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It is while reading (Michener's "SPACE") intense subject matter that one finds contemplative reasoning makes for investigative calculation; and so I have derived 2 things 1) That theres is No God or 2)That he is not a loving god-but the first will be relevant to appease the second. Your God is The Creator of ALL Things YOU say-he has given you a choice and with that choice you are going to be judged for eternity in Either Heaven or Hell-What is Eternity? It is a period of time-Time infinite-and according to the principles in time infinity goes as far forward as it does in reverse-IF GOD ENDED THE WORLD TODAY-Time would not be important any longer because GOD being God would not be constrained by TIME-WOULD HE? And so a Loving God could turn back the clock and redirect your path and show you how to be righteous. Not Even Your God Can Do That-He Too IS CONSTRAINED By Time-WE are creating hell here by attitudes that refuse to let go even when the truth has been revealed-Sorry if it hurts!

2006-08-03 03:13:00 · 63 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

When I submitted this question last night I was attacked for my revelation by none other than DIE HARD CHRISTIANS that refuse to believe that THIS IS IT BABY-NO GOD NO HEAVEN NO HELL NO SATAN NO PROPHETS-Just TIME and Hopefully you will now use time wisely to Make Mother Earth The Beauty that she is and give her the justice she is due rather than tarnish her big beautiful skies with your doubtful minds!

2006-08-03 03:15:34 · update #1

63 answers

My only response is "Where did your contemplative reasoning come from?"

2006-08-03 03:18:08 · answer #1 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 1 2

I have re-read the question and I don't understand what the proof is? Because something you believe is not possible has not happened yet? It really does not matter if you say you have proof, or if you say this is what i believe. Either way there is no question in your statement. I am a believer in the Lord, but I am not attacking your views. Your views are yours, and mine are mine. No matter what anyone says about any genre or side of religion, it will -NEVER- change the mind of either side. I don't see why there are so many athiests & christians trying to say " I have Proof for this, proof for that" it is irrelevent. The only people that will side with you are the atheists, the only people that disagree with you are christians. Really it is all trivial seeing as your "proof" will not change the minds of anyone that disagrees with you. Anyway, I hope that we can still live in peace even if we see things from each end of the spectrum. Keep on keepin on.
God Bless, just give me that, I mean
no effence

2006-08-03 03:35:33 · answer #2 · answered by sammyw1024 3 · 0 0

I'm not a die hard christian. but i am one

I'm more comfortable in a lab than i am in a church.

i dont believe god created all things, i dont necessarily believe in heaven or hell, or the bible, hell!!!!...... i hardly believe in time itself. all of these elements are fluid, changeable and vague (this is just my opinion, im more than happy to respect others beliefs)

but i do believe quite humbly that there are things in this world that i can not explain. i trust and have faith in the fact that I am merely a human being and can not prove nor dis-prove the existence of god or heaven or hell.

it wouldn't bother me if there is a heaven or not- i live each day to the fullest. i never miss an opportunity to say i love you, to buy a ticket to somewhere Ive never been, to learn a new lesson.

i believe the christian faith has some really great lessons in it, as does Islam, Buddhism and so do atheists..... the list goes on really.

what i really dont like though is being told by ANYONE that somehow they have it all figured out and everybody apart from them is basing there beliefs on something trivial.

your statement above and the type of thinking behind it is the reason we have wars. think about it.

I'm glad you have decided there is no god for you. I'm pleased and interested and believe you have every right to believe this.

just dont tell me what i believe or presume that because I am christian that you know my own personal faith.

2006-08-03 03:29:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Time is an invented principal... a way for man to place things in their own retrospective. I really don't feel that God is constrained by time... and your arguement that God could turn back time and redirect our paths isn't logical because that would take away the free will that God has given us. God is not making decisions for us, he has already shown us the ways to live in order to be righteous...the bible, the commandments, etc. why should he have to go back and show each and every one of us what we've done wrong when we already know what we've done wrong. We will be judged upon our deaths, when we stand before God, he will tell us everything we've done wrong, the reasons why we will all fall short of the Glory of God, but if in our lives we accept him as our savior then into Heaven we will pass, if we've denied him, into hell we shall perish.
There is no truth proven behind your Theory...

2006-08-03 03:25:40 · answer #4 · answered by rachelle105210 5 · 0 0

First it is interesting that you complain about being attacked by the Christians, when in your question you both attack them and bait them into attacking you... Curious.

As for your question itself, it is flawed. I have not read the book that you mentioned, but I do know that a great many philosophers throughout time have debated the existence of God, so many now that it is actually a field of Philosophy. Never the less, they have established two things. 1) there is no way that one can prove that anyone else in this world exists let alone if their is a God. 2) if the punishment for not believing in God is eternal damnation then it would be better to live one life according to the rules than to risk eternity.

As I read further into your question I run into yet another problem. In your statement "IF GOD ENDED THE WORLD TODAY" I assume you mean existence, for if God ended the world today, it would just stop are perception of time, in that the rest of creation would still be carrying on. (it is important to mention that the Muslims have you licked on this in that they believe that Allah is outside of time)

In the end I would say, that with my Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, beliefs the world is what it is, we can make it better or we can make it worse, but in the end, we will be held accountable for what it is that we have done. It may be on this world, it could be in another but in my belief only someone who isn't thinking straight would knowingly choose to do harm to others or the planet.

