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Do you honestly think someone would CHOOSE to suffer ignoramuses who tell them they will go hell just for being themselves? Do you think someone would choose to have to hide their humanity at risk of being threatened, belittled, disowned, and prejudiced against?

2006-08-03 05:32:07 · 65 answers · asked by badferret 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

65 answers

No I don't think someone would choose that. And all these people who think homosexuality is evil are very ignorant. How do they know that homosexuals aren't a test from God to see who is willing to accept people who are different from them, and who on the other hand discriminates against them. In my opinion, all you haters are going to hell, if there is one. And I'm straight!

2006-08-03 05:38:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Being gay is most likely not a choice, even if it's not a purely genetic phenomenon. But whatever it is: fetal development, nurture, I think a better argument is -- what difference does that make? So let's say, for the sake of the argument, that it is a choice. So what? Being Christian is a choice. Marrying a hot blonde is a choice. Going on a risky climb in the mountains is a choice. My point is: why does its being a choice or not make it a more or less valid human condition?

I don't think it's honest for someone to say "It's a choice, therefore it's unnatural." There are plenty of choices that are natural, and there's no reason this can't be (even if it's not a choice, but I assumed for the sake of the argument that it is).

So it's time for those who argue against homosexuality to stop covering up their arguments and say it as it is: "The Bible says homosexuality is a sin." (First of all, it's not at all clear if the Bible says that, but even if it did -- we don't observe by far all of the Bible, so it seems like choosing which parts to observe is reasonable.) Or how about saying plainly: "I get nauseous at the idea of two men having sex." (I get nauseous about many things people do, but I don't go around saying they shouldn't do it -- it's their own damn business.)

If you dig down under the icing that anti-gay rhetoricists put on their arguments, you'll see how many fallacies they are hiding. And that's all there is to it.

2006-08-03 05:53:06 · answer #2 · answered by A.R. 3 · 0 0

Unfortunately, regardless of biblical theology, most Christians forget that they are not supposed to judge another life. If they truly follow the doctrine they will leave that for the judgment day. I personally do not feel that we have total control of our own sexuality.

I am pretty sure that everyone, whether they want to admit it or not has had a sexual relevant reaction to a member of the same sex. It may be as little as thinking the other is extremely attractive. But I do not think it is left up to choice alone. Some may be able to blanch out their own thoughts better than others but it would ultimately be lieing to oneself. There is to many studies out there that strongly suggest that the brian and the hormones and chemistry there of is the result of our sexuality. Heterosexual men and homosexual women share the same brain activity and heterosexual women and homosexual men share the same brain activity. Sorry but it was something I picked up a while ago and could not find the source.

2006-08-03 05:44:19 · answer #3 · answered by spotted_twin_furies 2 · 0 0

Mainstream Christianity views homosexuality as "evil" because it challenges their stability built on homogenous conformity. Being different and "going against the grain" to their set beliefs makes it wrong.

No gay "chooses" to be as such. They are biologically built to feel the way they do. Some would argue that this genetic disposition is similar to defects like pedofilia or alcoholism, whereas it is a sort of abnormal malfunction.

Although abnormal, it is not a disease. Maybe a evolutionary dead end for the blood line (can't reproduce conventionally), but not a type of insanity.

As a Lutheran, I can't tell you why Christians think that way, but I can tell you not all of us do.

To all those that don't: Come join us in the 21st century already!

2006-08-03 05:45:30 · answer #4 · answered by Philip K 3 · 0 0

i'm christian and i think homosexuality is a sin. but hell everyone on earth is a sinner. no i don't think you chose it but that does not stop it from being a sin. i know God unlike people looks at your heart not your deeds. a lot of christians like to put down homosexuals because it says in the bible that it is an abomination, but that does not make it any worse than any other sin that all humans commit on a daily basis. its kind of like they make themselves feel better by going well i may be doing "this sin" but at least i'm not doing that one. when i hear "christians" speak against homosexuality or any sin or judging someone i just direct them to Luke 6:Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." i am heterosexual and christian and i don't judge you, i know you didn't choose it, however, in my religion it is a sin but hell so is fornication and i'm no virgin and neither are the people judging you, did you ever think to tell them that?

2006-08-03 05:48:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unlike the Angeles, humans have self will. We choose to do right or wrong. Being a Homosexual, liar , committing adultery etc. it's SIN. Read Romans 1:21-32, it will explain what will happen to those who practice homosexuality.
Don't be discourage, we all have sin. Before I came to Jesus, I was thug a womanizer. However, when I ask the Lord Jesus what must I do to be save. He directed me to an Apostolic church, and pastor explained that a person must be born again according to the bible : St. John 3: 1-5 " ...Jesus answered, verily, verily, i say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" that's the word, i did not add or take away. then you must read and follow Acts 2:37-38. once you done that you become a new creature in Christ Jesus, old thing pass away. If Jesus can do it for me, He can do it for any one who wants to be SAVED!! Any so called Christian that judges a practicing homosexual is not of God. Someone who is truly Save, Sanctified, and filled with the Holy ghost, does not hate the person, but haves the sin they are committing. I encourage you to ask the Lord Jesus for revelation when read those scriptures i sent you. When it is all said and done you want to go to heaven. So ask the Lord what I heard today , can it really help me.


