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We have entered a "New World Order" where the American Constitution is just an arcane piece of literature that does not apply to modern society. We the people are losing more and more of our rights. In all probability a Demoncratic government will be elected and our second amendment rights will be completely erased. The current Republicant government is already taken steps to pave the way. The popular vote is a brainwash job and does not mean squat as to who is elected president. The president is "elected" by an electorial coledge.

With the price of gas going up, everything is going up (gorceries, housing, etc...), while our pay goes spiraling downward. The "open" border with Mexico and trade with Communist China garenties that we will only be able to compete economically by working longer hours with less pay. The road to an armed revolution gets shorter every day.

Given the technological advantages of the USA I feel such a move would be unwinable. Comments please.

2006-08-03 04:24:59 · 23 answers · asked by Bludengutz 2 in Politics & Government Military

23 answers

What color is the sky on your planet? This country can't get two people to agree on which T.V. channel to watch & you really think that you'll get a bunch of yuppies to drop their lattes/mochas and attack an M1 A1 tank with a deer rifle? Good Luck with that.

2006-08-03 04:33:54 · answer #1 · answered by preacher55 6 · 1 0

The second amendment only guarantees the right to bear arms within a well-regulated militia...so even if all private ownership of guns is taken away, you haven't lost your second amendment rights. However, I don't think that will happen.

We are, however, having our rights eroded. The political system as it works today is seriously broken, though I still think that it is possible (though VERY difficult) to effect change through that process rather than through armed rebellion. I also think any armed rebellion, no matter how well-supplied, would be put down by the government in a heartbeat, and would have no chance at all of success. No matter what kind of "warfare" was used. Frustrated by politics and politicians? Work within the system to make changes. Run for office (I did -- lost, but would probably do it again). Work constructively rather than destructively, talking about armed rebellions...

2006-08-03 04:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What one must consider in any revolution is who you are aligning with. There are such a wide range of discontented people from the spectrum of political ideologies just waiting for an opportunity to seize power in this country. Would one concerned with second amendment rights really feel comfortable associating with communists? Can you see pro life Christians fighting side by side with militant gays? There are many within our current political system with whom I strongly disagree and I have seen what seems to be an erosion of constitutional rights but we are far from the point where consideration of anything resembling a revolution can be considered sane. We are still by far so much better off than the rest of the world...would you risk what we have for the violence and chaos of revolt which could result in bringing to power those more oppressive than you've ever dreamed? I am against illegal immigration and for strong borders. I am also bothered by excessive foreign imports, and the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries. Put me on the side supporting strong second amendment rights too. So assume we both agree on those points. I am also pro-life (anti-abortion) and support the war in Iraq. Imagine for discussion sake we disagree on those points. How could we ally in a revolution? So in conclusion, while I think we have room for improvement, the constitution of the United States ain't broken yet and I will continue to protect and defend it to the best of my ability.

WellTraveled...The second amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms with a reason given being to maintain a well regulated militia. It does not guaranty it WITHIN a well regulated militia. The purpose was to give the people the ability to resist tyranny. The argument you use is the typical one of those wishing to remove that right.

2006-08-03 05:42:36 · answer #3 · answered by RunningOnMT 5 · 0 0

First, the inability that you cannot spell does not help your cause.

Your first paragraph gives reason to vote Republican. The brainwashing I don't quite understand since we can choose to vote for anyone.

2nd one, our pay is at the same ratio to everything else that is was many many years ago, so no need to fret about that. China is no more of a threat to our demise as we are to them. China will never become a more powerful nation then we are b/c there isn't enough oil to support thier economy.
Maybe if we stopped raising the minimum wage, the cost of living would level out. I do agree about the mexicans. If there were to make 12million people automatic citizens, our economy would go right down the drain.

2006-08-03 05:14:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem is that we are so divided an polarized that to mount any kind of force would be impossible. The technology you speak of can be defeated, but the politics are not in place to develop this kind of opposition. There is far too much infighting now (see post about lynching liberals in this question as an example). Part of the reason that the NWO is doing what it is doing is that we are being polarized and paralyzed by propaganda. having said all that, however, a protracted six year unconventional war, given the proper circumstance, would take down any country.

2006-08-03 05:01:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Guerilla warfare seems like the only plausible way a revolution could possibly succeed. Since the people are not allowed to own any REAL weapons (there's your disappearing 2nd amendment again), the people could not possibly hope to defeat the army in a straight fight. Guerilla tactics would have to suffice until you could get a large faction of the armed forces to defect to your cause. If this happened, I think that the government would take the hint surprisingly quickly, making this situation theoretically winnable.

