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20 answers

We all have "nuts" in our religions. They make everyone look bad (esp. God). It's hatred finding "interpretation" to justify their thinking.

Christians, Muslims, Jews that use their religion to justify hatred will be damned forever.

2006-08-03 02:15:10 · answer #1 · answered by Common Sense 7 · 0 0

We should be troubled by those who express hatred from any quarter. We should also question the source. We have no sure way to know that people on Q&A are what they say they are.

There is nothing to keep me from pretending to be Muslim, atheist, Christian, or a Green Party tree hugger, etc., etc., and submitting bent questions or false reports just to cause ill feelings and stir up hatred.

Between pretenders (liars), the ignorant, the insane, the smug egotists, and the clueless (to mention a few) we all walk a fine line; tempered by the fact that being sincere does not free us from our own imperfections.

Certainly be concerned about hatred. Certainly use what wisdom you can muster. If I were an athiest I would ask myself when was the last time I said anything good about Christians. If a Christian I would ask when was the last time I said anything positive about another persons beliefs.

Now only would I check on my own bias, but I would check on the types of questions I ask. There are people who only ask questions for those who "know all the answers." These people feel they can toy with dummies who live far below their God-like (if there is one) understanding.

I am glad that you are finally beginning to grasp the truth that there is something wrong with hate questions coming from people who claim to be Christians. Let us hope that many others will learn from your discovery.

2006-08-03 10:18:06 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

I would tell to check into the history of the Christians. Yes at one time they were persecuted for their beliefs. But once they came into power they took over the known world. Hence what was called the Dark Ages. It was called this because if the education people had did not have to do with God , Jesus, or the Church then this information was kept quiet. How would the church keep these things quite well they would go ahead and kill all non believers. The Church has the capacity to do this again. When I say church I mean all of the Christians. I would be worried if I were you. I do not think any of us would want to live in a land dominated by people like this. Most of the Christians I know do not believe in freedom of religion unless of course it is there religion that needs to remain free.

2006-08-03 09:29:09 · answer #3 · answered by dlee_75 3 · 0 0

Is hatred of Christians and Muslims by atheist fundies close to what you get from Muslim extremists?

2006-08-03 09:13:45 · answer #4 · answered by Fatima 6 · 0 0

I don't think that one religion should be compared to another. Diffrent belief system and all that. But I do believe that everyone has a right to their opinion. Be it what you want to hear or not. What more could you expect when posting on a board like this? Take the good with the bad, if you can't then get out of the kitchen. I do believe that everyone should take the time to educate themselves in all religions. You can't really say anything good or bad about someone else's beliefs if you know little to nothing about it.

2006-08-03 09:38:30 · answer #5 · answered by ADR 1 · 0 0

They're not all like that, but there are extremists in both organizations. The trouble is, religious people are always pushing their beliefs onto other people.

And when people use religion as a basis for politics, then the disagreements escalate, often to the point of war -- in the name of God.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill".

2006-08-03 09:17:53 · answer #6 · answered by SB 7 · 0 0

You can't say that all the Christians hate other religions. You can't say that all the Muslims hate all other religions. The unfortunately the number of hate promoters on Yahoo who claim to be Christians are way too high. Their hatred towards Islam and Muslims is unbelievable.

2006-08-03 09:12:38 · answer #7 · answered by A K 5 · 0 0

You aren't serious are you???!!!
Do you see Christians be-heading, who ever is a non christian? NO
Do you see Christians strapping bombs to themselves & their children just to blow up a bus full of non Christians?
Do you see Christians blowing up buildings, subways, & hijacking planes, & killing 1,000;s in the name of Jesus????

Get real Please....
F.Y.I.........Not all Muslims are "extremists" Some worship Alah peacefully, (without killing non muslims.)... Just as us Christians worship Jesus. (without killing non christians)
It is called freedom of religion.. To worship the God of your choosing.

Are you just irritated cuz us Christians will not conform to -or- accept the sacred liberal agendas you try so hard to shove down everyones throats???..
Is it that you can't deal with the fact that we have a opinions & voice & use it...????

I think you don't know the meaning of pure Hate. or what a true Extremist is.....
Just take a trip to the mid east.. when (& IF) you come back (alive) then you can make your comparison.

You classify Christians as hateful extremists?
Just cuz our faith requires us to believe in a higher power, (not just our selves, government or crooked, perverted law makers/lawyers/judges) ?
Just cuz we have moral standards & convictions..( we don't fall into the politically correct "acceptance/diversity" crowd")??

Our God is a God of Love & also a God of Truth, Wisdom, & JUSTICE....

Our faith requires us to have "moral standards"
WE BELIEVE ther IS a RIGHT & WRONG, good & evil ....
Truth & Deception,

We don't live for this world, We live for our Lord. We live for something more than just our selves & this world.

We don't support un natural, perverted lifestyles, or murder of innocent babys.

The sad truth is that this world is disgusting anymore & has become a irresponsible, selfcentered, do what feels good, perverted convenience store!

Really you ought to be thankful we ARE NOT as radical as Muslims...
If "muslim extremists" were to be the majority in this country. or us Christians were to become "radical extremists" . All the "alternative lifestyle" & the pro abortion, womens lib. would be running for their lives wanting the quickest route out of this country if they didn't repent & turn away from their perverted lifestyles!

But we don't resort to that... cuz Vengence is the Lords....
We are just here to warn you, teach you, (if you'd only listen)
& In the mean time we wait for his return.

It's not Christians you should fear... It is your Judgement day
Your meeting with your maker ..
EVERYONE gotta meet their maker.. Weather you believe in him or not.
Where you go in the end is up to you.

2006-08-03 11:14:04 · answer #8 · answered by Joeysol'lady 3 · 0 0

Should I be troubled that a lot of the questions on here are posed as attacks or criticism of Christianity? It seems that the majority of this could be eliminated by rephrasing the questions.

Think about it. If questions were not so critical of God and Christianity, perhaps there would be a lot less tension on the board.

2006-08-03 09:14:29 · answer #9 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

Friend, being a christian is not like having a vaccine against wordly manners. It is an individual decision either to fully follow chirst & his teachings hereof become docile, meek, tender, forgiving. or just carry the label & not do as he said.

You can not come to conculsion that all religions are the same. There is nothing in christianity that tells me to kill or to hate or to carry a bomb or to love only my family. If you read Matthew 5, 6 & 7 you will know what christianity is all about. God bless you

2006-08-03 09:16:43 · answer #10 · answered by Theresa 3 · 0 0

Has any of the Christians in here done any suicide bombings?
Do you mistake disagreeing with hatred? If you would say I am wrong about something, I wouldn't say you were hating. I would say you have different morals. I'm not saying that some Christians are not hateful, but are often judged as being hateful just because they disagree, and believe in absolutes.
Please give accurate examples?

2006-08-03 10:27:39 · answer #11 · answered by Shane 2 · 0 0

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