2006-08-03 06:00:43 · answer #6 · answered by Saint 1 · 0 0

I think people's private sex life's should be exactly that private whether it be straight or gay. I have no problems with homosexuals as long as they can take no for a answer but it is the ones who thinks it is fun to mess with the straight guy that bothers me. I would never keep asking a women if she would like to go out with me after she has already said no. That is when it turns into harassment and that is wrong. Live your own life and worry less about what others think as most people i no could care less if you are gay or straight. All people should care about is if you are a good person who does the right thing and helps others. Peace.

2006-08-03 05:42:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know people that choose to live in fornication instead of getting married, or seperating until they can.. So it is not just sodomites that do this. All sin is wrong and to knowingly sin against God is a fatal mistake. The big lie is that you can not be happy if you don't live the sodomite lifestyle. You can repent, and God will help you, if you ask him, and you can be very happy in a normal lifestyle. God loves you and will make a way for you to get out of this life, but I will probably check later and see that you will condemn me and say that you don't want to get out, or be delivered from this.. I do not hate you or wish you anything bad, this is a sin that the world is trying to make right and it won't pass before God..
I see some people saying that they can't stop even when they want to, and I agree. It is a demonic spiritual problem and if you don't deal with the demon then he is still incontrol of your life, There are two parts, 1. you form habits of doing this and 2. the spiritual part.. Both must be dealt with to truly be free of this sin..

I see the person following is talking about judging, I am not judging you but am telling you how to be free of this sin. If I let this go and do not say anything and you stand before God condemned then I have failed to be your friend and warn you of what is coming and you would have a right to be mad then.. "Nobody told me" I have told you the truth and am in this world to help sinners get right with God before they die..

2006-08-03 05:43:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lol, i personally enjoy watching all these catholics argue on and on about homosexuality. if theres on thing that points out their hypocrisy, its this topic... and boy have we got a selection already.

"go be gay somewhere else, its disgusting"? Wheres all of this "tolerance" and "peacefulness" that you so often say that jesus teaches now?

"being gay isnt a sin, but doing *the gay stuff* is"? Haha, can you honestly pretend that there are straight men out there who dont have anal sex? You, my friend, are in denial.

Homosexuality is not a choice, but keep in mind you could also say that smokers are in the same situation. they chose to start smoking and now also suffer the same ire from others.

i'd like to point out a few things.

First of all, when you were a kid, seeing your parents or siblings kiss someone else was "gross", so saying that seeing two gay guys together is "gross" is a definite sign of your immaturity and lack of exposure to the happenings of the real world.

Second, the bible only mentions homosexuality in the old testament, and THATS because in that time, its well known that homosexuality was usually between old men and young, gullible boys. Children were supposed to respect and obey their elders, and much like the priests in the church that do the same thing, they took advantage of that power. In otherwords, the bible is really outlawing pedophilia. You dont see women, even now, preying on young boys. Christians agree pedophilia is wrong despite that their own shepherds still practice it, but pedophilia is never mentioned in the bible, not once. The word had no meaning then anyway. So its reasonable to assume that when the bible mentions homosexuality, it should actually be written as "pedophilia".

anyhoo ill closely watch the rest of this one. this topic shows these christian believers for what they really are, and how little they actually take their faith literally.

2006-08-03 05:38:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

On what grounds is homosexuality evil? Has there been an eleventh Commandment that I just didn't get the memo about? I don't know if homosexuality is genetic or chosen, and I don't really care either. WHAT IS WRONG WITH TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME GENDER BEING ATTRACTED TO ONE ANOTHER? You stupid people think you can go around telling people they are going to Hell? I my book, that's like saying you know what God's plan is. You don't. You are a little tiny speck in the world, and yet you think so much of yourself as to go around preaching about things you know nothing about?You silly, silly people. Unless you have been hurt by homosexuality (and I cannot think of an example of that), then you have no right to tell people what they like is bad and what you like is good. Do we straight people choose to be attracted to the opposite sex? No, it's in our hormones, which are controled by genetics, etc. So what if the tables were turned, and you were the one whose hormones were telling you the opposite of what others' are? I don't know if my congregation accepts homosexual people, but if they don't I think I need to try to do something about that. Because even if it is a choice, it's their choice to make, and you need to be concerned with your own life instead of pushing yourself on other, probably perfectly happy people and making them feel bad. Life is hard enough.

2006-08-03 05:46:57 · answer #10 · answered by Tara 1 · 0 0

Homosexuality is wrong. It is a life choice that people make for themselves, they are NOT born that way. Its wrong for the same reasons lying is wrong, for the same reasons murder is wrong; because it's something you just don't do, it's not natural. And if it's just fine, then why in the heck do you think that people debate on it so heavily? If it was normal, we all would've accepted it with no problem from the beginning. No matter how much homosexuals try to deceive themselves, what they're dong is a sin, and they will pay the consequences for it if not in this life, in the next.

2013-12-28 10:57:17 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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