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Probe backs allegations against Marines By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON - An initial U.S. military probe supports allegations that the Proud American Marines deliberately shot 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November, a Pentagon official said Wednesday. The Proud Marines stated it was the American way.

The Marine Corps and Navy prosecutors are now reviewing the evidence to determine whether to recommend criminal charges. That decision may be weeks away, and the lawyers may ask investigators to probe further, two officials said.

They discussed the matter on condition they not be identified because the case — among the most sensational of several involving Iraqi civilian deaths — has not yet produced charges.

"It's fair to say that the majority of the work has been done and the Marines did it and then laughed about it. The Marines stated President Bush was proud of them and would request other Marines to do the same thing. It is the American way.

2006-08-03 00:35:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

21 answers

hell yah Im ashamed. Those guys just took their power beyond what they were spposed too. those guys should be punished

2006-08-03 00:44:17 · answer #1 · answered by jaf_f14 2 · 0 3

I'm not ashamed of something they did. I didn't do it, and I'm not responsible for their actions. If I was ashamed of everything one of my fellow Americans did, and I'm not talking about just the Government and Military, then I would walk around embarrassed all the time! We have serial killers, wife abusers, child abusers, liars, cheaters, and the list goes on! But you know what? Other countries also have people like this!
All I know is the majority of our Military are good, decent and honest people. I support them, I support their efforts in this war, and I'm proud of them. I'm not responsible, and either is any other American, if some of them are jackasses! And the word in that article that stands out the most is allegations. Have these men been found guilty? Because if they did this, then they should pay for their crimes. However, at this point they have only been accused. But your postings always come off like every person that serves in the US Military is evil and horrible, and it's just not the case. I have been surrounded by Military my entire life, and now I'm married to a Military man, and I know how honest, decent and loving he is. I don't know what happened to you as far as the Military, and truly, I'm sorry if you had a bad experience, but it's wrong that you're so determined to try and make all Military members look bad.

2006-08-03 11:02:32 · answer #2 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0

Where did you get that last paragraph the Iranian daily News?
As an American IF the Marines did what they say yes I will be ashamed of them. IF they did it!
Are you ashamed when militants kill civilians on video by cutting their throats and then putting it on the Internet? Ashamed when they use suicide bombers on buses, cafes, and buildings? When they capture soldiers and drag them thru the streets behind cars, light them on fire, or hang them from a bridge? Why is it you think Americans have to play nice but it is okay for you to murder helpless people. Hypocrite

To Ron O- I am a US veteran and I don't remember any training like you speak of in the American military. Where'd you get your information?

2006-08-03 08:08:21 · answer #3 · answered by mark g 6 · 1 0

Not justifying any allegations as yet unproven in a court of law, UCMJ.... Obviously you don't have a clue on what goes on in a combat zone, that said it would be ridiculous for me to attempt to explain about the confusion and frustration of war. Young men are given the power of life and death, and often times those decisions are made rather quickly.... Used to be a saying that floated around Nam, Kill em all, let God sort it out. Again, you won't understand what that means beyond the words. We all hope that these young Marines are cleared in a court of law and can return to duty. But that is in the hands of the courts, until such time as they are proven guilty I am very proud of them and of the Corps they represent.



2006-08-03 08:07:06 · answer #4 · answered by gamerunner2001 6 · 1 0

Totally ashamed and they should be well punished. Every Army produces moments of atrocity. In the heat of the battle do you not think at some point a soldier from any Army hasn't killed a prisoner or beat a girl up (or worse)? Of course they have. Russians, French, British, Germans and yes , of course , Americans. But the Americans seem unable to believe that their soldiers "could do such a thing". The increased media coverage of any war now makes it nearly impossible to hide such acts. Before blanket media coverage it was way easier.

2006-08-03 07:55:16 · answer #5 · answered by Teacher 4 · 0 1

I think it is a shame that the chaos and confusion of armed combat can result in good men making such an insane decision. Sadly, this is not the first (or last) time something like this has happened. What they did is awful, and a crime that should be punished, but (having been in combat) I still feel bad that these soldiers' lives have been changed in such a way. Only a short time ago, most of these men wouldn't even have been capable of such an act.

2006-08-03 07:44:35 · answer #6 · answered by wildraft1 6 · 0 1

why should i be ashamed about something that has YET to be proven firstly and secondly..if it DID happen..I'm not the one that pulled the trigger.
why should i feel shame for someone else's crime.
do YOU feel ashamed of some random criminals actions that is from your country?
i don't know these ppl personally.

you could ask the same things about several horrible ppl that have been convicted of murder...but WHY? those ppl didn't commit the murder, the horrible person did.
we each have a choice to make our own decisions in life, GOOD or BAD.
and we each are accountable for our OWN actions...NOT the actions of others.
if in fact something i said or did influenced someone to behave in a way that caused harm to someone else then YES i should be held accountable for my actions in that.
but to ask if i feel ashamed of men I've never even heard of until now is crazy!
IF these men did what is alleged...they they should be punished to the FULLEST extent of the law!
if NOT...then what a horrible allegation!

2006-08-03 09:50:20 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

This is what happenend when you sent immature young adults below the age of 25 into a different culture that is determined and indomitable. You can't fight a religion that is deep seated in society with guns and bullets. Killings does not terminate problems it only hardens the resolve to create more problems.Young marines are simply not experience in life to realise this fact.

2006-08-03 07:50:43 · answer #8 · answered by lucas l 2 · 0 1

If the marines actually did do those things time for them to get a courtmartial and some really serious punishment. IIFF they actually did the aforementioned stupid crimes.

It is stupid people like those imbecieles that make the other really good USA soldiers look bad...(and there are far more of these good soldiers than those morons incase you forget).

Oh yes...and why would I be ashamed? First they are Yank soldiers, not those of my nation. Second its their miserable lives, not mine or the other soldiers.

2006-08-03 10:07:30 · answer #9 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 0 1

Yes, as we all should be ashamed of what those Marines did.

But, while not taking their actions lightly, we must understand that they have probably been trained in "the American way" and have been brainwashed into believing that all's fair in love and war (or at least in war). Our military mentality in the U.S.A. is out of control and out of order. We spend billions for defense but precious little on human compassion and respect toward others' idealisms, cultures, religions, and attitudes.

Be ashamed of the Marines and reprimand them for what they did. But let's not whitewash it....the military leadership is to blame, starting at the very top with the U.S. Commander-In-Chief and his equally evil Secretary of Defense who must take full responsibility for the twisted behavior of our troops. Afer all, they've been trained to hate and kill - at any cost. -RKO-

2006-08-03 07:51:09 · answer #10 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 1

No, you quote the word "allegations" and you want me to be ashamed? I think not, are you Iranian by chance, or a John Murtha supporter?

2006-08-03 07:44:00 · answer #11 · answered by Mr.Wise 6 · 1 0

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