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Everyone always has that one tequila story that make them not drink tequila ever again.

Tell me yours.

The best one gets 10 points!

2006-08-03 04:45:59 · 20 answers · asked by slocklin0931 2 in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

20 answers

1 tequila
2 tequila
3 tequila



2006-08-03 04:49:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went to a friends party back in college and ended up working the bar in basement. It should've been a simple job since all I had to sell were cups, jello shots and shots from two 1.75 liter bottles of the worst crap to ever be called tequila. The tequila came to be a huge hit and every time someone would order one from the bar they'd insist that the bartender join in. This went on for a while, I got used to the terrible taste after a couple and stopped using training wheels and kept drinking beer while working the bar. I don't recall exactly how many I'd had but at some point with a line of about 6-7 people at the bar I realized I had to puke and was trapped. I decided right then and there the only course of action was duck behind the bar like I was doing something bartender like, puke in a bucket and go back to work. So I expunged the devil tequila from my system and got back to business. No one had any idea what had just transpired, or at least didn't say anything to me.
Once all the tequila was gone I managed to stumble home (it was across the street thankfully) and spent the remainder of the evening on my living room floor clinging onto the carpet so I wouldn't fall off the face of the Earth (which had developed quite the spin at the time). Best part was that my friends were so impressed with my performance that I became the permanent bartender at their parties.

2006-08-03 15:39:09 · answer #2 · answered by Incredulous wanderer 2 · 0 0

My story

My friend has a sports pool. She loves margaritas so she decided to have a volley ball pool party and have margaritas. Another friend is a bartender and she fixed frozen margaritas. We started at noon. We played a game, drank, another game so on... until dark which by this time with the hot sun and the pool water and all the alcohol we were quite intoxicated. This part you have to really imagine...most of the females there have blond hair..most dye it that way...two of us use the same color/brand...out of all the females there when we went in the house after dark my hair was GREEN! Not only was I drunk but bewildered by the color of my hair...everyone was laughing so hard and I was mortified..I work for the public and there was no way I wanted to be seen with green hair. I was in the shower on my hands and knees throwing up, crying and shampooing my head like crazy...Never drank any tequila after that...I still see green.

P.S. My hair is long and the ends picked up the chlorine in the water, some of the others tied their hair up in ponytails, I was afraid that I would have a green band where the knot was if I did that so I left mine loose which hung in the water most of the day.

2006-08-03 12:52:27 · answer #3 · answered by sassywv 4 · 0 0

Well.. that was for my 21st birthday and the party was hosted at a friend's house and her husband owns a bar. Got the best tequila "Jose Cuervo" ... not the regular stock ones but straight out from Mexico's specialty. (Don't remember what Jose Cuervo but the one you can only get from Mexico)

Well we started off with shots, pretty soon I was drinking by the Mugful. Mind you.. I am known to hold liquor really well... so I did binge for my birthday.

I also had rum cake with the meal and 2 Kahlua Coffee as a finale to a very fine Italian meal....

Hit a club after that... well I got really quiet... (they said)... supposedly pass out on the sidewalk barely walking... My friends had to support me home... and on the way, I yaked of course. (Turned my face to the side and buff)... One of my friends who is a nurse thought that I had alcohol poisoning... they felt my body and it was stone cold..... was put to bed... woke up with a killer headache.... and vow never to do tequila again.

How much tequila did I down?

3/4 bottle by myself (they said) ate the worm too.

2006-08-03 12:04:55 · answer #4 · answered by lolitakali 6 · 0 0

I have these friends who live in Ark. and the wife of one who by the way is a big, big Elvis Presley fan. She knew most, if not all, of his songs as well as his life's history.Well, I was talking about how I "grew up" on Elvis and how I did not like the way Col. Sanders managed his career after he left the Army. Her husband said "Col. Sanders ? That was the chicken guy." "So much on what you know." Needless to say I lost all of my credibility. I knew it was Col. Parker who managed Elvis, but I had drinked too many Tequila sunrises to think clearly.
As Ron White says in one of his comedy routines, "I had the right to remain silent, but just didn't have the ability."

