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I breastfed my son for over 2 years and was made to feel ashamed. I always found it funny that a woman is considered the best mother in the world when she breastfeeds her 12 month old child but suddenly morphs into a pedophile at 12 months and one day! Personally, I'm proud of having breastfed for as long as I did and I know my son has reaped the benefits. He is extremely bright, rarely sick, and very secure in who he is. I just wanted to see if other moms felt the same way. I have a feeling more moms breastfeed longer but are ashamed to admit it. I thought this might be the place to get the truth....or maybe I'll discover I really am weird! Thanks.

2006-08-03 03:35:13 · 22 answers · asked by Jennifer L 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

22 answers

You are NOT weird! You did a wondeful thing for your child and gave him a great start in life!

For those who may not know:

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for *at least* 12 months and then continuing as long as mom and baby want.

The World Health Organization and UNICEF both recommend nursing for *at least* 2 YEARS and continuing as long after that as you want.

The worldwide average age of weaning is 4.2 years.

The natural age of weaning for humans is between 2.5 and 7 years per the research of anthropologist Kathryn Dettwyler.

And did you know that Michael Jordan's mom nursed him until he was 3 years old? I think he turned out pretty darn good!

Personally, I practice child-lead weaning. My oldest weaned when he was 3.5 years old. My middle weaned when she was 22 months old. My youngest is still nursing at 3.5 years and will be allowed to decide when she is done as well.

2006-08-03 04:05:10 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 5 6

I breastfed my son for about 2 weeks but he was not an avid nurser, so we had to switch to the bottle....he is such a smart and healthy kid. I am currently nursing my 10 mth old daughter with no problems, and plan on doing it till she weans herself. Whether it be in a couple months or by 2 yrs. I am going to wean her if she is still breastfeeding by 2.5. I dont think I can handle lugging a 30 lb child to my boob. I am all for breastfeeding moms and never feel ashamed of it. I get many a disgusted look when I am nursing my daughter at the mall or dinner. I even had a woman ask me to feed my daughter elsewhere because I was ruining her appetite. I normally cover up or use a big tshirt...not that I need to. My daughters head covers most of my breast. Go for it ladies.

2006-08-03 04:35:51 · answer #2 · answered by neabean18 3 · 0 0

i breastfed for a year with the first. going on 7 weeks with my new one and might be a year too! I am glad i did it that long. Many people ask how i did it so long and I just say it felt natural. Your not weird. I have had many people say babies don't really benifit from breast milk after 6 months but I am the same my little girl is very smart for her age and has never been sick. Also my husband is a twin and his mother breastfed the twins for 2 years. Now try doing that!!

2006-08-03 03:58:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I only breastfeed both of my girls for 9 months, but not by choice. That's just when my milk dries up and they are no longer interested. If I could have breastfed longer I'm not exactly sure how long I would have for though. I guess it would have been at least until 1 year. But it kind of makes me uncomfortable thinking about still breastfeeding my girls now, they are 19 months and 3 1/4 years.

2006-08-03 04:22:27 · answer #4 · answered by mommyem 4 · 0 0

I breast fed my daughter now 3 until ( she dried me up)........I could not produce any more milk and then she went straight to cows milk and she was about a year old. I am currently nursing my 4 month old son (also bottle fed as was my daughter). I live in a small town and although it is perfectly legal to nurse in public (sometimes he wont take a bottle and you gotta do what you gotta do) people look at me as if I have committed a sin against nature when I nurse him that way. And they always just have to look at you and they frown. I get so upset that I start to go off but.......my hubby just says that they are narrow minded people who need something to talk about. I don't think that you are a pedophile for nursing your son until he is or was 2. Now If he was 5 and still sitting on your lap to nurse then I would think that he has attachment issues and still that you are not a pedophile. Keep up the good work in providing for your child the best way that you know how (because that is all that we as parents can do).

2006-08-03 03:55:00 · answer #5 · answered by poohbearmomma_1 2 · 0 1

I don't think you are weird, it's just a matter of personal opinion. I have 3 children (pregnant with number 4) and planned on nursing them until they were 12 months old. For me, that was the limit. My first ended up nursing for 4 months, then I became so engorged at work (couldn't pump) that I had to stop. My second only nursed for a week, had really bad latching on problems and would only nurse from one side. My third nursed for 7 months until I became pregnant again and my milk dried up.

