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Does prayer usually work for you? Of course I mean the times you ask for things as opposed to praise God and thank him.

2006-08-03 04:17:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Yes, I can give you a hundred examples, but I will stick with three right here.
3 years ago my co-worker and I who'd previously been really good friends started working my nerves TO NO END. He had
severe back and stomach pains and visited the Dr. to no avail. I was mad at him but had to see him everyday. It became everyone's business that he was ill. One day he asked me to pray for him, knowing I am a faithful person. That night I laid
on my face to pray and lifted his name in prayer. The next morning I asked God to forgive me for holding a grudge against him for judging me and I asked God to heal him immediately. I went to work without thinking much about him. He asked me, "Did you pray for me like I asked you?" I said a dry, "Yes." Around 2 hours after our day begin, I could hear him walking through our workplace just rejoicing and talking about something that seemed to be grossing out everyone. I called him over the speaker to my desk. There he came with a little screw jar holding two dime sized kidney stones he'd just passed. He immediately felt 100% better. He attributed it to my prayer, I give all glory to God.

I was a happy single mom for a long time and didn't dare just come out and ask God for a husband, I just tried to be the best woman and Mom I could be and I was very content. One day I was a bit depressed and I asked my daughter (then 11 years old) to pray for me and we prayed out loud. She said at the end of her prayer, "And God, please send a husband for my mother and a stepdaddy for me." Well....I won't tell you the long story, but here I sit in my home where I live with her, my husband and a baby on the way... very happy.

There's the third one. I was convinced I was infertile. The church I used to attend had a prayer and healing vigil one night...we did NOT do that often, but the Pastor felt led to. The line of people in need stretched outside of our fairly large sanctuary. I got in line after about 2 hours of singing, dancing and praying as people came and went. My Pastor asked what I needed and I told him, if I ever married, I wanted to give my husband children and I believed I was infertile, but all my tests at the Dr.'s came up fine. After I married, I often tried to convince my daughter that she'd love having a little brother or sister. Years ago, she wanted me to adopt and when she found out siblings meant sharing, she never brought it up again...until this January when we were praying for her grades to improve one morning before school and she mentioned, "And God, please let my Mom have a little baby so I could have a little sister soon." Three weeks later on Valentine's Day I found out I was pregnant. I'm due in October.
It is a girl, confirmed by ultrasound and 3d ultrasound.

Sorry so long. As I said I have a hundred of them. Those are some of the ones that have truly blessed me. We serve an AWESOME GOD who hears and answers ALL prayer. Thanks for your wonderful question. We have not because we ask not and it is all according to your FAITH that you receive anything.

2006-08-03 04:35:30 · answer #1 · answered by Sleek 7 · 0 0

Sure, I've had plenty of prayers answered. When I was a missionary for the lds (mormon) church, I remember trying to talk to people for hours without success, then praying and showing some faith and a few minutes later, we meet a nice guy who talks with us at some length, buys us some food, and invites us to visit him at his house the next day. Or when I was trying to figure out how I was going to finance building my house, because the money just wasn't there, and my wife and I fasted and prayed and a few days later I get a phone call about some money that I had inherited that had been sitting in a trust fund for a long time that I never knew about. Or all the times I prayed to do well on tests in school and the peaceful feeling of calm assurance I got and the many times I felt like I had help recalling things I had studied. The list goes on and on.

Of course, to a person without faith, they would wave most of this away as "coincidence". However, when you are keeping track...the number of "coincidences" start to really pile up. :-)

2006-08-03 04:26:53 · answer #2 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 0 0

Over the years prayer is what has kept me going. For 5 years of my life I was storked by a young man. He threatened to kill me on many occasions. It was a terrible ordeal. There were days when I thought I was losing my mind. The police said they could not help until he physically hurts me. It was a lot of prayer and fasting that took me out of the situation. It has been years now since I have not seen him and i have not relocated. Right now I have been denied boarding at my university, a loan for my tuition has also been denied, my fiancee just broke off our relationship and it seems my life is falling apart. But prayer is keeping me from crumbling or going insane. I have a peace of mind. And I am not worried because God never fails. He may not come when we call him but he is always on time. I have numerous testimonies I could share about prayer but maybe through another medium. I have been a christian from I was a teenager and have learnt and proven that prayer works.

2006-08-03 04:37:13 · answer #3 · answered by joebaby 3 · 0 0

Does it work for me in that I get God to give me whatever I want? Of course not, the point of prayer isn't to align God's will with our's, but rather to align our will with His.

