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please i need quotations back up to make me clear for me to give my friends a good answers. thank you!!! i hope you will replied to me.

2006-08-02 11:36:25 · 9 answers · asked by ignatiusamin 1 in Education & Reference Quotations

9 answers

Here is the deal. This scripture that you are referring to was written because during that particular time women were very uneducated (unlike today) and were only wives and mothers. Men were the only ones that went to the synagogue and learned to read and write and so forth. Because of this women were to keep silent because they did not know what was going on, they were not eloquent with words, and had no knowledge of scripture. However, all this is contradicted when the Lord spoke to the women at the well. The Lord told her to go and tell (preach/envangalize/give witness all the same) what the Lord has told you. The women at the well went and did just that. Again if we look at the women who followed the the Lord along with the disciples they took were participants of what the Lord had for his people. Apollos was taught by a women of the church and because of her teaching, apollos was a great man of God.

Another thing to think about is this when the Lord baptized the disciples in the upper room with his holy spirit their was not only men in the room, but also women and they were blessed with the holy ghost and spoke in tongues too. I could go on, but what I can tell you is this don't just read something in the bible and say this is what it means on the contrary ask the Lord to lead you in that direction. Seek him and you will find him. See God's uses men and women. I want you to keep in mind that I still believe that the man is the head of the household (family and Church), but it does not mean that the women can't do these things. As long as she understands where God wants her to be; then she to will be a preacher of the word.

2006-08-02 12:21:14 · answer #1 · answered by milogz 2 · 0 0

Good Scripture but what Paul was say that the women in the church should not disrupt the service and ask their husbands what the preacher was talking about.
This was going on because the women sat on one side and the men on the other. They would yell across the sides which was very disruptive.
Many times the men refused to become the leaders of the church now adays so women have stepped in to the gap if you will.
If you look at most to the missionaries they have been women for this same reason.
Women should not be the pastors of the church but I believe that they cah preach.

2006-08-02 11:45:08 · answer #2 · answered by fatboysdaddy 7 · 0 0

The only woman leader in the bible was Deborah the prophetess in the old Testament (look at Judges 4:4) She was a judge and spoke God's word to the people. I don't know of any other instances were a woman was a 'preacher' and I don't think it's the norm since it is usually a man. Maybe there were no men around to take the role?

2006-08-02 11:45:50 · answer #3 · answered by email_2_nat 2 · 0 0

Women have been involved in the ministry for decades. It's about time! I say rock on, and spread the word. Besides, are you intimidated by a female minister? Time to stop reading that Bible(which was translated and retranslated by men!) and actually participate in worship.

2006-08-02 16:06:07 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Fatboysdaddy, the minister, has it exactly right. One of the many wonderful things about Jesus Christ is in His kingdom we are all equal, we are special, and we are all loved. In particular, read Gal. 3:19-29.

And I have to add this because people who believe like you do irritate me with your lack of discernment of the word of God and with your arrogance, and that is that anyone who says they are a Christian but believes that women are second-class citizens in the kingdom of God are no better than the Muslims because one of the hallmarks of that religion is the subservience of women.

To think that Jesus paid the price for our sins because we all have sinned, and there are still men who believe women are beneath them!

One more thing. When the Scripture says that a wife is to be submissive to her husband, the correct translation of that word is respectful. The Bible teaches this because one of the greatest needs a man has within a marriage is to feel like he is respected and appreciated for all that he does.

Please study this for yourself. You will never have a happy marriage if you believe that women are in some way or in any way less than men. We are different than men, not lower than them.

2006-08-02 16:45:01 · answer #5 · answered by No Shortage 7 · 0 0

There is no biblical support for those women who preach in a church.

2006-08-02 11:40:53 · answer #6 · answered by ♫believer♪ 2 · 0 0

This is a question that I've always been confused about. Maybe someone else on here can clear it up for us.

