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Why are some people of the christian faith so threatened by homosexuality? What exactly is the problem? You say god is against it, but what about all the gay people out there who are christians? It's gross doesn;t count as an answer.

2006-08-03 03:16:36 · 35 answers · asked by ? 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

One thing about Christianity which attracts a certain kind of person is the freedom to self-righteously and sanctimoniously express intolerance and rage toward others. Only a certain type of person finds this attractive: Obviously Christians who seem a bit obsessed with things like homosexuality are people who have issues like low self esteem, deep-seated guilt, emotional masochism, disappointing relationships, even - in the matter of anti-gay hysteria - same-sex attraction. The only Christians who feel threatened by gays are Christians who are sexually turned on by gays -- the rest of the bigoted Christians just enjoy being on a self-righteous bandwagon condemning other people. If there were no homosexuality, they'd be on the warpath about kids not respecting their parents enough, or adulterers, whatever. Gays are just easy targets.

"If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.” ~ Edmond de Goncourt

2006-08-03 03:28:58 · answer #1 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 0 0

Homosexuality is incompatible with life. If everyone in the world were gay (work w/ me here) mankind would die out in a generation. God is about Life. That's his gig. So He would not create something that would not bring life to people.

Furthermore, God destroyed 2 cities, Gomorrah & Sodom, over homosexuality. It is clear he doesn't approve of it.

I am not threatened by homosexuality. It is not the unforgivable sin, anymore than premarital sex or adultery is unforgivable. God can forgive all sin, and will when asked. He is faithful and justified in doing so. ANY sin separates us from God. Some Christians may go overboard about homosexuality, and I'm sorry about that. Jesus said to remove the log in our own eye before picking at the splinter in someone else's. Many Christians would do well to remember that.

2006-08-03 03:28:17 · answer #2 · answered by Sugar Pie 7 · 0 0

I am a Christian and I can tell you I am not threatened by homosexuality. I stand by the Bible. If you are a Christian you stand by the Bible---right? I mean that is the book we go by. The Bible is the living Word. Jesus was the word wrapped in flesh. There are three kinds of sin: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. ALL are guilty and fall short---says that in Romans 3:23. I am a sinner, saved by grace---NOTHING more. There are many sexual sins in the bible---fornication, adultery.... Sin is sin. Now, as Christians we believe people are NOT born homosexual. Now, stay with me, here, you have the right to disagree. However, stay with me on not believing one is born homosexual and follow the logic. If one is not born that way and one is not saying the opposite then that person is saying that the Bible is invalid. If we believe one is born and stay with me I will say it.....born an abomination....yikes...not my word...from scripture...than there would be no redemption for that person. That is so not true. It also goes against the bible. So, the claim that one is born a homosexual and can still worship God as a homosexual contridicts the very God they are worshiping. It also is an attack on the Word of God. Get past being offended and see if that makes any sense. The bible clearly defines homosexuality as an abomination. The bible clearly says there is forgiveness for ALL. However, if one is born an abomination then how can one be forgiven? That would be like condemning a frog because he is green. So, you see, we are not threatened...it just goes against our core belief. And yes, there are a lot of bad Christian jerks out there also.

As far as gays being Christian.....Jesus died on that cross to forgive ALL curse and sin. Jesus became sin on the cross for us. He died and rose again for the redemption of sin. It was an act of love. I mean, I wouldn't put my son on a cross for anyone. God so loved the world....loved the world. We are in bondage to sin. Through Christ we are free from sin. So, yes a gay man or woman can become a Christian. Can they remain gay??? If they sincerely ask Jesus in their heart they are saved. Can my husband still be a Christian and cheat on me? YES. However, it doesn't make it right or Godly.

2006-08-03 03:35:25 · answer #3 · answered by Quinn 2 · 0 0

Having homosexual "feelings" isn't a sin, acting on them is. It's a sin just like: lying, fornication, murder, etc, etc, etc. God loves everyone, but he hates the sin in their life. I'm not "threatened" by homosexuality... those who have chosen that lifestyle must deal with the consequences of it. I have several gay friends, my best friend "came out" in college. I believe there is a big difference between sinning "messing up" and choosing to live in your sin. By living a homosexual lifestyle as a Christian you are saying yeah, I know God says it is wrong, but I'm going to do it anyway. That's not the same as messing up every once in a while. God says to repent "turn away" from your sins. So for the homosexual Christian, that's between them and God, I can't say how God will handle it.

