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Has anyone taken Zoloft before? I just got prescribed .25 mg Zoloft a day for panic attacks/anxiety. This is my second day taking it and I have not been able to sleep or eat. I also feel more tense, have to go to the bathroom a lot and am clinching my teeth. Is this normal? Will it go away?

Is Xanax better? I know a lot of pepole that said they hated Zoloft and Xanax was better for them.

2006-08-03 06:01:59 · 12 answers · asked by dolphinscuriousdogs 2 in Health Other - Health

12 answers

I'm no doctor or pharmacist, but I have had experiences with both of the medications and I think comparing the two drugs is like comparing apples to oranges.

Zoloft, like Paxil and Luvox are classified as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). They basically work to control the levels of serotonin in the brain. Generally, these medications take 6-8 weeks for full effects. I also believe that the early side effects will wear off in time (mine did). Zoloft is usually given as long term treatment coupled with therapy.

Xanax on the other hand is a completely different class of anxiety medication. It is taken ad hoc whenever anxious situations arise. I only used to Xanax in the first couple of weeks before the effects of Zoloft took over.

I would recommend continuing the treatment with the Zoloft for now. If it's only been two days, it is by no means enough time for the anxiety reducing effects to be felt. If the side effects are too uncomfortable, I would say you could use the Xanax while possibly looking for another SSRI.

I'm not advocating one either way, I prefer the SSRI because I think it made me feel more "normal" and not "calm" like the Xanax made me feel. But I definitely believe the right treatment is the one that works for you.

Absolutely talk to your doctor and/or psychiatrist about your medication options, especially if one is not working.

Hope this helps!

Good Luck!

2006-08-03 06:22:14 · answer #1 · answered by Sliver2742 2 · 0 0

Xanax and Zoloft are different classes of medications. Xanax is a anti anxiety (sedative) Zoloft is an anti depressant. Xanax works within minutes of taking it but doesn't last long and really just masks the symptoms. It is also very addictive. Zoloft takes 4 to 6 weeks to build a therapeutic level in you blood. So be patient it works well for panic and anxiety. You just don't get an immediate effect. Zoloft is not addictive. In 80 to 90 % of cases where someone takes Zoloft for 2 years with out interruption the medications actually changes your brain chemistry and you may be able to come off the Zoloft and not have to take meds anymore. The Xanax does not do that, as soon as you miss a dose you'll start have panic attacks again. You can ask your doctor to give you an anti anxiety to help get you through the period where the drug is building in your body this will help with the anxiety until you get the full effect of the Zoloft. If the Zoloft doesn't work there are other medications to try such as Prozac and Paxil. Its worth the trial and error, I suffered from severe panic attacks for 20 yrs and since taking Prozac I haven't had one in the last 7 years (WHAT A RELIEF)....Hang in there you'll be OK.

2006-08-03 06:19:24 · answer #2 · answered by paulamcneil1223 3 · 0 0

It is going to take some time. Do not be alarmed. I would ask your Doctor to take Lexipro or Celexa though. I suffer from the same thing you do. I did a lot of research on Meds before I took one. The 2 I mentioned are the best and "cleanest". Only take Xanax if you must!!! It is a dangerous drug. It is a rebound drug, so when the effect wears off your anxiety will come back and you will want to take another Xanax thus the addiction starts. Try Klonopin instead, it's time release. I never took those but I always carried one with me for security, it made me feel better knowing it was there. You Zoloft is going to take time, think about what it's doing. Your Brain is sensitive, and this drug will take 4-6 weeks to get through your system. I have been on Celexa for 8 months and I feel sooo much better. I quit drinking, I exercise like a madman and eat better. And my life ids better for it. Good luck!!!

2006-08-03 06:12:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

usually Zoloft takes a few days to get into your system to start working.. or until you would notice a difference.. The symptoms that you are describing such as clinching teeth, not sleeping or eating could be side effects so you need to contact your Dr.
The going to bathroom a lot is one of the side affects and will go away after your body is use to the drug.. I know I take Zoloft and it did that to me..
As far as for Xanax.. It is a quick fix whereas Zoloft is more of a long term non addictive treatment.
Xanax is very addictive and one of the most abused drugs on the market.. It does However like I say helps as a quick fix.
Call your dr. about the other symptoms..

2006-08-03 06:13:26 · answer #4 · answered by DeeDee 4 · 0 0

SSRI's like Zoloft can take up to 6 weeks to have their full effect. Unless you were allergic to Zoloft, and having a rash or shortness of breath, you would not be having any side effects yet. Just give it a chance to work.
Xanax is a benzodiazepine, and works in a totally different way than the SSRI's. They are not readily prescribed on a long-term basis because a) they have a high tendency to be addictive, b) it takes higher and higher doses to produce the same effect as time progresses, and c) they are considered a popular 'street' drug.
Call your doc and see if he can give you something to help your anxiety while you are waiting for the Zoloft to kick in. Sometimes we use Vistaril for that purpose.
Good luck!

2006-08-03 06:25:26 · answer #5 · answered by lucysmom 3 · 0 0

These are 2 different classes of drugs. Zoloft being an antidepressant takes a while to take effect. I doubt if you're experiencing any side effects from that yet. Xanax on the other hand is an antianxiety agent which sounds like more of what you need.

2006-08-03 06:08:35 · answer #6 · answered by Kauser M 2 · 0 0

Yeah, the information from the other people is pretty dead on. Zoloft = depression. Xanax = anxiety. Xanax is also very short acting and many people who use it, use it several times a day. They made Xanax XR (extended release) as a result of this. Maybe this is where you hear the "habit forming" information coming from. You should also never stop with any drug without asking your doctor first. In terms of shopping around for different opinions...I've never heard of that being illegal...you're entitled to get as many opinions as you want when it comes to your health. I've had friends who have been diagnosed with two completely different things depending on the doctor they went to. You have to trust the doctor you're with and make a connection with them for a true, proper, and reliable diagnosis. This is what a good shrink will base giving you drugs on. It's your body. It's your life. Do whatcha gotta do. All the best.

2016-03-16 12:59:17 · answer #7 · answered by Barbara 4 · 0 0

Neither... Corrective counseling and psychological rehabilitation.

Xanax is extremely addictive and Zoloft makes you numb AND hyper, not to mention you will have to increase the dose until you reach your limit (200 mg) last time I checked) as your body assimilates it so what do you do when it has run its course and you can't take a higher dose? Move onto something else for your poor overextended liver to have to process and eliminate? Something else that promises feeling better but takes 3 to 4 weeks to even work? Combination meds perhaps? Fix the problem at the source! Don't bother with the meds if you can at all help it.

There is also, always the potential for severe weight gain will all psych meds! I mean SEVERE weight gain so if it is hard to maintain now... It will 10 times harder afterward.

Try Valerian root and cut off caffiene. There are natural alternatives.

2006-08-03 06:07:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What is prescribed for you, depends on your symptoms, your doctor's attitude, etc.

Xanax is great - but is highly addictive, and many doctors don't want to prescribe it for more than short-term use.

I have not tried Zoloft, but have taken other antidepressants - they can take up to one full month to fully get into your system and do their job. You should call your doctor and tell him/her that you cannot sleep and eat though! He/she might be able to prescribe a small dose of something else to help with that.

2006-08-03 06:07:03 · answer #9 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 0 0

my brother tried both he takes now zoloft
and added
b-complex 4 am 4 pm
omega gaurd 4 am 4 pm
no more panics and you will see
you will sleep and eat better

2006-08-03 06:07:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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