2006-08-02 11:44:13 · answer #7 · answered by GJneedsanswers 5 · 0 0

People are ignoring what the Bible teaches, that's why.

2006-08-02 11:51:21 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

For every office of ministry within the Church, God chooses both men and women (Galatians 3:28). Both female and male believers in Christ are kings and priests unto God (Revelation 1:6, 5:10). Before, under the Old Covenant, God chose only men to act as kings and priests, however this doesn’t mean men are closer to God or better than women. The role of priest was given to men just as the role of mother was given to women.

In 1 Timothy 2:12, the author said that he (not God) forbade women to teach men. In the Bible we see that God called many women to be leaders and teachers of men, women and children: Deborah was a military leader, prophetess and judge, Huldah and Isaiah’s wife were prophetesses, Junia was an Apostle, Priscilla, Nympha and Lydia were Pastors, Euodia and Syntyche were involved in evangelism, Philipp’s four daughter were prophetesses, Phoebe was a Church Leader and Evangelist and Mary, Martha, Joanna, Mary Magdalene, Susanna, and “many others” were disciples of Christ.

In the Church, God calls many Christian women to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors (or “shepherds”) and teachers of men, women and children.

1 Timothy 3:2 says that an elder or overseer must be the husband of one wife. This means that elders are limited to having no more than one spouse. It is not saying that all elders must be men or that all elders must marry.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35 does not forbid women from public speaking in the Church. It’s an instruction to not interrupt the preacher while he or she is preaching during the service. If a woman or man missed or didn’t understand something in a sermon, they should wait until the end of the sermon to ask their spouse or a fellow brother or sister in Christ or do their own study. The main lesson is to not interrupt the service.

Adam was created before Eve but he was not superior to Eve in any way. Eve was deceived (1 Timothy 2:14), they both sinned and Romans 5:12 says that it was through Adam that sin entered the world.

The husband is given by God the role and responsibility of being the head of the home (1 Corinthians 11:3). This means he is required to provide (necessities and protection) for his family (1 Timothy 5:8) and has to see to it that everything in the home is running smoothly. The wife is given the ability to bear children and she has the responsibility of helping her husband take care of the home. Husbands are not to be dictators over their wives and wives are not to be subservient to their husbands. The husband isn’t responsible for speaking on behalf of the wife or teaching her anything but both parents are required to love, teach and bring up their children in the discipline of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6, 29:15-17; Titus 2:4; Ephesians 6:4).

1 Corinthians 11:4-16 speaks of women covering their heads but this was a cultural issue not a Christian one.

Ephesians 5:22 instructs wives to submit to their husbands, however, the verse before says that ALL Christians (both male and female) should equally submit themselves to one another:

Ephesians 5:21
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Both husband and wife must respectfully submit to each other. Neither is to be a dictator over the other.

Husbands are to love their wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25). If the husband isn’t loving and righteous, the wife should not submit to him because as Christians, we are to obey God and not men.

In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus described holy matrimony and although this is good, it’s not for everyone. The Lord Jesus Christ said some remain single to dedicate their whole lives to God (Matthew 19:12). The Apostle Paul said it’s good to be single and living for God (1 Corinthians 7:27, 8, 32-35) and to desire to remain single and serve God is a gift of God (1 Corinthians 7:7).


The truth about Jesus Christ can be found only in the Holy Bible. Three days after the Lord Jesus Christ died for
our sins, He resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:1-8; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4) and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

Without God, the spiritual part of the human being is dead (Ephesians 2:5, Colossians 2:13). The sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) caused the separation between God and man. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sin causes us to be separated from God which results in spiritual death. Christ, the 2nd Person of the Triune Godhead was made flesh (through the immaculate conception) and paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross so we could through faith in Christ as our Saviour be instantly redeemed and united to God and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who teaches us, comforts us and grants us fruits to live in righteousness and gifts to help and edify the Church. There is no redemption or unity to God apart from receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"


2016-02-04 07:55:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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