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With all of the debate going on about homosexuality can a christian see it as wrong but still be ok with it. I am Christian and i don't believe that homosexuality is right but i also believe in freedom and that if thats what someone wants or likes then let them have it. I personally am not going to go around like an extremeist and tell people they will burn in hell for commiting homosexual acts. As for marriage i believe that if homosexuals want to get married they they should be able to through the court if it is legal. Just because a homosexual couple are "married" doesnt mean it has to be a christian marriage. I believe the state shouldnt only recognize male female marriages as defined by christianity since there is seperation of church and state. As for people that commit acts agains homosexuals and claim to be christian what happened to living by the law of the land? I just want to get your opinions on this

2006-08-03 03:58:03 · 28 answers · asked by Brad 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

robert said in a much better way what i was trying to get at with the marriage thing. The state should not just recognize a marriage but a civil union even if it be between homosexuals because of the financial aspects and rights that "married" people have that homosexual couples who cant get "married" dont have. Do i think that is a form of discrimination

2006-08-03 04:17:19 · update #1

28 answers

entirely agree with you!

i am a christian and i go to catholic school and I am really okay with it.

In the world today, people should accept love however it comes...if two people of the same gender are in love and are happy then who the hell cares!?! they aren't hurting anyone and they should be able to get married through the court so that they can have a financial relationship that helps them. It's not fair that they should have to suffer just because their love is unconventional.

And who are we on earth to judge them anyway...the day will come when God must judge all humans and it will be up to him to do what he sees fit with these people...but for now and on earth, let them just live their lives.

And the bible says divorce is wrong, but somehow the state is okay with that, seeing as more than half the marriages in the US end up down the tubes...

wtf...that doesnt seem fair!

2006-08-03 04:06:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

Christians should believe what they want; as should non-christians. It is the hallmark of our country.

As for recognizing gay marriage, I have a little bit of a different take. I believe that marriage is a religious doctrine ... some religions say that same-sex cannot marry; some religions say that a divorced person cannot remarry, etc.

My answer: The state should ONLY recognize civil unions. A marriage would be included in the civil union definition. But otherwise, what is the point? A man and a woman? Fine -- but not recognized by some churches (if one or both are previously married).

So ... the state should recognize civil unions (for purpose of divorce, taxes, chilid custody and estate laws), but not the subset of marriage.

This also protects those who do not like the ideas of certain people calling themselves "married" under the law. There would be no such distinction -- just civil unions.

Those who are traditionally married (one man, one woman) can call themselves married in social settings, but that does not confer a legal standing. Those who are not can call themselves whatever they want (they do already), but for both, it is simply a civil union.

2006-08-03 04:07:39 · answer #2 · answered by robert_dod 6 · 0 0

You are a bigger person than most for being able to recognize that just because you disagree with something or don't believe in it, doesn't give you/us the right to tell other people that they are not "allowed" to do it.

It is the Church's religious right if they wish to not recognize or perform gay marriages. However, the church should not interfere with the government laws passed on the subject. If a Church does not wish to recognize or perform the marriage, they should not have the right to stop the marriage from being recognized by law and performed by a judge. That is why we are supposed to have Separation of Church and State, but that doesn't seem to be applicable here lately in regards to this issue among others. You are right, just because homosexuals are married, doesn't mean it has to be a religious marriage or recognized by a religion.

Homosexuals are not fighting for the Church to recognize their marriage, they are fighting for the government to do so. They are not asking Christians to change their beliefs, they aren't asking Christians for anything but tolerance. I personally believe it is un-Christian to be prejudice and intolerant.

2006-08-03 04:09:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I fully agree with you! I cannot stand it when I hear Christians threaten homosexuals with burning in hell...what ever happened to the values that Christiany preaches? Such as love, compassion and ACCEPTANCE????? I think they should be allowed to get married also because hell many years before this an interracial couple could not get maried (there was a law against it) and you're right a Christian marraige would probably have to be between a man and a woman but who said they had to have a Christian marraige???? There are 100's of other religions out there...and hell the way things are going people could start their own religion and make homosexuality the norm for that religion...

2006-08-03 04:04:44 · answer #4 · answered by Love always, Kortnei 6 · 0 0

I would also count myself in the ranks of the Christians, and agree with you.

There seems to be a lot of hypocrites out there who are picking a choosing what they feel needs to be pulled from the Bible. Our own president is guilty of this when he says that he is for a culture of life, then kills thousands overseas not to mention that his home state kills more "criminals" than all other states combined.

