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If so do you know anyone who was possesesed or have you had any experiences yourslef. If either was the case how were things resolved for good or ill?

2006-08-03 04:35:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers


2006-08-03 04:39:12 · answer #1 · answered by clusium1971 7 · 0 1

I absolutley do believe in Demons. I used to work as a jailer at a converted hospital, and that place was a complete draw for Negs (negative entities). I am quasi psychic, and at the time I was a Wiccan so I was trying to develop my talents. Some of the people that I worked with kept trying to get to me to go down to the morturary, to the 4th floor surgical site, you know, places that would really set my spidey sences off. (Usually I get very nausiated and dizzy when there are strong spirits around me) Well, one night after work, my sences had been dinging in over time, I had the feeling that I was being followed, and that is not good, because usually simple ghosts cannot follow you home. By the time I got home, I was in tears, I ran in the house and at that time, a pounding started at the front door, then I heard footsteps run along the roof of my house and then the pounting began at the back door. For some reason, the neg could not enter, but that didn't keep it from scaring the hell out of me for awhile. It ran around all over the house, pounding and scratching. Let me tell you what, when you can stare evil in the face and feel it threaten you, you give up the thrill of trying to be a medium. I have since converted to Catholicism, and have had no serious threats since.

2006-08-03 04:47:02 · answer #2 · answered by The Nag 5 · 0 0

Yes, I believe in it, however, I also agree with Christian psychiatrists, etc. who strongly believe that such cases should be examined first to ensure there is not a medical condition present.

Some medical and psychological conditions mimic the symptoms of possession, however should be treated for the illnesses or disorders they are rather than exorcised.

After all- look at this for a second from Satan's point of view...

He has limited resources, and limited authority. How does it help his cause to possess random people and cause them to act so oddly? Such people are usually seperated from the rest of us or otherwise minimalized rather quickly and accomplish little.

If you believe in possessions, MAYBE he has caused you to divrt your focus from God to his own works. If you don't believe, you just think the poor person is psycho.


a.) It seems like a terrible use of resources and strategy on Satan's part.

b.) Christian psychologists report that so far, ALL cases of possession they have seen were actually a medical condition, and treated as such successfully. This leads me to believe that possion, at least in civilized areas, is quite rare.

c.) Satan has limited powers (see the book of Job!), and nothing in the Bible suggests that possession is a common tactic of his.

d.) I really think we, as Christians, blame Satan for too much, and think about him too much. It is odd, isn't it, that most of us spend more time worried about him than we are thankful for the non-fallen angels?

2006-08-03 04:55:07 · answer #3 · answered by Madkins007 7 · 0 0

There are many different levels of possession. When we deplete ourselves with drugs, poor nutrition, emotionalism, various attachments, corrupt & or self serving philosophies, lack compassion in our hearts, or are in a vulnerable state such as sleep, immaturity, or illness, we are more prone to be attacked.

However the stronger our center and connection with the divine, the lesser the influence of such attempted demonic possessions.

2006-08-03 04:45:26 · answer #4 · answered by Love of Truth 5 · 0 0

i woke up one night and saw a demon at the edge of my bed creeping up and looking at me. the experience only lasted like 7 seconds or so then i just hid behind my covers. this just happened a couple months ago too so it wasnt like i was a little kid or anything. it had these really bright red eyes and his head was just like a shadow. To this day im not sure if it was a dream of if what I saw was real but i do believe it was real. it was by far the scariest thing ive ever experienced

2006-08-03 04:44:22 · answer #5 · answered by dirty n 1 · 0 0

Sure do! Ever see an alcoholic trying to dry out? How about a drug addict. They are definitely demonically possessed. It's not until they struggle through, often calling upon the name of God, they are able to come out of the nightmare.

2006-08-03 04:40:57 · answer #6 · answered by Chew on this! 3 · 0 0

yes I do yes a lady at our church had demons and was scratching and clawing at the carpet then we had another lady had demons and she eas putting her hands all of an elder at our church and he had to tell her to leave him and the pastor had to go and tell to sit back down. none were resolved they were just told that if they wanted delverance to schedule an appointment and neither did that. The first lady has been back to our church and she is better behaved without her mother being there. The second lady has not come back.

2006-08-03 04:43:49 · answer #7 · answered by valgal115 6 · 0 0

No indeed. It's yet another scare tactic by religions and actually a cop out. I think when someone is categorized as being "demon possesed" it's really some form of mental disorder. Maybe bipolar or schizophrenic.....

2006-08-03 04:39:48 · answer #8 · answered by carpediem 5 · 0 0

No I believe that people have troubled lives that result in their nightmares of possession. I also believe that multiple personality disorders are misconstrud as demonic posession. All related to varying mental illness or bad drug trips/withdrawals. PEACE!

2006-08-03 04:41:54 · answer #9 · answered by thebigm57 7 · 0 0

OH yeah! Don't all christians believe in demon possession? of course! we are all possessed by Satan right now.
Right now you are possessed by Satan and doing Satan's work.
The only ones who are not possessed by demons/Satan, whatever! Are people who have a mental love affair with a guy who has been dead for 2000 years.

2006-08-03 04:45:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, based on the behavior of some of my students over the years, I would have to say that I have been inclined to believe in demon possession! :)

2006-08-03 04:40:19 · answer #11 · answered by gadjitfreek 5 · 0 0

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