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I just want to know who else is fed up with all these different people who happen to be AMERICAN and complain about AMERICA. They say the government is so corrupt. They say the military is fighting a useless cause. They whine and whimper about how bad our country is and how it's getting worse. They use their right to their freedom of speech WHICH the GOVERNMENT provided and mainly MILITARY literally fought for. What really bugs me is all those people who harp on the military. It's sad that these are the people who protect their right to complain and are out their putting their lives on the line just so these kind of people can enjoy their freedoms and act like dumb *****. We all have our opinions, but that is so hiprocritical to knock the country that you live in! If it's so horrible and shameful to live here, then get out! No one is forcing you to stay! It's a free country remember. You "haters" can say what you will, it really doesn't matter to me. Don't like where you live? Get OUT.

2006-08-03 05:28:45 · 21 answers · asked by Bailey 2 in Politics & Government Military

It's funny how some of you are taking this. First of all to address some of you, I didn't state America was any better then the next country, don't put words in my mouth. And the government DID "provide" those rights, they were called our forefathers, read up on your history. I'm mainly speaking to those who just complain and complain. You don't offer anything new to the table or try and change what you don't like, you just whine. I respect most of your opinions. I do realize you have the right to say what you want and still be patriotic to your country, but come on now, America isn't the worst country in the world and ranting and not taking action, makes you look unpatriotic. It doesn't really matter anyways, the majority loves their country, and I'm right there with them. Good day to all of you.

2006-08-03 06:02:27 · update #1

21 answers

While I don't think its cool to be unpatriotic and I certainly can't blame you for being upset about hearing this country badmouthed, I have to take issue with your argument. First of all, the government doesn't PROVIDE free speech; the Constitution does. The government only administers the Constitution (and not particularly well at the moment, unfortunately). However, if none of us ever expressed concern about our government or the country we live in, we would still, to this day, be an English overseas colony. Think about it. The great thing about the First Amendment is its use. THAT is one of the things that makes this country great!!

2006-08-03 07:55:02 · answer #1 · answered by anon200808 1 · 0 0

I am with you 100%. The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights are the foundation for this government. George Bush may have made some mistakes but I would rather have him in the Oval Office then another Clinton or Al Gore. It is very easy to say we should not be there in Iraq. It's easy to sit back when you have the freedoms that we have why shouldn't the Iraqi people be allowed this privilege. We are there, and need to get on with the business of supporting our troops and their families, and our government through to a victory. Also some say when they speak out against the war they are not against our troops. Don't they understand that is the way it is perceived and the enemy uses that against them. I could go on but I think that's enough. Thanks for posting this question. i read this little saying just recently,
" If you can read this thank a teacher, if you can read this in English thank a soldier."

2006-08-03 07:46:45 · answer #2 · answered by roeskats 4 · 0 0

Why should they get out? They are entitled to say what they feel the whole point of Freedom of Speech. They are highlighting what they believe is wrong with their country, it doesn't make them any less American. In fact by not saying anything makes them anti-American. America is built on openly being able to agree/disagree with government policies, would you rather that nobody said anything that criticizes the government. If you did then maybe you are living in the wrong country. PS I am not an American and don't live in America, I have freedom of speech to criticize my government when they do things i don't believe in, it doesn't make me any less patriotic.

2006-08-03 05:46:41 · answer #3 · answered by jakeybird2000 2 · 0 0

Apparently you're confusing the United States with China.

The government does not "provide" our freedom of speech (you need to do the reading up on your history, not me), and Bush's misuse of the military does nothing to protect our rights - in fact it threatens them. If there are people attacking our military in general I'm with you, but when our military works with the right-wingers against the interests of the U.S. (as in the atrocities in Iraq, and that traitor General Boykin) they deserve the "harping" they're getting from patriotic Americans. I'm sick to death of the pseudo-American right-wingers defending these attacks on Americans. If you don't like living in a nation where patriotic dissent is allowed, feel free to move to China or Afghanistan.

Freedom isn't free. It is earned by the efforts of patriotic Americans who raise their voices to hold our nation up to a higher standard. Like most of the far right "my country, right-or-wrong" folks, you seem to have forgotten that.

2006-08-03 05:38:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love America. I hate what it's becoming, and am using my Constitutionally-guaranteed right of free speech to speak out against what I feel is hurting America.

And I don't harp on the military. It really bugs me when people say that when we criticize the war we're criticizing the troops. I appreciate their service and sacrifice; but I want them to come home alive and undamaged.

2006-08-03 05:34:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ill put it simple and sweet they all can kiss my a** my hubby is deployed now for the 2nd time and as he put it the day he said his oath the day he went into the army , freedom isn't free, and i would rather do the job now i only want to serve my country and i would rather it be me going over than some day it by my son or daughter i do this so they wont have to be the one on the front line defending their rights . its simple its sweet and its the one thing all the haters forget , the kids will one day be adults and have to make the same decision of to enlist or not because of men like my husband who make the sacrifice so that they would have the right to choose their futchers

2006-08-03 07:25:56 · answer #6 · answered by mom 2 · 0 0

Free Speech...Perhaps you should also consider how arrogant and self-absorb the U.S. has acted toward other countries and how some presidents have put self interest above everything else. And lastly, stop with the exceptionalism! Not everyone wants to hear about how the U.S. is better than everyone else for numerous reasons...It is not! Gotta run!

2006-08-03 05:42:59 · answer #7 · answered by lisa 3 · 0 0

Yes they must get out but what you are searching in the gulf my ***? First identify who all hate USA and why they hate USA, did you ever give it a thought.??Why you people always cry about Islamic fundamentalism, what it did with you why you fingered them? Why you always talk about women rights in arab countries and Afghanistan? what is problem with you? why don,t you let us live alone we don,t need you at all. Why did episode of 9/11 occured because you people were not leaving KSA. just think reallistically you will find answers yourself

2006-08-03 07:21:00 · answer #8 · answered by Khalid C 1 · 0 0

I think most the people is not hating the USA they are hating the inside and outside politic how the president handling right now.
When you ask me I love USA, the people and supporting our soldiers they are serving all over the world and doing their job.

2006-08-03 06:40:43 · answer #9 · answered by cat 6 · 0 0

Preach on. "Hating" America has almost become the trendy thing to do...I wonder if some people even take time to consider the issues before jumping on the bandwagon to complain how sh*tty our country is.

2006-08-03 05:53:58 · answer #10 · answered by NA 6 · 0 0

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