2006-08-03 12:07:02 · answer #5 · answered by no nickname 6 · 0 0

When I was in college my roommate and I decided to buy a fifth of tequila. We started taking shots and as the night wore on were got really wasted. She passed out but for some reason I was still ready to party (usually the other way around). So I went out to a club with some of my friends. I don't really remember this but this is what I was told: I was going around indroducing myself to everyone, not just people I was with but strangers. There was really no one out on the dance floor but I was out there by myself dancing away. They said I never had another drink but just remained as drunk the entire night. So the next morning not only did I have a terrible headache but my roommate was really hung over and wouldn't get out of bed. She had to go to an exam. So I had to call her professor (who was really cool and young luckily) and tell her my friend had a stomach virus. Well this teacher was leaving the next day so the exam had to be taken that day. I dressed her, fixed her hair, helped her brush her teeth (all the while we have to stop periodically for her to throw up). Then I walked her to her car, drove, walked her to class, and sat in there all while holding a plastic bag for her to puke in. Remember I am hung over too and everytime she puked it took everythingI had not to.

2006-08-03 14:31:44 · answer #6 · answered by the dirty south 3 · 0 0


We were having a drinking party in my apartment (thank goodness). I had 13 shots in 2 hours, and I was so drunk! They told me the next morning that I stripped for them (thank goodness it was with close friends) and that I danced on the coffee table. Of course, I don't remember doing any of this, but I was hung over for 3 days and had to call in sick to work.

If I even SMELL tequila, say in a margarita, I get a bit nauseous lol.

2006-08-03 11:50:19 · answer #7 · answered by aloneinga 5 · 0 0

Like 3 years ago was in a bar and it was my first time drinking Tequilla so they just knew that i was gonna be the star of the show. I was doing Karaoke on my friends B'day and I was singing Elvis "Don't be Cruel". I was so blasted that I sang "Don't be cruel, to a heartless jew" instead of "Don't be cruel to a heart that's true". Needless to say some people were cracking up, and my friend Sarah (who's from Israel) was kinda pissed. I cried and kept yelling "I'M SORRY" over and over again. I really though thats how the song went. I was too drunk to read the words so i just sang what i knew. Anyway, i had been screaming I'm sorry for so long that my throat started hurting and I threw up on her, so i said "You see what u made me do?"

2006-08-03 12:23:22 · answer #8 · answered by Muchacha Mala 2 · 0 0

Ok... We have it on video... I didn't necessarily do anything CRAZY but that was the only time I drank until I didn't remember ANYTHING that happened that night!

Me + Jose Cuervo 1800 + Salt + Lime = NIGHTMARE!

I was shooting it the night of Valentine's while out with Friends and their Boyfriends until I passed out cold. I remember talking 12 shots, but that was a little foggy.

In the video, I'm singing, dancing, puking, drinking some more... for HOURS.

When I woke up... on the floor and my friends' boyfriends house I tried to stand up and fell over! I immediately threw up all over their WADDED up clothes on the floor! (ok, they were getting busy right there while I was passed out!) I called my mom from my cell and she said "where are you" I said "on the FLOOR".... she's like "on the floor where..." She finally found me. I left... my friends had NO idea what happened to me! This was like 5 or so in the morning I threw up on the way home and at the house and had the WORST headache of my life! Vicodin couldn't shake that one!

Took me 3 years before I could EVER even LOOK at a margarita.

Now I ONLY drink Patron! =)

2006-08-03 11:57:16 · answer #9 · answered by Jamie D 2 · 0 0

we (me & my mom when i came home frrom college for the summer) were cooking a chicken for dinner with the family (just me & her & my step dad) & we thought rather than putting a beercan in the chicken (for beercan chicken yum yum)we could put tequilia in the chicken so we did & we drank some too. It was right after easter so we started throwing the colored eggs @ each other (my step dad was telling me this part i don't really remember.)in the house! Well to make a long story short, I had eggshell slivers & cuts all down my arms, I had a huge pink spot from where the egg had hit so hard, our white door had a huge green spot, & the chicken was not only horribly burned cuz we forgot all about it but after getting the burned stuff off still tasted HORRIBLE!

2006-08-03 11:57:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can't go into the details... gag order! But it still hasn't taught me not to drink tequila, especially Patron.

"Tequila makes my clothes come off!"

2006-08-03 15:17:44 · answer #11 · answered by cgspitfire 6 · 0 0

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