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Just wondering what your thoughts are on this. Apparently homosexual behavior occurs natually within the animals species. If this is true, does this means it's a natual thing for humans as well and perhaps not neccesairly a choice? How does this fit in with God's will? For more info. check out this link http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/02/07/MNG3N4RAV41.DTL


2006-08-03 04:19:42 · 25 answers · asked by Disney Dreamer 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Digital Genius

I have provided a link, also it tell a book which sites this behaviour in over 400 different species of animals.

2006-08-03 04:27:41 · update #1

Praise Jesus

I didn't say I necessairly agreed with it, just wanted others opions. "Don't judge others, lest ye be judged"

2006-08-03 04:30:03 · update #2

By the way, just asking this because of a book I recently heard about called "And Tango Makes Three" a true story about two male pengiuns at the New York zoo.

2006-08-03 04:38:48 · update #3

25 answers

Frans De Waal documents sex between female bonobos, a type of ape, in his book; so it is true. He even includes a photo.
As for the choice issue I refer you to Robert Epstein's article. Briefly, he writes that there is a Sexual Orientation Continuum, with some people strongly same-sex attraction at one end, bi-sexuals in the middle, and those opposite-sex attraction at the other end. Religous conservatives insist that gays are gay by choice and are evil. They can quote any number of Bible passages to support their stance. However, according to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and at least a few experts, gays do not have a choice about their sexual orientation. A variety of studies suggest that genes play at least some role in homosexuality.

My own perspective as a straight male is that sex with another male would be so repulsive that I simply do not have a choice. Therefore, isn't it reasonable that a gay person would mirror my feelings when trying to contemplate sex with the opposite sex?

I don't know what God's will is, but I don't think He wants us to harrass the gay people.

2006-08-03 05:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by Sqdr 3 · 0 0

No, there is a difference in homosexual behavior of animals and people. Animals sometimes do this when they can't find a mate and are in heat, but it is NEVER A MUTUAL THING. There is always a fight!

Remember that animals are not rational beings. They don't have civil laws. For instance, an animal will kill if another animal comes into it's territory. Should humans also do that? Of course not. It's not rational. If an animal is feeling the desire for sex and it can't find a mate it will try to have sex with whatever is around at the moment including a partner that is too young. So, should humans have sex with with children because a child happens to be handy? Of course not, it's not rational. Humans and animals both have souls. The soul is what animates us, but a animal's soul is mortal. It dies when the animal dies. God created humans in his likeness and gave it an immortal soul that lives forever so that he could have friends forever. He therefore set up a different set of laws. And by the way, some animals are like humans in that they take one mate for life and live as a family having offspring and living a committed relationship. Ducks do this and so do many other animals. You have to be careful where you get information. Sometimes what is written is biased and will purposely leave out pertinent information to sway people to a way of thinking.

2006-08-03 04:31:00 · answer #2 · answered by SeraMcKay 3 · 0 0

It occurs in nature.

A survey revealed that 12% of the sea gull population off the coast of California were in a lesbian relationship.

And if you understand the prohibition about homosexuality (it is the act, not the people), it coems into clear focus.

Sexual knowledge then was scant and it was felt that man had a finite amount of seed.

Since you may be as little as one birth away from extinction (and with war, pestilance, high infant mortality and common accidents), you need to make sure you have kids to take care of you.

The seed needs to go where it will do the most good (a woman's womb).

Homosexual sex, aside from not producing children, is sex for fun and is sheer animal lust.

It is a waste of commodity (which is also why masturbation is frowned upon).

And since there have always been homosexuals (and it's not a Commie Plot form the 50s), one must assume it is part of God's will.