I have known quite a few people who nursed longer than the year and they said they wished they hadn't as their child would come up to them whenever, where ever, lift their shirt and try to nurse. So for me, 12 months seemed a good stopping point.

Incidentally, my Mom never nursed any of us (as that wasn't done 30-40 years ago) and we were never sick as children. I agree that breastmilk is best, but a lot has to do with a child's physical constitution too. My 2nd son who only nursed a week is rarely sick. I really can't say my children who nursed are healthier as you can't tell any difference.

2006-08-03 03:52:45 · answer #6 · answered by aliza1999 3 · 3 1

♥ How long did you breastfeed for before switching to bottles/formula- I work full-time and we never used formula. They began getting a bottle of expressed breast milk at 3 weeks of age to ready them for when I returned to work. ♥ Did you switch to pumping after a couple of weeks as well as breastfeeding or did you pump/breastfeed exclusively? I pumped to get a freezer stash saved. Other than that, I breastfed. I pumped twice a day- early morning, and again in the early afternoon. ♥ Did anyone supplement with formula now and then when going out etc? Never- I use expressed, frozen breastmilk. I feel very self conscious about breastfeeding in public or in front of anyone at all to be honest so I'm hoping I'll be able to juggle breastfeeding and pumping after the first couple of weeks when my milk is established. ♥ Did anyone else feel the same and then changed after your baby was born? I worried a ton for our first baby but it worked out. If you are uncomfy, pump and breastfeed your baby pumped milk when in public. I am doing this more now because I have a 2 year old to keep up with in public and it is easier. I bring 1 pumped bottle of milk. When that is gone, I nurse. I also wear ours in a sling. Practice at home to get comfy with it and make it easier on you. I want to add: I was molested by a friend of the family who later went to jail for this. I have received therapy and have no issues regarding nursing our children. Nursing to me is more important than the memories of the past. Further, why let that person "win"? Nothing like that is going to get in the way of my relationship with my children.

2016-03-26 21:35:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1st son - 7 mo.
2nd son - 10mo.
3rd son - 13 mo.

Each time I quit was because of some huge event (long vacations) that made it difficult to breastfeed. I really regret not going longer with my 1st son. Breast feeding is so convenient and cost effective! No bottles to wash and sterilize, no formula allergies, no smelly poop! Also, cows milk is designed by nature to feed baby cows, not humans. I'd feed your boy as long as you both feel comfortable. ..but remember there will be a time when you'll have to stop. Children can get attached to the breast like like pacifiers and blankets...all good things must come to an end eventually. Good luck, & tell the busy bodies to butt out.

2006-08-03 03:49:49 · answer #8 · answered by mslorikoch 5 · 2 0

I wish so badly I could breastfeed till my babies are 2- nothing wrong with that!! I think it's sweet, but personally, my milk starts to dry up around 4-5 months along. I try everything in the book- staying away from caffine and or dairy products, resting, drinking lots of water, but some women have more milk then others- great job!! (I do notice when I stop nursing that my babies get sick more.)

2006-08-03 05:05:05 · answer #9 · answered by Miss America 4 · 0 1

I think you should do whatever you really want to do and whatever you feel is right for your child. I breastfeed #1 for 2 weeks and #2 for 6 weeks. It was a lifestyle decision on my part. I like to travel, go out with friends, have a cocktail occasionally, etc. I do have to wonder sometimes when the kids get 5 years old and such if mothers are still doing it because they can't let go. I"ve heard "well, he/she wants it". Well, my 2 year old would eat cookies morning, noon, and night if I let him. It's not about what he wants, it's about what he needs and what I think is right for him. I agree with the nutritional aspect, but I don't live in a 3rd world country where food is scarce. My kids get plenty of good nutrition from fruits, meat, and vegetables. But, again, I don't blame any mother for doing what she feels is best for her kids.

2006-08-03 07:07:20 · answer #10 · answered by michelleswood 1 · 1 1

I breastfed both of my daughters until they were a little over 13 months... I'm not sure why they both chose that time to wean themselves, but they had both stopped by the time they were 14 months. (They are 5 years apart) It just gradually stopped... they wouldn't be hungry for a certain feeding one day, and it would just fade out of the schedule. Before I knew it, they had stopped breastfeeding and were no longer interested. It was nice to have my body back to myself, but I still missed the closeness it brought.

2006-08-03 09:44:21 · answer #11 · answered by dolphin mama 5 · 0 1

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