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How can people confuse christianity with catholicism when they are completely different. In catholicism they have a pope, in christianity they do not, because honoring someone as if they were better than you or "more holy" than you like God is erroneous. Also there are no nuns in christianity, who claim to be married to God, which you cannot be married to God. And then they practice idoltary by "honoring"/worshipping the statues of st.andrew, mary, and other people that are probably not in the bible like st. augustine. And they believe that you can have your sins forgiven by confessing to a priest. In christianity only God can forgive sins, you pray directly to him not to a mere man. All catholicism is erroneous to christianity. when the two get confused people will blame mostly christianity, just because they have an excuse due to the faults in catholicism - like the geocentric theory, yeah that was catholics not christians. Don't get it twisted! Oh, but you will so it doesn't matter.

2006-08-03 06:12:52 · 26 answers · asked by morobell 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

also christianity alone is a religion and does not have any branches to it, like the lies man has made it out to be. they try to cling to christianity but they cant because their religion is not christianity. To say it has branches is just erroneous.

2006-08-03 06:22:13 · update #1

Actually the definition of christian is christ like not "one who follows christ". Even the demons in hell have to bow down to christ. Not everyone who "follows" christ is true. Christian means to be christ-like and to act like jesus. read the bible people.

2006-08-03 06:24:50 · update #2

and don't say do your research because i have, and who are you all to say that seeing as though you go by the standards that man has set for you.

2006-08-03 06:26:49 · update #3

i'm about to delete this question. I thought no one would answer this question intelligently and correct, and i was right. seeing as there wont be any correct responsesd this question will be deleted.

2006-08-03 06:29:30 · update #4

26 answers

Your got is wrong. Catholicism is a subset of Christianity.

2006-08-03 06:16:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi, i was confused with this before. I'm not a Catholic, nor a hardcore Christian, but I'm a Jesus follower and as a supporter as well. I believe in Christ, and anyone who believes in Him is called a Christian. Christianity and Catholicism are the same. They are both rooted from our Lord Jesus and all of us believe in Him. The reason why Christians today reject the notion that these two are similar is somewhat refered back to the Britain history. King Henry VIII was born and raised a Catholic (there was no other denominations back then) and Catholic meaning universal. In this universal belief, marriage is sacred, and so are many things. It's staunched but yet true to its belief. When King Henry decided to divorce his queen, he was the first man in history to break the Catholic's law on marriage, let alone he was the public figure back then. Hence, the movement of Martin Luther was very aggresive towards liberation of Catholicism that led to the thorough research of the Bible and its roots. Thus all these created a historical symbol that reforms were made and 2 different branches were branched. They were called Catholicism and Protestism. The contemporary Christians who are non-Catholics are called Protestants. They protest the once made rules of the Catholic Bible and also rules set in the current Vatican. After the reformation, many researches have been done to delegate the differences in between Protestant truths and the Catholics. Hence came the notion of Catholics are idol worshippers where they worship saints and Jesus's mother, Mary. This is a huge misunderstanding of many Christians today where the globalised mentality of idolatry and worshipping of idols have come to a great extend to influence on such thoughts. Catholics DO NOT worship saints and Mother Mary. They honour them, as how we honour our parents. This is still a debatable stance where it's far too deep to be discussed here. You will never understand the true value of both sides until you come to the root of Christianity, where we all believe in only ONe true God. Questions like: are the books in the Bible 'the only' books? Or had there been others been extracted to conceal certain truths and dogmas? Historical facts are very much more interesting than contemporary idolistic points of views. Try as much as you can to explore the possibilities of knowing what Christianity IS ALL ABOUT. Forget about denominational bias. We need to know God, and not the known false prophets who insistingly declare their hipocrisy truths. Hope this helps.

2006-08-03 13:31:51 · answer #2 · answered by Springboard 2 · 0 0

You clearly do not know squat about Catholicism **OR** Christianity!!!!

Because otherwise you would not have posted such an ignorant message.

Catholicism is the oldest & largest Christian denomination, with its Papacy going all the way back to St. Peter.

During the pagan Roman persecutions, young girls chose Martyrdom, right on the grounds that they were the Brides of Christ the Lord(they said He Is their Spouse).

