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How many Christians or believers had experiences with "demons"?
If you believe in demon or Satan possession, why is it only "believers" esp. Christianity who get possessed? Surely Satan would find a more willing participant in one who has no belief.

2006-08-03 04:50:56 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

42 answers

I agree with BrandeeNiz's answer , and my opinion is
1. They are already possesed by Satan , thats why they are non believers!
2. Also some of them are not just possesed they are Satan himself!!! LOL

2006-08-03 04:59:17 · answer #1 · answered by rickashe 4 · 0 1

There are tthree possible answers to this question

#1: the reason that christians seem to be the ones possessed is due to the fact that they have a continual fight with their belief. They have religious doubts and that leaves them vulnerable spiritually.

#2: Those that are Christian are more loved by god and therefore would hurt god more to have them taken from him. (However, I don't think that is the case as the creator loves all the children equally regardless of religious beliefs or not.)

#3: They are weaker mentally (not in intelligence but in mental fortitude). A weak mind is open to suggestion, and fear. Many that think they are, believe it to the extent that the exibit the outward signs of possession. With Athiests not believing in a higher power that also excludes any evil power as well. So with there being no "evil force" present, the diagnosis is some form of mental illness. Agnostics do not disbelieve they just doubt. Athiests disbelieve.

Also spirit or demon possession is an excuse by some to explain the wrong they did. Remember "the devil made me do it?" Inmates on death row try to use the "I found Jesus" line to try to get out of execution. (I feel if they found him they should then meet him).

My religion does not acknowlede the existance of any evil diety, without that there is no "hell" and no eternal punishment. There is only loving peace. What religion is that? I am a witch.

2006-08-03 05:03:47 · answer #2 · answered by ldyrhiannon 4 · 0 0

The only place in the Bible that I see that the Devil possesses is in revelation, talking about the man Antichrist. Apparently, non believers were the ones possessed, as when the demons left it says that the people believed. Does darkness have a place with light? So then can a Christian believer be possessed? I don't think so unless he turns from the faith.

2006-08-03 04:56:42 · answer #3 · answered by RB 7 · 0 0

How would you know? In any case the biblical term is more like demonized and seen in the gospels

by the way did you ever read the autobiography My Life without God by the son of Madeline Murray Hurray Ohare who became an evangelist

he was the kid that the court case for taking prayer out of schools was fought over and his family life was quite colorful with Madeline offentimes pulling a knife lunging at other family members during 'discussions' sounds wild no?

2006-08-03 04:55:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The human mind is a powerful thing but it is also highly susceptible to suggestion - if it wasn't why would television have commercials. If one thinks there is a possibility of demonic possession happening they have let their own mind open the door for them to think they are because they believe in those entities. For those who don't believe in the existence of demons the minds door does not open to that thought.

2006-08-03 04:56:32 · answer #5 · answered by genaddt 7 · 0 0

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of God plan for us. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology.

Love and blessings

2006-08-03 10:33:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I attended a pentecostal church there were all kinds of stories of people seeing demons or knowing people who were possessed.

Then, when I switched to a Baptist church - suddenly no demons at all. Hmmm.

Clearly psychological. I think that there is a very thin line between the spiritual and psychological. If in a particular village everyone was taught from birth that there was a guy named "Mel" living inside their head and that he sometimes caused people to waddle around and flap their arms like a duck, I'm guessing there would be people in that town who waddle around and flap their arms like a duck. And the villagers would say "Mel's acting up in their head".

When people are psychologically stressed, that stress manifests itself in the way that the person has been culturally programmed to expect.

2006-08-03 05:34:07 · answer #7 · answered by rj 2 · 0 0

Good question... Why is it only certain Wiccans that see fairies? ^_^ Same concept... the power of suggestion is an awesome tool if used right. I believe a lot of these people have actually hypnotized themselves into believing they, or another, is possessed.

And Mayor, um, I find that logic hard to follow... considering one could Not believe in Cancer, but still get it. Just NOT believing in something doesn't make it go away... IF it's real to begin with.

2006-08-03 05:13:00 · answer #8 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

First of all, who says they do not get possessed? Its " us " Christians that have the discernment and wisdom to recognize possession or demonic activity from God's infinite wisdom....who says these people aren't possessed and that's why they don't believe? What a better way to deny God than to say He doesn't exist? As in for fairy tales....some day you will believe, either when you are in Hell or at the Judgment...." every knee shall bow"..." every tongue confess....Jesus Christ is LORD"....Its not too late for you and any of the others to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior....REPENT.

2006-08-03 04:59:02 · answer #9 · answered by Madison 2 · 0 0

Satan only exists in the minds of those who believe in him, so it makes perfect sense that they are the only ones to have demon related experiences.

2006-08-03 04:57:50 · answer #10 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 0 0

Dear Jane I: I have been in a situation in which I was asked by Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be their human vehicle in working within a demonic situation that required "containment." I put some length of time in this situation and believe I have earned the right to discuss this subject.

To say that atheists or agnostics rarely get possessed by Satan is to simply say that YOU are not aware of demonic activity in them. I assure you it exists.

Christians are very vulnerable to the situation because there is an element in their Minds that is fearful of their Father and tries to HOLD THEM BACK as their belief system brings them nearer to Him. The closer to the light teachings bring you - the more frightened of your approach to Him you become. So let's discuss what demon-ism actually is:

We all understand there was a Separation from the Father. We all know that there is a feeling of guilt about what occurred. An expectation of anger from Him. An insecurity. This all lies in your subconscious level of mind. We are not in touch with these feelings - but they exist.

We operate on two levels in the human experience: Conscious and Subconscious. The human ego mind is in a state, due to the Separation, that renders it "different" from what God actually Created. The Separation caused "trauma" in our Minds. The answer to it was established immediately by the Father - His Plan for our Return. But it takes time - one soul at a time through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We need to understand that a mind that contains trauma is altered by those feelings.

While there are two types of demon-ism: (1) Possession and (2) our own mind becoming demonic - by far the most COMMON form is our own mind becoming demonic.

Demon-ism is a disintegration of the mind God created into a mental illness of vast magnitude. Within its label, many mental illnesses are combined. For instance, a demonic is schizophrenic, paranoid, depressed, perverted, obsessed, compulsive and has "Domination" complexes combined. The behaviors are the most horrifying that man can look upon. The mind is truly "gutted" out by these illnesses. They will turn upon God and "go after" those who are attempting a higher level of relationship with Him. This is because the illnesses start, to begin with, in a fear of God, combined with a fear of their brothers. You and I. Their life experiences led them to make decisions wrongly; they PERCEIVE events, situations, what is being said to them, actions of others - wrongly. In a long, long journey of seeing and deciding wrongly - they lose their "compass." They no longer have the DIRECTION healthy people have. Everything is seen as upside down to them. It takes a long while for this to develop. Some purposely go into the church afraid of themselves and hope for safety and security there. You will find them in churches. To believe atheists and agnostics never degenerate into this, or rarely, is not actuality.

I hope these lines are found to be profitable for your Contemplation.

2006-08-03 15:06:45 · answer #11 · answered by Lana S (1) 4 · 0 0

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