2006-08-03 04:33:57 · answer #6 · answered by FiatJusticia 3 · 1 0

As long as there is food at the grocery store, the lights turn on, and there are zany sitcoms to watch. The vast majority of Americans will sit idly by and watch the Constitution and Bill Of Rights become a vague memory

2006-08-03 04:36:03 · answer #7 · answered by chetahbill 4 · 1 0

The Liberals want gun control, do you really think they have guns themselves? A revolution in the United States would be won by rebelling right wing officers and soldiers in the Military with civilians backing them up. Considering almost half the population is right wing it would be a popular revolution and any liberals or leftists who disagree would have to be executed or imprisoned as traitors.

2006-08-03 05:39:34 · answer #8 · answered by NOVA50 3 · 0 0


no. The us govern(slave masters)ment. has too much on its side. It stops any leader capable of gathering the people before he /she can do more than get some local interest.

the other issue is that we don't have the know how to do it. ( basic survivial skills are a joke in america)

and then ther's apathy. lets face it. yamamoto had it right america is a sleeping dragon. hard to wake but if you arouse it's anger the world shudders.

same holds true today, but we know its a pain in the neck to try to wake up the people.

2006-08-03 07:07:51 · answer #9 · answered by Tom 3 · 0 0

If enough people wanted to over throw the government they could. I mean if that many people wanted it brought down you would have a lot in the military that felt the same way. This means the would have ships and planes and tanks that these people took.

While approval ratings are down what you don't look at is what people think when decisions are made. Pretty much every decision the government goes with the people. It is just a few weeks or months later the people change there minds. Sadly our government cannot go back in time to change what they did to suit the current mood. :(

The government is not to blame for he economy. The workers are. People are not willing to pay for what they themselves make. To pay workers in US factories you have to pay way more then like any other country to do the same job. This means you have to charge more to sell the product. The people in the US will not buy the higher priced products most of the time. This means companies have to out source more and more so they can sell products.

Basically if our imports our greater then our exports the dollar goes down and the economy does. If our exports our greater then our imports it goes up. Americans are for the most part uneducated and want high pay. Europe has educated people so there factories have way more robotics and less people. Asia and Mexico have cheap workers.

You have to pick one of 2 ways for the dollar to go up. Workers get paid less so we can make things cheaper and compete globally, or people buy American and have less stuff but give the companies money to pay the over waged employees.

No one wants the truth so the government puts us deeper and deeper in debt to patch it for a few more years to get reelected. Our country has turned into one big retard with a credit card. It is not the politicians fail. Most of them can balance a check book they see it. However if they bring it up or try to do something they will never get elected or reelected.

Everyone wants to get more and pay less taxes. Without the government workers would get paid way less. The unions that keep them over paid would lose there support. Also the tax laws that keep us using unskilled workers instead of automation would go away.

What do you want the government to do about that? How is your revolution going to fix anything? Also when it is over who is going to keep the strongest war lords who led if from taking over? Who is going to make the new democracy.

I know you are sad because you deserve more stuff because you are an American. do you get a better education so you can get a better job and be more productive? No, the government should just magically make wealth out of no were for you. Well, that isn't going to happen a dumb dumb in this country is worth no more then a dumb dumb in any other country.

There is a reason I am going in debt to get a better degree. There is also a reason most people I know have a good amount of there retirement in foreign stocks. It is the of people like you who are destroying our country. The workers with little to no skills who think they are under paid yet they drive a car to work everyday have a TV and cable and go out to eat and drink at bars. well the world is going to level out there is no stopping it so either you can bring yourself up or go down with the rest of the dumb dumbs. A revolution would just make us level out faster and our workers would get paid even less.

If we over throw the government who is going to provide the subsidies, and laws that keep our workers overpaid. No one our factory workers will drop to Mexico pay levels or lower because we are now an unstable government.

This is a free country, and even if you hate the government you can still get education aid from them. Instead of crying that someone else is not making your life good enough why don't you do something for yourself to make it better. Also by being more productive and getting a better job you will be helping our economy. If we had enough engineers we could automate more factories to do things cheaper with less people. This would make us more competitive.

Germany graduates more engineers then the US each year and they are the size of like 1 of our states. Hmmmm I wonder why they are beating our uneducated asses in the global economy. Oh ya communistic retards like you.

Would you vote for someone who said that our workers are lazy and overpaid is the reason our economy is hurting? No, that is why our economy is hurting. They have to make up complex reasons for it because no one wants the truth.

I mean when GM wanted to pay the people who sit in rooms with no jobs that they can't fire because of the union 100k and pay for 4 years of school to get rid of them the union almost went on strike. These people don't even work they get money for nothing. Hmmm that has nothing to do with why all the American car companies are going bankrupt does it?

2006-08-03 05:07:47 · answer #10 · answered by thatoneguy 4 · 0 0

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