You also do not know what worship is. Because if you did, you would know that we do not worship any statue. Only the One True God. Worship is the Sacrifice or Offering given. It is not just honour or praise.

Confession to the priest is in the Gospel according to St. John chapter 20.

I suggest you do a little research before you post again!!!

2006-08-03 13:24:04 · answer #3 · answered by clusium1971 7 · 0 0

I agree with you completely, but then you didn't take it far enough. You say the worship idols because of the Virgin Mary and St. Andrew and so on, but what do you think praying before a cross is, that cross isn't God or God's son. It is a piece of wood, and yet you pray to it and in front of it (honoring it). As far as that whole pope thing, it isn't calling the pope more holy per se, but rather that the pope is God's person to tell the Catholics what He wants (similar to Moses giving the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, Moses didn't come up with them but he was God's "go to" guy when dealing with the Israelites).

That whole nuns claim to be married to God thing doesn't mean married in the sense you are thinking. It means that they have dedicated themselves to God and will not let anything (including marriage to a man) stand in the way of that.

And finally that whole confessing sins to a priest deal. The Bible says somewhere (I'm not sure where but I think Hebrews, it is one of those books Paul wrote) that one of the things required of his congregation is to tell the sins out loud also (God does the forgiving, but telling them to other humans is also required as part of attaining forgiveness) and that is what the priest is for. So they are following the bible at least some. You misunderstand the point of why they do things, and are also so busy looking at the straw in their eye that you are missing the rafter in your own.

Christianity as an overall whole (Catholics included but certainly not limited to them) has failed the people and drawn many away from true Christianity in its original form as taught by Jesus (which is to believe in Jehovah God with Jesus as His son and the ransomer by which we are saved). Read the Bible, don't listen solely to your pastors, ministers and priests, who must be verified by the bible and God before they should be trusted completely.

2006-08-03 13:27:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

so if it doesn't matter, why ask? there are major differences between catholocism and many other branches of the christian church. but....what you are forgeting that as a branch of christianity, catholocism is actually more similar then it is different. think about the utmost rule in christianity (which catholics share) the belief in christ as the son of god:

The Apostles' Creed
(as usually recited today)
I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen

2006-08-03 13:21:46 · answer #5 · answered by Nanny's mommy 3 · 0 0

Christians worship one God. Catholics believe the mother and son worship of Jesus and Mary. Christians believe Jesus is the only way to remove sins and salvation to heaven. Catholics use the Pope to intercede for our forgiveness of sins. Present day Christians use the word to bring bring people to god and save souls for God. Previous day Christians under the Roman Catholic Church used the Popes and Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin,Lenin, and Mao to commit the countless,tortures and murders of Jews the during the Crusades and the Holocaust. These so called "Christians: blamed the Jews for all the world problems, accused them of being Christ killers and were not better than extremists groups who would make you covert religions or they killed you.

2006-08-03 14:30:22 · answer #6 · answered by isbros 3 · 0 0

I have to agree with you , but you left out the most important factor . The Word of God . Matthew 23:9 states you do not call anyone father in a religious sense , there is only one Father , the One above . Also in the Manual of Christian Doctrine pg.444 it says that Catholics can lie to further their religion . Exodus 20:16 , Colossians 3:9 , the Word of God says not to lie , that's a contradiction . God bless you

2006-08-03 13:25:47 · answer #7 · answered by robinhoodcb 4 · 0 0

>>>In catholicism they have a pope, in christianity they do not, because honoring someone as if they were better than you or "more holy" than you like God is erroneous. <<<

We don't honor the Pope as "someone better than us." We simply recognize Peter and his successors as the earthly heads of Christ's Church on earth as established in Matthew 16.

>>>Also there are no nuns in christianity, who claim to be married to God, which you cannot be married to God.<<<

Nuns do not claim to be "married to God." The term "bride of Christ" is a metaphor, a declaration that a woman has publicly vowed to give her life entirely to God and to the service of His Church.

>>>And then they practice idoltary by "honoring"/worshipping the statues of st.andrew, mary, and other people that are probably not in the bible like st. augustine.<<<

We do not worship statues. The presence of a statue or other work of art depicting someone is not equivalent to worship -- any more than you worship the photo of a loved one you keep on your desk.