2006-08-03 04:26:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Those who condemn homosexuality on religious grounds usually throw out the accusation that it is unnatural. Then when you point out to them that it happens in nature too they say that that doesn't matter- people should be better than animals. Once again they contradict themselves. They are the ones raising the argument that homosexuality goes against nature. So the fact that it does not- we find homosexuality in nature- negates that argument.
Why would a creator give some people a natural tendency to love people of the same sex that they are yet condemn them for following their natural drive for love? Such a god would be, at best, a contradictory bully who cruelly torments people.
In this world we need all the love we can get. We shouldn't be trying to stop people from loving each other just because they happen to be of the same sex. I wish the people fighting homosexuals would focus on reducing the amount of hate in the world, not some types of love.

2006-08-03 04:28:49 · answer #4 · answered by thatguyjoe 5 · 0 0

Except for the human animal- animals do thing instinctively. The chimpanzees maybe the exception when it comes to sex. Since the drive to reproduce is the strongest force in nature, survival of the species. After all we would not be here if it was not for sex. Animals do not chose their sex partners. Their natural body rhythms ( in heat) dictates when it's time to reproduce. That's why scent is so important- humans use scent also to attract the opposite sex. Cheating exist in the animal kingdom not homosexuality. The drive to reproduce is way too strong for that

2006-08-03 05:44:00 · answer #5 · answered by roydono 2 · 0 0

You really need to stop looking to god and the bible for answers and think for yourself - and that goes for ALL OF YOU out there who currently look to religion to determine whether or not something is wrong. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality - bonobos engage in homosexual activity and they are the closest in terms of genetic makeup to humans (as far as I know). I am not homosexual, and I've never been with a woman, but what people do in their sex lives is up to them (as long as it is consensual). It doesn't hurt anyone, and the only negative consequences that arise from homosexuality are being judged by ignorant people. Then again who cares about ignorant people. And, if we all stop being ignorant, there are no more negative factors that arise from homosexual relationships than do from heterosexual relationships.

Why do you people really care about someone else being gay? They aren't making you be gay, and it doesn't affect you. I just don't get it.

2006-08-03 04:29:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can it be true that every single living individual has the ability to realize their dreams merely through making use of the power of their minds? Do you are one of those individuals? The first answer we currently understand because we see successful individual every day but if the second response is no then you simply discover the proper way to alter your life completely and this only happens this book Manifestation Miracle, a book that you can discover here https://tr.im/ablPv
Manifestation Miracle will teach you the best ways to deal with the concern: What' your viewpoint on yourself, your life and on others? Due to the fact that, how you see yourself, your life, and the individuals you select surround yourself with will eventually frame how you believe ... which manages what you attract ... which manages the quality, joy, and satisfaction of your life.
There is basic wisdom in the typical stating, "View the bright side." Looking
on the brilliant side of life and finding the positive will assist keep your energy and favorable vibrations.

2016-05-15 23:11:05 · answer #7 · answered by nelson 2 · 0 0

I don't know about everyone else, but I am not an animal, even in light of earthly science telling us we are.
I have also seen dogs hump someones leg. Goats will attach anything or anyone. I've watched pups hump one anothers head, side or whatever.
The theory just doesn't hold water. But I do know many homosexuals and call them friend. I don't understand it any more than I understand why I say and do things I know are wrong or hurtful.
My sin, your sin, their sin...it is still sin for which we need forgiveness. And we know when it is sin because GOD told us so.
I thank GOD that of all my faults, and they are many, this is not one of them.

2006-08-03 04:50:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope, sorry, but homosexual behavior does NOT natually occur within the animal species. Animals are in "mating mode" in their season, but not homosexual. Geesh!

2006-08-03 04:27:25 · answer #9 · answered by Red neck 7 · 0 0

Naturally----you mean animalistic natural behavior? Yes, it does. And they will mate with multiple partners, have children by multiple partners, and they have no guilt-------BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO SOUL. We aren't humans, so we are supposed to be more intelligent and more self-aware. We also have the ability to determine between acting like an animal and being an animal.

Although, all of the animalistic non-souled behaviors we assigned in the first paragrah are exactly what our society now deems as "natural."

2006-08-03 04:25:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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