2006-08-03 03:26:37 · answer #4 · answered by ???? 3 · 0 0

I feeel truly sorry for any homosexual who feels that they can be gay and christian if they read the Bible that does not work. I have heard of churches that say it is okay aae well but it goes against God in every way. You can not keep sin and enter the kingdom of heaven it will not happen read 1 Corinthians 6:9-20. This tells all. How the body is not for sexual immorality but for God. You should find all your answers here it does not miss anything. Good Luck to you.

2006-08-03 03:34:45 · answer #5 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 0 0

Christians don't feel threatened by homosexuality.....at least I have never met any that were....I think you confuse the fact that Christians are stating a fact that the Bible says that God is against that type of behavior as fear...but it is not.....
now as for homosexuals being christian ..well they can believe in God and confess their sins and be forgiven of their sin and walk with God...but they can not do all that and then expect God to turn His face away from their sin if they continue to live this lifestyle.....that would make God a hypocrite and that wont happen.....now if one turns from that lifestyle and follows Jesus teachings and walks in obedience to Gods laws and Word then they are saved....but one cant have it both ways...you are either a christian and living for God or you are confessing you are a Christian and walking in disobedience...which they will be judged for.......one must choose this day whom he will serve......it will not be justified by God just because one confesses it and then continues to live that way... we didn't write the Bible ..it isn't our teachings...It is written by inspiration from the Holy Spirit....we only tell the truth to those who ask....God Bless.

2006-08-03 03:28:14 · answer #6 · answered by shiningon 6 · 0 0

What about the children around them? Many homosexuals are also pedophiles. What does a child say when asked about his parents and he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies? Many parents will have nothing to do with their homosexual children and maybe that is why there are so many suicides in the homosexual community. God hates the act of homosexuality. Sure other things are considered sin but regardless to public opinion, all sins are not equal. If you hurt a child,rest assured, God will deal with you harshly.

2006-08-03 03:36:33 · answer #7 · answered by Calill C 6 · 0 0

For dukalink6000, the guy on here who answered this by saying the lifestyle is unnatural because gays can't have babies, therefor the sex is only for fun and lust. So, let me get this straight, does that mean if there is a married couple, man and woman, and there is something medically wrong with one of them and they can't have children, they shouldn't ever have sex because there is no hope of a pregnancy? Or for those of us out there like my husband and I who decided our family was complete and we don't want more children, so I had my tubes tired, my husband and I should never have sex? I mean because again, I won't be getting pregnant, so I guess we're sinning for enjoying sex! If it means that I'm breaking some Christian rule for having sex to fell closer to my husband, or just because it's fun, and people like you only see it as being lustful...Well, I can live with that! My husband and I have a great sex life and if we're going to go to hell because of it, what a way to go! Get off your high horse! You're not God and you have no right to tell others how wrong they are. Unless they are doing something to harm you or someone else. If God punishes people for being gay, then he's surly going to punish those of you that go around judging them.

2006-08-03 03:39:21 · answer #8 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0

It's not homosexuality alone; it's any sin that people want to:
a) continue in.
b) proudly proclaim that they are continuing in; and
c) have other people accept as being right.

Is homosexuality a greater sin than, say, premarital sex, drug use or child molestation? No, sin is sin. However, very few people are trying to claim that child molestation is "just they way they were born" and that everybody else "had just better get used to it." (There are some saying it; get ready for more of it.)

As far as 'gay Christians' goes, there may be people who claim to be such; there cannot be people who simultaneously follow Christ and go against His teachings.

2006-08-03 03:25:31 · answer #9 · answered by flyersbiblepreacher 4 · 0 0

>>>Why are some people of the christian faith so threatened by homosexuality?<<<

Here we go again -- someone trying to stifle debate on this issue by portraying their debate opponents as having an irrational fear of homosexuality.

Using words like "fearful" and "threatened" means that you don't want to have a rational give-and-take discussion on this issue. It only means that you're trying to portray your opposition as being inferior to you, because their opinions are borne of fear rather than genuine reasons.

We Christians are not threatened by homosexuality. Though we have compassion and respect toward gay people, we oppose their sexual conduct because, quite simply, it is not only morally illicit but also medically dangerous.

In fact, one of the reasons God forbids it is this -- He loves us, and He doesn't want us to do things that put us at huge risk for deadly diseases. He doesn't want us to do things that cut 30 years off our lifespans.

Homosexual conduct does have those negative impacts on us.

We don't want to see people engage in gay sex, because we don't want to see people die at the average age of 41 -- that's the life expectancy of gay men in the USA.

That's true compassion. Enabling this sexual behavior, making excuses for it, and pushing it as a healthy and normal lifestyle are hardly compassionate.

2006-08-03 03:46:20 · answer #10 · answered by Julia Encarnacion 1 · 0 0

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