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Christians think gays should not be aloud to marry because the bible says it is wrong. The bible also say not to judge. So why not let gays marry and if god has a problem with it let him sort it out in the end? If he desides it is wrong god can make the judgement and send them to hell. Is it really any of your business? If you think it is gross or don't like it, SO WHAT? I don't like my fat old neighbor wearing mini skirts, that doesn't mean I can make it illegal.

2006-08-03 04:11:02 · 35 answers · asked by Lisa 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

if you are going to be and *** at least post your e-mail so I can hit back. oh and I have read the bible, twice. That does not change that it is the work of man.

I am not gay. Just asking a question.

2006-08-03 04:45:09 · update #1

35 answers

Very well said...The funniest arguement against your point is the following: (Possible redneck individual): "Ok then, if gay people can marry, then we can marry our dogs and pets.." lol
The problem is the following...People who follow the bible believe, or at least they force themselves to believe, that being gay is clearly a choice.
One day a guy woke up and said to himself...mmm what should I do to make my family and friends hate me, being bashed and feel bad about my self? Ok I will sleep with guys...and poof! Just like that people turn gay...loool...So religious people maybe are capable of understanding that this is not the case, but if they think otherwise then they will have to question their bible. What they forget though, is that it was written in times when slavery was normal. So it is a vicious circle. When people really insist that it is a choice indeed, then they are nothing thatn bisexuals and they are exposing themselves. I mean cmon you guys, can a guy actually get it hard on another guy if he wants to?
I am gay, I have always been, I have felt terrible about it when I was younger, and no matter how bad I wanted it no girl could do it form me. And it was my choice to be straight but I couldnt do anything to change myself.
So let people who are in love, share their lives as everyone else. And if you dont like it, dont attend the ceremony.
Besides a marriage builds a stronger society, and gay people will have to think twice before they leave their partner for silly reasons.

2006-08-03 04:25:40 · answer #1 · answered by Nostromo 5 · 1 1

The real problem is not gayness but MONEY. Already our system is broken and heterosexual married couples get no health care and cannot afford to educate their children or retire before age 85. If we fix the SYSTEM of MARRIAGE from a MONETARY standpoint, then everyone who wants can get married. We need to stop worrying about whether Jesus hates gays, because here is a news flash, Jesus will NOT pay for your child to get into college or replace you Social Security check when you are old and cannot work and the money runs out. We cannot just flip the switch and double the number of married people without planning financially for the effects this will have. Also, on another note, if you open the door to gay marriage, you will then also have people who are into bestiality or polygamy lining up to claim they can also apply for marriage. Why? No it has nothing to do with whether Jesus loves bestiality or not, it has to do with MONEY. Those people will want the benefits as well. Everybody should realize that if we keep allowing these groups access to benefits without PAYING for the benefits, soon nobody will get married at all because there will be no difference for taxes, education, retirement, medicine, than if you were single since we spent all the money.

2006-08-03 04:18:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you have some good points here. People should have a right to liberty, freedom, and happiness (at least here in America). But you know, there are places already where it is legal for gays to marry- at least Vermont and Hawaii, if no other places. I think it is referred to as a 'civil union'.

I think that this is a possible solution. If gays just want to have the same rights as regular couples who are married, then why not allow them those rights, without it being a bona fide marriage?

I am a Christian, but I am very open minded. I am not anti-gay. There is no way to put a specific label on sins as being more heinous than others. Sin is sin- and the reality is that we all sin, both straight and gay people. That doesn't make it right, I am just saying that the point is that we straight people aren't any better than gay people (in that regard). Does that make sense?

I think one solution is for gays to have the same rights as do married couples, but instead of it being a marriage, it can be a cohabitational arrangement, civil union, etc.

God loves gay people- and so do I. I am not anti-gay people...I know it's not my solemn duty to judge the world, but I think that people should be aware of the fact that it is sinful. It's not my law, my dear, it's God's law.