I have seen little miracles that I attribute to prayer, the first thing I was able to read was the scriptures when I was 3, because I prayed to be able to for example, but other times the answer has been "no" or "not now," or "you'll have to work for that one."

What I can say, is that I always get an answer, and no matter what it is, I always feel good about it.

Best wishes

2006-08-03 04:30:42 · answer #4 · answered by daisyk 6 · 0 0

My aunt had active cancerous tumors for ten years before the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with her (Breast & Brain). Needless to say the only thing that can be done when notified of this is to pray. She was able to have to have the cancer removed from the breast and where it had spread. The brain tumors are still in her head, but no longer active, spreading, or causing any brain damage. She's been in remissionfor going on twelve years now.

I have many other examples, but one of the most important is that I pray for the forgiveness of my sins and I know that I'm forgiven......some might not think so, but it sure seems like a miracle to me.

2006-08-03 04:27:58 · answer #5 · answered by righton 3 · 0 0

Back when I was a teenager, actually almost 20 and I was going through a difficult time in my life - I'll spare you the details...they were all bad.

I was at my wits-end...I was tired of life and I was extremely depressed. I lived alone in my apartment.

Never did I ever want to pray...but then that one night...I felt an urge to pray...then I felt the urge to pray in a church...but where could I find a church at 11:30 at night? I got in my car...and drove about 10 miles to this particular church.

I parked my car...and I was the only car in the parking lot...walked up to the door...and waaala...it was opened. A small light illuminating the huge cross that hung from the ceiling spot-lighted the beautiful cross. This was not your average church...it was one that seated about 1000 people.

I walked up to the front of the church...and just cried and prayed. I was there for about 30-45 minutes. I felt so at peace with myself. I loved the feeling that it gave me.

Several days later, I decided that I was going back...but this time, a little earlier (around 10:00 p.m.) As I parked my car...I noticed a man and woman standing by the same door I had entered. The lady stopped me and asked if she could help me...I kindly told her that I just wanted to pray in the church. She looked at me and said..."The church is not open...we close it at 6:00 p.m.". I then told her that I was in the church a couple days ago, and she gave me this look and said "No you must be mistaken...we close it every night at 6:00 p.m." She went on to say that a member left her purse on the pew...so she came back to the church to secure it. I'll never forget that night...and I tell everyone what HE did for me. In my most deseparate moment I do believe God heard my cries...and opened that church for me.

I don't pray for material things anymore...I pray for people...and I do believe its why God has blessed me in my life.

Prayer works...maybe not as quick as you want God to respond, I think it's his way of testing our faith & patience.

God Bless

P.S. Thank you so much for the question...I loved reading the other stories that people shared.

2006-08-03 04:42:18 · answer #6 · answered by Wanna-be-Dear-Abby 3 · 0 0

Prayer and meditation are integral pieces of a whole.

Prayer in my view does not ask for self, or selfish things it asks for your higher powers design. Meditation allows time to soak in "the meaning of the serenity prayer..

In Neibuhr's Serenity prayer asking to be able to determine what are those things you have power to change and accept those things you have no control of is seeks wisdom to determine the difference.

Yes, it works.

2006-08-03 04:30:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prayer definitely worked for me just recently. I had to move and didn't have the extra money to do so, and I had to call my parents to see if they could help me out. Well, when I got the mail a few days later, their check was twice what they had originally told me they would be able to do, so there you go! I was able to move and pay some bills that had gotten behind. God knows what we need, we just have to have faith!!

2006-08-03 04:27:32 · answer #8 · answered by ♥ Luveniar♫ 7 · 0 0

No one can ever give a cause and effect of prayer and the outcome that is not explained through simple coincidence.

Annie - the people who helped him get better are called doctors and nurses, using medicines and antibiotics. He would have gotten better without your prayer.

2006-08-03 04:22:01 · answer #9 · answered by ceprn 6 · 0 0

Even though I'm atheist, I once prayed to God while my dad was in the hospital. He had a very lethal disease called bacterial meningitis--it's rare and therefore a lot of doctors aren't sure how to treat it. After I prayed, my dad started to get better. I still don't believe in God, but I like to think sometimes that SOMONE up there had something to do with it. My dad is alive and well today.

2006-08-03 04:21:34 · answer #10 · answered by Annie 4 · 0 0

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