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62 answers

sorry, i think this question is viod. there are plenty of young people signing up and i know many of them.

2006-08-03 05:08:39 · answer #1 · answered by onlylove41 4 · 0 0

I,m an old far* 'forebearer' I was called up,I didn't want to be called up, not because I was a conscientious objector but because I didn't want to lose my freedom!
I was abroad on active service in Cyprus-Aden-Mombasa, these useless battles have long been forgotten , and it wont take long before these latest battles will be forgotten!
National Service could well return but in the meantime young people are still joining the military looking for 'adventure' etc, I hope they find it.
As for 'afraid' I dont think the majority of young folk today are afraid they are just not stupid!

2006-08-03 17:10:13 · answer #2 · answered by budding author 7 · 0 0

Because so many of our forebearers DIDNT COME BACK. Or came back crippled or mentally different. War isnt glorified like it was in the past Thank God for CNN because everyone sees the true horrors that war is. I served an I know what war or whatever they choose to call one side shooting at the other is. I wouldnt WANT anyone to have to go thru that but someone will an I am greatful they do because that means I dont have to again. And that is not fear talking that is expereince.

2006-08-03 14:22:24 · answer #3 · answered by Billy H 2 · 0 0

Because most previous wars were fought with some form of need. Now our wars are fought to police other nations (Iraq 1&2), put pro-US powers in place (south america) that support businesses owned by congressman/presidents yet allow drug trafficing because the trafficers are pro democracy, fight wars where politicians make the rules (vietnam, korea), and put our men at risk w/o understanding the culture (afghan, somalia, iraq, kuwait).
Previously countries asked for our help, now we just fight wars that are for to benefit our economy. Why have we not gotten paid back for Kuwait? They just paid $654 do every person in the country, have no taxes, and provide the world's best social services while we are still paying for defending them. Oh but wait, oil went up to now $3 and we still have to pay taxes on it.
Our young kids are no longer trust the old party line. My dad was in the military for over 25 years plus 4 years at the academy. That's pretty high ranking and guess what...he thinks most of these wars are now all about making our rich richer and no longer about defending our country.

Don't take that to mean I would not support our country in a war. I would. But let's get rid of the people in government that line their pockets at the expense of our young people. Let's pay our enlisted living wages, provide them the tools needed to fight a war (don't forget we sent military soldiers into war and some did not have the right equipement). Let's properly train them and support them when they leave the military...Give them the benefits they deserve. About time to get rid of all politicians starting with the president on down. Sadly, don't think it will happen.

2006-08-03 05:16:54 · answer #4 · answered by Who me? 3 · 0 0

Could it be:
1. Chemical weapons
2. Nuclear radition
3. Biological warfare
4. Worry about our own government testing us with unproven drugs / vaccinces
5. Worry about the government covering up our lives / missions
6. Honnor doesn't mean as much to us because we have no Churchill, we have no Honorable men to look up to.
7. We are busy dealing with wars in our home towns, its called drugs and gangs, why the heck should we go to another country if we can't fix our own?
8. Give us a just cause. We'l fight. Give us honesty we'll give you courage. Give us frankness and we'll give em hell.
9. Get the Oil barons out of the picture and you'll have legieons uncountable.
10. The U.S. REFUSES to do war the way it is meant to be done. I was and am against the war in iraq. but if we are going to do it. LEVEL IT. and build it new. Go for total annilation of the enemy troops irregardless of the politics. I don't relish the thought of dying because some politician doesn't want to take a hit to the polls by ordering the death of a religeous / military leader.

that bout sums up my reasons.

2006-08-03 06:56:33 · answer #5 · answered by Tom 3 · 1 0

mayb because the war is unjust and many innocent ppl are dying on both sides i mean think about, how many ppl who have lost loved ones are actually praising the war, many soldiers have no proper training and don't have thr right resources they need in a war, many young soldiers are dying not for their countrys but because to idoits with brains the size of peanuts (actually i think i'm insulting the peanuts more than the idiots) want to go down in history and rule the world personally i don't see that as a reason to do national service and the world wars were actually because the country faced a great danger the only danger we have is that the goverment as picked a fight with the wrong set of ppl they thought were weaklings

2006-08-03 07:46:20 · answer #6 · answered by Akeysha 2 · 0 0

I don't know - it is a shame. I guess it is because society has made all of our children into victims and whiners. You can thank people like Hilary Clinton for that. Too much whining about not winning - hell, there aren't even field days at school any more! People are taught to hate this country......the liberal media is killing this country. This whole idea of more tolerance and more acceptance is OUT OF CONTROL! Now people don't think we should stick up for ourselves at all. There are some still out there though - my brother signed up for the Marines after 9-11 - he hasn't been overseas yet, but I am proud that he stood up to join the war against terrorism. If you are a vet, thank you.

2006-08-03 05:24:11 · answer #7 · answered by Fortune Favors the Brave 4 · 0 0

Perhaps they are not frightened of serving their countries so much as frightened of the unnecessary wars their political leaders might get them into. Anyway, conscripted forces are never as good as fully professional forces and they are expensive. National Service just puts innocent kids at the mercy of bullies and sadists within the force. What's the point of wasting 18 months of an 18-year-old's life whitewashing coal and peeling potatoes when he could be at university or in an apprenticeship that would benefit the country's economy far more?

2006-08-03 05:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by halifaxed 5 · 0 0

well not every young person is afraid of the service because i am 19 and i have been in the national guard for 2 years and all my battle buddies are 19 to 25 years and have been in for a long time.

2006-08-03 05:09:37 · answer #9 · answered by the ONE and ONLY 2 · 0 0

We don't have national service in the UK any more though i sometimes think it would be a good thing to knock a few people into shape and give themselves a bit of pride.
However, sending conscripts off to fight in a foreign war, as opposed to using them as a last line of defence, can't be a good thing. We are a democratic country and to send someone to kill for oil or some other material gain against their wishes is unjustifiable. Why should they fight for something you believe in but they don't. There are plenty of people who are quite happy to fight for money so what's the problem.

2006-08-04 01:25:04 · answer #10 · answered by greg m 3 · 0 0

How many of their ancestors do you thing WANTED to go to war? Most of them were there because the believed it was necessary for the survival of our country, or they were drafted, or both. Our current war in Iraq has nothing to do with the survival of our nation, reqardless of what the president would like us to believe. Now, that's not to say that people (young and old) should refuse to serve the nation, but there are other ways to serve our nation than by fighting Bush's war.

2006-08-03 05:11:34 · answer #11 · answered by cool_breeze_2444 6 · 0 0

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