2006-08-03 04:24:08 · answer #5 · answered by sadus_misr 2 · 0 0

mind you, I once thought as you. I was raised a lutheran, stated for a time I was an atheist, even said once your dead your worm food. I've come around a bit, as a recovering drunk and agnostic. I don't adhere to dogma or doctrine of any religion but do believe there is a power greater then ourselves, and that we're not it.

Even the power of more then one person is a power greater then you. But I'm believe the term God chaps the scientist that assumes everything can be proven or disproved. I gave up that debate..

Michener writes fiction, and as much as people tout the bible as fact, it is as much a work of fiction as Michener. But the presence of a deity is someone one either believes or doesn't

As a trained geologist, the estimates of the big bang place it at about 15 billion years, and the formation of the earth at around 4.6 billion years. From my Philosophy course in course, something "Caused" the first "cause".. I believe with an my bone this "first cause" was God. Not the "g"od of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, but the God of all.

Yes we humans create hell in our own minds out of guilt, shame and in our actions towards others. I believe the human soul is as infinite as substance is real. We've been here since the beginning will be here until the end.

Truth is, your arguing an anti-thetical premise is as asinine as those who argue of the infallability of the bible. Neither view works for me.

Faith is a personal matter not one of intellectual hubris.

2006-08-03 03:42:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you know what OUR God can do?... he can do any and everything, I did NOT come from a monkey! I came from God. 1) YES there is a God or you wouldn't be here. 2) We do too have a loving God; if your saying that he lets us starve and die all the time, its man's (humans) fault, Eve took the apple from the tree God said not to eat from and adam took a bite of it, therefore we humans were casted out of the Garden of Eden and out of perfection. He, God, said we are on our own. He is the created of all things. Eternity is a never ending time period. Of course time wouldn't be much more important, your not going to worry about getting to work on time while your being judged by God. Maybe he can redirect our paths, but we are already ont he path he chose for us, we are all here for a reason, someone dont know that reason yet, some do. It doesnt hurt my feelings your being iggnorant. Yes we are creating alot of bad things in our time, but like I said, its because on Earth, we are on our own because of the mistake Adam and Eve made. No your the one not accepting the facts, Christians are not "die hard", why dont you catch the facts now and stop the name calling of other religons, do you know how stupid you sound in your question? You were not attacked, We Christians are standning up for our religon, and telling you how wrong you are.

2006-08-03 03:24:40 · answer #7 · answered by No Longer In Use 2 · 0 0

Oh gees, try a look at Buddhism instead of getting lost in all those age old debates. When was the last time you saw a bunch of Buddhists saying "Onward Buddhist Soldiers" or "kill the infidels" or anything like that? The last overtly violent thing I can recall any Buddhist doing over politics was the Priests who emmolated (lit himself on fire) in Saigon in the Viet Nam war era as a protest. And that was only harming himself.
Buddhism is non-Deist, and all this silly stuff about creation doesn't come into the picture, whereas a LOT of practice of compassion does. On the other hand, if you're not into it, that's cool too - I'm just stating what worked for me.
In other words, it feels great to be able to say about all that stuff now:
Me no no.
Me no care.
Me no wear no underwear.

2006-08-03 03:20:48 · answer #8 · answered by Thom Thumb 6 · 0 0

I still dont see how you prove there is no God, but i do see the time point. What happens now, happens here, and is rooted there forever (pray that a time machine that can break the time space continuum is never invented). Though I still believe in God, you on the other hand can believe whatever you want. but just know. that WARS ARE STARTED WHEN PEOPLE LIKE YOU BELIEVE SO VEHEMENENTLY THAT THEY ARE RIGHT AND THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY THAT THERE IS ANY OTHER SOLUTION. so if you want us to not be -as you say- "creating hell by attitudes that refuse to let go even when the truth has been revealed" let people THINK THEIR OWN THOUGHTS!!!!!!! -and butt out already

2006-08-03 03:22:32 · answer #9 · answered by Jenna 2 · 0 0

Dude, I am not going to attack you by any means but it seemes a bit daft to have to prove somthing you all ready beleive, and to put so much time and energy into it. Me, I beleive in God and that is that, my proof are the miricals that have taken place in my life.. I can see you dude.. Walking through life being so angry, and for what reason?? Because I beleive in God? Dude life is too short.. Go listen to some Grateful Dead Music, smoke a joint and chill. There is much beauty in the world.. If you don't beleive in Christ than you must at least beleive in energy.. I send you some good vibes my firend.. Smile a bit.. Take a walk in a park or sit on the banks of a river or lake. Life has so much more to offer than fighting over beleifs.. It's more about acceptance. I accept you, you accept me. I judge noone nor do I point fingers. We are all different dude.. Much love and Peace and as far as time goes.. that is just somthing us stupid humans made up so we arn't late for supper and movies... we have no concept or idea of TIME when or where it goes, it principals etc....

2006-08-03 03:18:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im not even close to a die hard christian, but you are accusing others of "refuse to let go even when the truth has been revealed" however, There is NO WAY POSSIBLE to completely prove that God does NOT exist, so NOW you are the one being ignorant and starting arguements with others for simply having their own opinion. You are just as bad as the die hard christians who attack you! Why bother, faith is what it is. ITS FAITH!! Its a belief, so why would you attack someone elses beliefs just because you believe something else? Every person has Free WILL and they can choose for themselves. You are just as bad as those people who push religion on others, except you are worse, you are pushing NOTHING but your opinion on others. Sorry if your opinion doesnt impress anyone, sorry if it hurts!

2006-08-03 03:22:18 · answer #11 · answered by Angel Eve 6 · 0 0

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