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Hello i have a Bf who is Bipolar and since monday he's been goin through a "mania" state. and its scarin me. how can i deal with this? how can i help him? plus he has been drinking which i dont think is a good idea.. And i dont want people tellin me to get out of this relationship. thats not what im here for im here to find answer . So if you could please help i would love it lmao.

2006-08-03 02:59:58 · 19 answers · asked by witch_wolf2002 1 in Health Mental Health

He has med's as for taking them properly i do not know becuase im not with him 24/7

2006-08-03 03:05:47 · update #1

He doesnt think hes bipolar but he does know he was diagonis(cant spell). as for seeing his doctor he doesnt like him, and he lives on his own and the people around him and his family knows he's Bipolar. And im also goin to College for Psychology so i know about Bipolar but i know there's still alot more i need to learn. But its jsut hard because it kills me to see the way he acts. i just dont know what to do anymore

2006-08-03 03:10:09 · update #2

He was diagnosed with Bipolar a few years ago and i believe he has been takin meds since.. and before we were goin out i noticed his other 'mania"states..And he has been in and out of the hospital. and i try to encourage him to do those things about seein his doctor and takin his meds but im not sure if he really listens. i guess this is my first case of his "mania"state and i just dont know the BEST way to help him..

2006-08-03 03:15:08 · update #3

19 answers

omg well i know where your comming from, except I am bipolar and my boyfriend is on your end. i just recently went through a mania stage where we broke up bc i hit him inthe face. what you need to do is try as hard as you can tomake him stop drinking. and the best thing to do is silence. leave him alone. when your manic your irritable and anxious so anything and everything will set you off. its very strange you say this is happening to you bc i did this to my boyfriend and from the outside he doesnt know what to do with me, all you can do is say pos. things. no matter how rude or hateful dont respond back rude bc nothing he says he means and if you cant take it just leave but nicely. just tell him he needs time alone, but girl let me tell you i got drunk andpunched my bf in the face and i was depressed for a week after like bad, he doesnt mean to hurt you just know that. you should make him start going to dpsa meetings and if he wont go you could go, it will teach you a lot to help you, this is what im doing and its helping greatly. also tell his doc. but im sure thats what everyone has told you.

as far as "getting out of a relashonship " just bc hes bipolar. stop and think about how that sounds. if you get diabetes you cant help it you take meds. if you get bipolar u cant help it either, its not our fault and thats the last thing we need is our friends and family to strand us in times we need them, me and my bf arent together right now bc i got physical with him but he is going to the meetings and trying to understand so he can decide if this is something he can deal with. just try to remember we didnt ask to be like this and thats part of the reason we feel so bad. anyways if you need more help u can email me natasha122788@yahoo.com good luck .

2006-08-03 03:50:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

The best medication a person can take for bi-polar is Lithium. Do you know if he is taking this medication? Perhaps it is time he had a medicine adjustment. Unfortunately there really isn't anything you can do physically for him. My friend had a mania episode two years ago. Her family and friends had to helplessly watch her spiral downwards before she crashed. Her admittance in the hospital was very traumatic. But once she was in the hospital, and she got her meds changed, she returned to herself in a few days. Other than educating yourself about the disease, there really isn't much you can do for your boy friend at this moment. Until he is settled down and thinking properly again, you may want to talk to him about switching to a doctor he likes and trusts. About his drinking problem, does he realize for his ownself that he has a drinking problem? Until he realizes for his ownself that he has a problem drinking, there isn't a whole lot you can do for him in that score either. Denial is a problem with most every human being. Denial of having any problem whether it is mental health related or alcohol dependence is especially tough to deal with. Until he realizes he has a problem and is willing to do something about it, there is nothing you can do. Just be as supportive to him as you can be!

Good luck and I hope he feels better soon!

2006-08-03 03:26:49 · answer #2 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 1

this is tough...i was married for 10 yrs to a bipolar woman...but happiness is achievable.

first, your BF must be diagnosed and medications must be prescribed. realize that with these medications caffeine(coffee, cokes, even chocolate) can compromise the efficacy of any medications. so... a change of routine might be needed.

then, every 4-6 months a visit to a med manager for routine screening and analysis of the efficacy of the drugs.

and if necessary, short term psyche hospitalization for med regulation and re adjustment.

it is a very hard road, but it can be rewarding.

good luck to you and live YOUR life...dont let others tell you what to do.

the key here is that your BF has to realize your there to help him, but he has to do it for himself. You must not become the enabler.

2006-08-03 03:06:26 · answer #3 · answered by itchy 2 · 0 1

Hi I'm Bi-polar type 1 the worse. i use to drink alcohol and take
tranquillizer to com me down, but it only made it worse.
the best thing that i suggest is knowing that both of you are aware of the mental illness. So its kind like saying my boyfriend is in a dangerous spot right now. For himself and for you. I would address first his drinking and when is alittle bit more stable talk to him about his meds, which are essential for him to be stable and
clear. you can read more on the bp on "wwwDBSAAlliance.org

2006-08-03 03:13:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get him off the booze ASAP, and make sure he stops smoking pot and stops taking any other drugs. Then he can deal with his life issues like a normal person. Bipolar is a lazy diagnosis given to people by professionals who would rather prescribe medication
than help their patient. Everybody has highs and lows. That's what makes us human.

2006-08-03 03:09:31 · answer #5 · answered by JeffG 3 · 0 1

My wife is Bipolar and after 6 years, I still don't know what to do. I just stay out of her way for a day or two. Sorry, I can't help.

2006-08-03 03:05:18 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

If he is truly bipolar, he should not drink at all.
Sounds to me like he's using that as an excuse for rotten behavior, and the drinking is a major part of that.
What should you do? Leave now. That's not what you want to hear, but is this what you want for yourself? It won't get better, I can promise you that.

2006-08-03 03:04:48 · answer #7 · answered by T Time 6 · 1 0

I no someone close to me who has bi polar, I think you should think very seriously about what you are going to do, first of all does your boyfriend want help, and if he wants help, take him to a mental health clinic, and the doctors there may be able to help, but if he does not get help, it is going to be hard on you, and could be dangerious, and if he get help, that illness is serious and you may have a long road ahead of you going with him to the doctors and them testing him on diffrent medications, and there side effect which is hard and difficult to deal with, I no, I dealing with a simmilar situation, it wont be easy, but he is going to have to choose to get the help, if he does not he will get worse and it can be dangerious, I hope you get the help you need for both of you.

2006-08-03 03:10:47 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1

How old are you and do his parents or any of his friends know he is bipolar? You should call a crisis line, they will help you; the same thing just recently happened to my uncle's girlfriend.

2006-08-03 03:05:30 · answer #9 · answered by axelflame8 2 · 0 0


2006-08-03 03:48:50 · answer #10 · answered by brxny2000 5 · 0 0

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