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If He did can you show me in the bible where it says that.

I have a freind that live strictly according to the bible.

2006-08-03 06:11:30 · 19 answers · asked by 0110010100 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

No God has not given Man his own free will. Man has chosen his own free will. Man chooses to fornicate, God does not allow it.
Man chooses adultery, God does not allow it. Man chooses to get tattoes, God does not allow it. Women choose to preach, God does not allow it. Man chooses to make his own religion, God does not allow it. Man chose to build the tower of bable to try to make himself god, God did not allow it. Man in the beginning saw that the women were fair, and TOOK them wives of all they chose, God did not not allow it. Man and woman choose to divorce, whereas God said until death do you part. In the book of
19) Now the works of the flesh(man) are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness,
20) Envyings, murders, drunkeness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God.
God has not given no man the freedom of his own will. Even Jesus told his disciples in
St. John 4:34
34) Jesus said unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish his work.

So Jesus himself did not have his own free will. So what makes you think you have it? I pray for you. Amen
Understand disobeying God because of your want for free will, will cause your soul to go to HELL.

In the beginning God did Not give Adam and Eve a choice. God commanded Adam not to eat of the tree. It was not a choice, or free will. It was a commandment.

2006-08-03 14:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Brother Marland H 3 · 0 1

In Genesis, Chapter 3 - God tells Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. But, the serpent convinces them to do it, and they disobey God's command. If there were not free will, Adam and Eve would not have been able to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Without free will they would not have had the choice between love and sin.

So, yes, God did give us free will - as is written in the Bible - but this was an "implicit" gift. God did not explicitly say, "I am going to give you the gift of free will." Adam and Eve learned that they have a choice between loving God and obeying (listening to) God's commands or disobeying (turning away from) and sinning against God's will. Free will means that we are allowed to act from our own will - rather than God's will.

The good thing about free will is that we are also free to love. This shows the invitation into relationship that God extends to us.

2006-08-03 13:26:16 · answer #2 · answered by KatieOfSiena 1 · 0 0

The way I see it, God is either omnipotent or he gave us free will but it can't be both ways. If God is omnipotent-all knowing, all seeing, knowing every aspect of what will happened to us before it actually happens then there can be no free will. If we have free will, then God cannot be omnipotent-all knowing, all seeing etc. Since free will implies that we have the ability to make choices and God would not know what are choice would be. Personally, I prefer the free will concept myself. As for where it occurs in the Bible, it begins with Adam & Eve-Eve had free will to act on the temptation of satan and now, here we all are.

2006-08-03 13:20:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course he really gave us free will? Everything we do is a choice--even the simplist choice of what to eat each night. If we didn't have any choices then the answer would be no. Your friend chooses to live strictly according to the Bible, you friend does not have to live that way unless they so choose to.

2006-08-03 13:28:36 · answer #4 · answered by Rocky 2 · 0 0

From the beginning of the earth God gave us free will. He created Adam and Eve and gave them a choice. He made the tree of Good and Evil. From there Adam and Eve had the choice to disobey God and eat the fruit, or stay away from it and be perfect and have a relationship with God. Right now you can disobey God and do what you please, or accept God's graced and be saved. God gave you freewill. He didn't want to make Robots that would obey him by force. He wanted sincere love from us, and that's why he gave us free will. Did this answer your prayer?

2006-08-03 13:20:18 · answer #5 · answered by OnFireForJesus! 3 · 0 0

It depends on your point of view.

Free will is something that God has given us, but you need to realize that it has its limitations.

Christianity teaches that our free will is so powerful that it can supersede the will of God. This is simple nonsense. God loves us too much to ever allow this to happen.

Our free will is constrained by the choices God makes available to us. That is all of the possible choices that are available to us, lead eventually to the exact same outcome. Some take us in more circuitous pathways but all of the possible choices eventually lead us back home to God.

So the answer is actually yes and no. We do have free will but it is constrained by the choices God allows for us to pick from. God simply loves us too much to allow us any choices that would allow us to become permanently lost to Him.

Many religions teach that this is not the case, they teach that we can become forever lost due to our choices. This is a simple lack of faith in Gods love for us. A simple misunderstanding No more no less.

Love and blessings

2006-08-03 13:17:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, it doesn't say it in one way in one place. It begins with God giving the command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He could have shielded Adam & Eve from the possibility of sin, but that would deny them the free will to choose. They exercised their free will by choosing disobedience.

And there's more, much more. Paul's epistles are sort of a treatise on the operation of human will in relation to God's Law and God's grace.

2006-08-03 13:17:03 · answer #7 · answered by LooneyDude 4 · 0 0

God never gave anyone a FREE WILL, when he created Adam, re-creation of earth if absolutely finish, he was place in the middle of the garden, and was given instructions, the first 7 command before the ten commandment was given to moses.

Free Will is the uncommunicalbe attributes of God, meaning to say he can create things out of nothing.

Absolute will (choice) which is commontly known today as free will. Free will comes from the teaching of the early father of the church. from the dark ages.

am tired and exhausted from work, I'll explain it later, please excuse me.

2006-08-03 13:39:28 · answer #8 · answered by NIGHT_WATCH 4 · 0 0

In this case I do not think you actually need to go to the bible only, because logic will suffice.

1. We are created by God (look to genesis).

2.We are not robots who must obey him (Look to Eve and her disobedience, look to your own life and when you have done things because you wanted to and where not in accordance with God's will).

3. Therefore God created us with the capacity for freewill. (look to the new testament and the talk of our old sin nature).

2006-08-03 13:20:01 · answer #9 · answered by ellieannah 3 · 0 0

John 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The WHOSOEVER makes it your choice. Jesus isnt gonna twist your arm to be saved. Thats freewill. Romans 5:23- For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Again you have freewill to choose death or eternal life. Romans 10:13- For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Well theres the scriptures, now you tell me which you have chose. Its all up to you. Freewill.

2006-08-03 13:22:21 · answer #10 · answered by iwant_u2_wantme2000 6 · 0 0

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