FYI - according to Catholics (I have yet to find the biblical support for this statement, but I know that it is supported by at least the Catholic beliefs) any sexual act that will not possibly result in the creation of a child is a sin. (the same sin!) So all those who think that Homosexuals shouldn't have rights (based on their religious beliefs) should also be going after the sterile, the old, those practicing safe sex, masturbates, and even those practicing the "rhythm method" so they won't get pregnant.

The world is troubled enough, without us attacking each other for something that people don't have any control over.

2006-08-03 04:09:27 · answer #5 · answered by sadus_misr 2 · 0 0

Marriage is an institution created by God. If you are a bible reading Christian, you would know that he invented it, and meant it for a man and a woman. The governments decision to recognize marriage as between a man and a woman aligns them with the church. I believe we all are free to do what we want, and I am not going to run around crusading for the rights of gays, but I am NOT going to give a yes vote to a law that allows them to marry, because Marriage is God's, and homosexuality is just another sin. I do not think less of a gay man than any other person, because we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. BUT WE SHOULD NOT BE ENCOURAGING SIN. Do not make it legal to do drugs, have gay marriage, kill an innocent person, rape a child, cheat on a test, whatever. Those things should not be PROMOTED.

A Christian loves his brother or sister, regardless of their actions. We lift up those who stuble, not put them down. But we dont encourage them to keep failing!

2006-08-03 04:06:10 · answer #6 · answered by xrionx 4 · 0 0

A person cannot believe that something is wrong and go along with it. The bible teaches that whatever is in the heart that is what is displayed. Therefore if you are truly in support of what the scripture states in Romans chapter one then you cannot be o.k with it. Brother you cannot be on two sides when it comes to christian principles. You have to take a stand a stand and teach people what God says about homosexuality. although we have constitutional rights, no one can go above the words of God. The words of God will always stand no matter how man tries to change it to support their life styles. The same God that was yesterday, is the same today and forevermore. Therefore how he judged Sodom and Gomorrah is the same way he views this present society because he never changes.

2006-08-03 04:12:09 · answer #7 · answered by joebaby 3 · 0 0

The world will continue in the way it's going.
There was the abortion thing.
Then there is the homosexuality thing.
Then there is the Islam thing.
Can you control any of these things?
In your own behavior. That is the only control you have.
You live your life as you believe.
You can not control anyone else in the way they want to conduct themselves.
If you want to cause hostility and anger keep up with telling people they are sinners.
Why not let God tell them if He feels like it.
I thought that was the Holy Spirit's job, to convict the world of sin?
Did He tell Hitler? No.
Did He tell Mao? NO
Did He tell Joseph Stalin? No.
They murdered and ran things just as they wanted.
He let them.
Now they are in His hands. While they were here they did what they wanted. Now it's a different story.
Sometimes I think that we get in the way too much.

I have a short song.

Religiosity, it grabs you, and brings you down.
It steers you and grabs you, in ways you should not go.
The leaders speak and do not do.
As they tell it, you.
Be careful my friend and do not follow.
In ways you do not know.


2006-08-03 04:19:00 · answer #8 · answered by chris p 6 · 0 0

Thanks, it's appreciated that there are some Christians who believe in being "christian-like" towards others.

Some circles would call me a Christian, as I believe in sertain aspects, ...but I'm also a lesbian.
I have no difficulty justifying my sexuality with my religion and my nationality.
The two are completely different things. At least in this country.

I believe that to be a good Christian, one must follow the laws of the land and fight for the equality of every person, not just those whom I perfer or who have enough money.

Yes, I do believe in our country's seperation of Church and State, in that I don't want my Church corrupted by the state anymore than I want my State corrupted by any Church.

2006-08-03 04:07:52 · answer #9 · answered by DEATH 7 · 0 0

I think you are a very sensible person of faith. I too wonder why in this issue and others, christians seem hellbent (excuse the pun) on interfering with others' freedoms or rights. Even more so when (certain) Christians begin harping about how THEIR rights are being infringed upon so much these days.

If these hypocrites (for example, Jerry Falwell) would get sense, they would realize that protecting the rights of an unpopular group, even a group you disagree with, will ultimately protect your own rights too.

2006-08-03 04:06:02 · answer #10 · answered by katunich 2 · 0 0

I think that homosexuality goes against Christian mores and if asked for my opinion give it. If I am not asked then I don't give it. I have always voted no for homosexual marriage because it just doesn't fit my definition. Are they free to live with another? Yes. Do I have to encourage it? No. I don't think that anyone who is propagating hate towards them is practicing Christianity.

2006-08-03 04:06:56 · answer #11 · answered by psycho-cook 4 · 0 0

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