2006-08-03 04:23:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible doesn't say not to judge. If a young girl gets raped are we going to say let God judge the man, we shouldn't. No we should stand up to what we believe is right. Yes I realize there are other sick things, that happen and nothing is done about it. But God created marriage between a man and a woman, not two men, or two women. And to take it to the extreme why not let people get married to animals in your philosophy. Is it my businesss, Yes because this is messing up society, and screwing more people up in the head.

Well to the people that say they were made that way. Well I don't disagree with you, but I was made to be only attracted to extremly attractive woman. And my desires are to have as much sex as possible with as many partners as I can. Sometimes I might get angry and want to pound someone in the head. But does it make it right just because It feels good to me.

2006-08-03 04:31:32 · answer #4 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 0 0

A very good point, Lisa. The Bible, by the way, has NO reference by God's voice that homosexuality is wrong. Gay and lesbianism were prevalent in biblical times, and evidently offended many who authored books of the Bible, however.

Still, we go by what God says is right or wrong....and the issue of homosexuality is NOT there. Personally, I'm neutral on the whole issue.

2006-08-03 04:17:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible urges us to call sin what it is... sin. Not everyone reads the Bible, not everyone understands that things like homosexuality, fornication, etc, etc... are sinful. My best friend is gay, I love him, but he knows how I feel about the lifestyle. Now that I have spoken my piece and shown him the Bible speaks out on homosexuality (which he didn't realize), it is now between him and God. I don't want Jesus looking at me and saying, hey, why didn't you fill him in. If we just allow homosexuals to get married without filling them in on the consequences, then we as Christians have blown it, in a way, we would be somewhat guilty. It is our business, God said to go out and spread the gospel. I'm not judging their souls.. that's between them and God, I'm just pointing out that their actions are sinful in the eyes of God. And they need to make a conscious decision on their actions, whether they decide to change or not.

2006-08-03 04:22:57 · answer #6 · answered by ???? 3 · 0 0

well that's all well and good .....God will judge those ...but what you are taking as judgment from a christian is only them telling you what the Word of God says......you act like we made this all up to attack you and those like you...nothing can be further from the truth....now we are not judging as you say....we are called to preach the gospel to all the world and that includes you too....we are doing only what we are commanded by the Lord....now some do it in a wrong spirit and that is always bad...but then you aren't very pleasant yourselves either.....this will always be a struggle as long as some believe in gods teachings and others don't....live the way you want to ..that is your business..but don't get mad at a christian for speaking forth the truth to help you understand what the consequences of the choice you are making actually are.....after all no one will be able to stand before God and say they are justified in their behaviour because they havent been told...He makes sure all knows the truth in their life .......christians will never recognize this as exceptable behaviour .... to do so would be hypicritcal of what we believe...now saying that about your neighbor is just mean.....

2006-08-03 04:28:26 · answer #7 · answered by shiningon 6 · 0 0

As far as the religious institution of marriage, each religion should make their own decision. But marriage is also a legal institution that should have nothing to do with what the Bible says. The legal aspect has to do with being able to make decisions and care for each other. If somebody's life partner of 30 years is in a car accident, the person that has lived and acted as their husband or wife has no legal medical say to sign for that person, and that is not right. You can't deny people of that because your Bible says its bad (not you personally, in general). And I agree with you on not-judging.

2006-08-03 04:17:57 · answer #8 · answered by Allison L 6 · 0 0

There is a lot of difference in fat old ladies wearing miniskirts and same sex marriages. Also aloud is vocalized, allowed is permitted. It is much more than not judging, would you say let murderers kill and if God doesn't like it, He can sort it out in the end? Or if your parents abused you and your siblings, we should let them go ahead and let God take care of it later? We are not judging, we are protesting wickedness.

2006-08-03 04:21:50 · answer #9 · answered by Grandma Susie 6 · 0 0

I have thought about this and I believe that Government should not be in the marriage business. It should be left up to individuals and their faiths and beliefs. If the two were atheists or of no set religion then a legal contract could be written. This would put all of this to rest without anyone compromising their beliefs. And just for the record I am a Catholic.

2006-08-03 04:15:33 · answer #10 · answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 · 0 0

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