who commit all kinds of disgusting sins. Just because God created a person doesnt mean that person will live out his will.

2006-08-03 06:45:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some people believe that that god isn't the only influence in the world. They believe that god gave the devil power here as well. In which case, the evil that people do would be because they were influenced by the devil.

They would say, by your reasoning, we should love murders as well since god created them.

Most religious texts say homosexuality is not what god intented and therefore wrong.

2006-08-03 06:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by msbedouin 4 · 0 0

God created people -- but that doesn't mean He endorses and approved of each and every thing that His creations do.

I don't know if gay people are born with a homosexual inclination, but for the sake of argument here, I'll concede for the moment that they are.

Other people are born with other inclinations, though -- bestiality, pedophilia, incest, and so on.

Does this mean that it's okay to act on the inclinations -- just because we have them?

Having the inclination toward a behavior is not necessarily a God-given green light to engage in said behavior. It depends on what it is.

With homosexuality, acting on the inclination toward the behavior is morally illicit, because it goes against the order of God's design for His creation -- namely, that He created us to be sexually complementary. He created roughly half of us male, and roughly half of us female.

In so doing, God made us partners in His ongoing creative work. Homosexual acts deny that partnership. They go entirely against it. It's God's will, but homosexual acts are in denial of it.

2006-08-04 02:53:00 · answer #5 · answered by Julia Encarnacion 1 · 0 0

God created people -- but that doesn't mean He endorses and approved of each and every thing that His creations do.

I don't know if gay people are born with a homosexual inclination, but for the sake of argument here, I'll concede for the moment that they are.

Other people are born with other inclinations, though -- bestiality, pedophilia, incest, and so on.

Does this mean that it's okay to act on the inclinations -- just because we have them?

Having the inclination toward a behavior is not necessarily a God-given green light to engage in said behavior. It depends on what it is.

With homosexuality, acting on the inclination toward the behavior is morally illicit, because it goes against the order of God's design for His creation -- namely, that He created us to be sexually complementary. He created roughly half of us male, and roughly half of us female.

In so doing, God made us partners in His ongoing creative work. Homosexual acts deny that partnership. They go entirely against it. It's God's will, but homosexual acts are in denial of it.

2006-08-03 06:46:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religious people seem to have a way of making everyone else evil. What i mean is, if you do not follow their religion, then you are evil in their eyes whether or not you have ever done anything bad in your life. They see evil everywhere except within, when they are the ones being hipocrites and saying they love everyone, but most of what they say is hateful. Religion closes minds to everything that isnt spelled out plainly in their doctrine.
Blessed Be.

2006-08-03 06:42:16 · answer #7 · answered by Ravenfire 3 · 0 0

6.5 million people on the earth. Gays should be embraced because we take the pressure off the population bulge. we adopt babies that have no parents we dont add to the problem loads of us are just like you only we love differently. alot of religion was created to foster society and build it up. now we are sooo built that some people need to get off the babie making market. its natures way of saying "whoa nelly too many babies!" relax let us get married let us adopt children. Or we can just suffocate the earth under our incredible population. also sex between consentual adults is very different from forcing it onto animals and children.

2006-08-03 07:10:11 · answer #8 · answered by seriouslysage 1 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with having homosexual tendencies. Just in yielding to them. Just like there is nothing wrong with having kleptomanic or compulsive lying tendencies, just yielding to them. We are in a mortal, fallen state in which everyone has temptations to overcome. Through the atonement of Christ we can overcome our carnal and devilish side. Even Jesus was tempted, but he never gave in to these temptations.

2006-08-03 07:31:23 · answer #9 · answered by Senator John McClain 6 · 0 0

I get tired of answering the same question for people who are to lazy to read.
But I will

Go to 1st Corinthians 6:9 NIV

Plain and simple

2006-08-03 06:46:17 · answer #10 · answered by kenny p 7 · 0 0

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