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second ahnd smoke is one of the worst things our generation is suffuring from. so do you think we should let people walk around smoking any more?

2006-08-03 04:20:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

16 answers

Absolutely not. If they want to smoke so badly then they can go home to do it instead of giving me lung cancer because of their addiction.

2006-08-05 16:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by operagirlmary 3 · 1 0

Its funny that now people preach of how second hand smoke killing non smokers. Years ago even when no one knew of such so called dangers, no one complained and people lived long lives anyway despite not knowing. Smokers have bent over backwards with smoking and non-smoking areas, smoking bans in government buildings, airplanes and the likes. So we're outside because a few hypocrites all of a sudden became allergic or worried about their health, meanwhile eating a two thousand calorie sub sandwich and sitting behind a desk all day letting their a**es grow to axe handles in width.
Restaurant establishments don't get my business if they don't offer a smoking section. And more smoker's are following suit. I know it doesn't bother the non smoking hypocrites out there, but there usually is another place where smoking is allowed and the atmosphere a whole lot better because you don't have snooty people looking down their noses at you thinking they are better. But these same will sit in traffic inhaling all sorts of other toxins and don't complain at all.
And I do as courtesy, if the area is enclosed ask those around me if they mind if I smoke or not. If they do, I pop a piece of gum or excuse myself to another area where I can smoke.
Bottom line is we're all going to die eventually from whatever, so quit treading on my free will.

2006-08-03 11:35:24 · answer #2 · answered by midnightdealer 5 · 0 0

That's a load of crap about restuarants losing business from people not being able to smoke. If anything, it would go the opposite direction. I think smoking should be banned anywhere except for a person's private car, home, etc. No one wants to smell that crap....I used to work at a place where smoking was allowed all over the place.....it had been that way for years....four people died of cancer (non-smoking people)....coincidence? I think not. I finally filed a complaint and smoking was banned in the building - it was so bad that I would run errands and smelled like smoke!! Let the smokers stink and suffer the consequences for their filthy habit - not everyone else!

2006-08-03 11:44:32 · answer #3 · answered by caramelqueen 3 · 0 0

Well then every one should stop driving cars, factories should stop polluting the air. Second hand smoke is just an excuse. There are so many different pollutants in the air that cause cancer.

The government has gotten way out of hand, it is easier to blame things on second hand smoke, instead of working on the things that are killing the ozone that also cause cancer. You might as well not get out of bed in the morning.

What is next are you going to walk into a bar, and be told that you can't drink because of all the accident that kill people related to alcohol.

2006-08-03 12:28:27 · answer #4 · answered by Right Wing Extremist 7 · 0 0

Well, speaking as a smoker.. who respects that other people don't want my smoke in their face and smoke where no one else is.. I think that we shouldn't let people drive anymore.. I think that car accidents are one of the worst things our generation is suffering from. Personally, I would like to walk across the street and not have to worry about getting hit by a car.. COME OFF IT.. there are millions of things that can kill you .. more so than second hand smoke.. What about all you idiots that get tans?? You're going to die of skin cancer.. what about all you guys who have sex with people you've hardly met?? You're going to get an STD... I'm tired of people telling me that smoking is bad and you don't like it.

I KNOW IT'S BAD... I DON'T CARE.. if I cared.. I wouldn't be smoking now would I? I do however respect the rights of people who don't smoke.. and smoke in secret private places where no one can see me.. and be affected by the second hand cigarette smoke.. which outside on the street is no more dangerous to you than the exaust coming from the millions of cars driving by.

2006-08-03 13:07:13 · answer #5 · answered by Imani 5 · 0 0

This subject makes me mad. The government want to ban smoking in all public places. Its drink that needs banning !!!
Drinking causes car accidents, fighting,unsociable behavior, wife beating, job losses, divorces and many more... Ive never heard of smoking destroying anything but the lungs of those that smoke.. Drinking kills the innocent.
And second hand smoke is not one of the worst things are genaration is suffering from, i will put the question forward and ask yahoo answers what they think is the worst thing our genaration suffer from

2006-08-03 12:32:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like your answer""Midnightdealer"" Thinks to our stipid F-ing!!government!! People like me that do smoke are being told we are killing people!! Waht a crock of shi*!! It's ok for some damn drunk deiver to kill 3 or 4 people in a car wreck. But dont you even think about smoking in public.. To me i think there should be a smoking part in ever building. Ive had people say to me do you have to do that!! I say what an i doing to you!! Well I dont like it when someone smokes around me they will say. And you know what i tell them. Well if you don't like it then get up off your big azz and move i was here first!! I don't go to ANY fast food places because they all have sings up saying NO SMOKING!! And if I have to go to some stupid bilding that has sings up saying that I just ignore them and smoke anyway.. Ive been told that i can't do that but I just look at tehm and say. Well I might not can't but I am!! And you know what if they see you will leave and they ain't going to get your money a lot of them will let you smoke!! I was in the hosiptal and you know it was a no smoking place. so they put me in a room and I was smoking and the nurce get really mad over it and said that I coulden do that.. I just looked at her and said GET the heII Out of my room Stupidass!! I woulden even there 5 min.!! Anyway I think people make to BIG of a deal out of it me salf!! and guess what? You heard it here first from a REAL Nutcase!!""NUT'S""..PS ..did i win... did i win...did i win???

2006-08-03 11:58:36 · answer #7 · answered by dl200558 5 · 0 0

No. My friend's sister is allergic to cigarette smoke. I myself choke whenever I smell it. I think that it is a personal decision to smoke or not, but it should be kept private. The public is just that; A place where everyone is allowed. Public smokers restrict a lot of people, and it harms others.

2006-08-03 11:54:13 · answer #8 · answered by hiddendreamers 1 · 0 0

Speaking as a smoker, i do not think that smoking should be allowed in any enclosed area of our society. The health risks are catastrophic and it is annoying to everyone else. As for people's own property (home/car) i don't think we can regulate if they choose to smoke or not. But any public place should be off limits.

2006-08-03 11:30:07 · answer #9 · answered by Kelsey N 2 · 0 0

It is rude and obnoxious, I hope it can be outlawed, but hardly one of the worst things our generation suffers from. Remember that humans evolved over open fires, inhaling all kinds of smoke. Our respiratory systems are pretty good at handling it.

I suggest you find another cause, one more worthy of this degree of emotion.

2006-08-03 16:06:00 · answer #10 · answered by finaldx 7 · 0 0

No. If smokers want to ruin their own health, let them. They shouldn't be allowed to ruin everyone else's health with their addiction.
I wish someone would invent something to remove the stench from smokers when they come back in from outside. I swear, it smells like they've been blowing the smoke into their clothing!

2006-08-03 11:26:07 · answer #11 · answered by Nosy Parker 6 · 0 0

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