>>>And they believe that you can have your sins forgiven by confessing to a priest. In christianity only God can forgive sins, you pray directly to him not to a mere man. <<<

Then why did Christ tell the apostles, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven; whose sins you hold bound are held bound"?

The truth is, the Catholic priest does not forgive sins -- God does. But He does it through the priest, as embodied in the above quote from Christ Himself.

>>>All catholicism is erroneous to christianity.<<<

The only erroneous things I see here are your wild claims about Catholicism, no offense.

But it's not your fault. No doubt your misconceptions about Catholicism have been inherited from other non-Catholics.

>>>when the two get confused people will blame mostly christianity, just because they have an excuse due to the faults in catholicism - like the geocentric theory,<<<

No offense, but you're making more errors today than a blind outfielder in a softball game. Here's another one.

The Catholic Church has never formally defined the geocentric theory as an official Church teaching. That is a matter of science, not theology.

The Church does not have formal teachings on matters of science, it never has, and it never will.

>>>yeah that was catholics not christians. Don't get it twisted! .<<<

No offense, but I think you need to get your facts straight about Catholicism.

Don't get your "information" from other non-Catholics, because they're just as misinformed about our faith as you are.

Get it instead from a well-informed Catholic -- such as myself, for instance. Feel free to PM me anytime.

2006-08-03 13:32:27 · answer #8 · answered by Julia Encarnacion 1 · 0 0

>>>In catholicism they have a pope, in christianity they do not, because honoring someone as if they were better than you or "more holy" than you like God is erroneous. <<<

We don't honor the Pope as "someone better than us." We simply recognize Peter and his successors as the earthly heads of Christ's Church on earth as established in Matthew 16.

>>>Also there are no nuns in christianity, who claim to be married to God, which you cannot be married to God.<<<

Nuns do not claim to be "married to God." The term "bride of Christ" is a metaphor, a declaration that a woman has publicly vowed to give her life entirely to God and to the service of His Church.

>>>And then they practice idoltary by "honoring"/worshipping the statues of st.andrew, mary, and other people that are probably not in the bible like st. augustine.<<<

We do not worship statues. The presence of a statue or other work of art depicting someone is not equivalent to worship -- any more than you worship the photo of a loved one you keep on your desk.

>>>And they believe that you can have your sins forgiven by confessing to a priest. In christianity only God can forgive sins, you pray directly to him not to a mere man. <<<

Then why did Christ tell the apostles, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven; whose sins you hold bound are held bound"?

The truth is, the Catholic priest does not forgive sins -- God does. But He does it through the priest, as embodied in the above quote from Christ Himself.

>>>All catholicism is erroneous to christianity.<<<

The only erroneous things I see here are your wild claims about Catholicism, no offense.

But it's not your fault. No doubt your misconceptions about Catholicism have been inherited from other non-Catholics.

>>>when the two get confused people will blame mostly christianity, just because they have an excuse due to the faults in catholicism - like the geocentric theory,<<<

No offense, but you're making more errors today than a blind outfielder in a softball game. Here's another one.

The Catholic Church has never formally defined the geocentric theory as an official Church teaching. That is a matter of science, not theology.

The Church does not have formal teachings on matters of science, it never has, and it never will.

>>>yeah that was catholics not christians. Don't get it twisted! .<<<

No offense, but I think you need to get your facts straight about Catholicism.

Don't get your "information" from other non-Catholics, because they're just as misinformed about our faith as you are.

Get it instead from a well-informed Catholic -- such as myself, for instance. Feel free to PM me anytime.

2006-08-03 13:25:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The definition of a Christian is a follower of Christ.

Catholics follow Christ

Therefore Catholics = Christians...

Catholics are just a sect of Christianity, just like Protestants etc...

2006-08-03 13:20:38 · answer #10 · answered by Spork 2 · 0 0

Catholicism is NOT a "subset" of Christianity. It was THE Christian Church for 1500 years before any Protestant groups sprung from it.

Catholics are Christians whether certain protestants acknowledge it or not.

Before attacking anything you should learn about it first. It is painfully obvious you have NO IDEA what you speak of. You are merely repeating falsehoods someone else has told you.

2006-08-03 13:21:11 · answer #11 · answered by Augustine 6 · 1 0

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