Like I said in my previous two questions, my bf is a "new" long distance relationship. He's in US, I'm in Europe. He doesn't contact me in like 6 days, and all of a sudden he writes an email, 3 sentences actually, asking me if I took my driver's licence (I'm actually taking the exams tomorrow, which he should know since I wrote that in my last email, 5 days ago). That's it, no "Honey/sweetie/sweetheart I'm sorry I didn't write but I had (a good reason not to) and etc..."
I mean, I get the feeling he's thinks he can just pop in my life whenever he wants, pop out own his own liking, and I'm just supposed to be there for him??? Why do men take women for GRANTED????
It's hard to catch a guy, but it's harder to keep him, I know. But that holds for women too, regardless of how unbelievable that may seem to some of the "overconfident" guys out there!
Anyway, any ideas/clues would be greatly appreciated!
14 answers
asked by
Dreamie Girl
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
Sounds like you need to raise your standards in men! If he does this with you, it is only becuase you put up with it. Demand more respect.
It is not hard to meet men. If you have to "catch" one, then you are doing most of the pursuing, and he is in control of the relationship. If he has you pining for him, he maintains that control. Demand better.
Let guys pursue you. Make yourself happy and they will be more attracted to you. You don't really need men, but they're nice to keep company with.
If you try to "keep" them or smother them, they will feel trapped and want to leave.
If you refuse to see anyone exclusively at first, they will realize that they have competition for your affection. They will have to be nice, considerate, and respectful to you, or will replace them and see other guys who will.
Desparation in unattractive and it invites guys who are control freaks who think they can abuse you or treat you however they want. And guys who have low self-esteem will treat you as bad as they feel about themselves, so watch out!
Get happy, stay busy, and don't date exclusively at first.
You'll do fine!
2006-08-02 07:52:30
answer #1
answered by pandora the cat 5
If I were you I would let him go and not worry about it. I'm sure that their are plenty of men where you are at that would love to have you as their girlfriend! These long distance ones are a waste of time & full of frustrations!
Good Luck!
I hope you find one that is close to home!!!!
2006-08-02 15:33:18
answer #2
answered by bigred 4
I don't see why you with him when ya'll miles away from each other. he probably not calling you cause he got someone else. i mean aint like you gonna find out about it so he can do whatever he please. men think they can pop in and out a girl life cause they think they got it like that, which they dont. i say forget him cause probably he aint thinking bout u as much as u thinking bout him. get a person think has time for u. if you dont wanna do that tell this guy how you feel and see what he says and go from there.
2006-08-02 14:47:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
what you should do is talk with him. Or you should tell somebody else to tell him that you don't like how he is acting towards you. Everybody thinks differently. Therefore, he might not know that the lack of writing is hurting you. Or maybe he is cheating on you who know, find out. Tell someone to spy on him.
2006-08-02 14:45:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
BORING!!!!!! Sweet girl, you are spending way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too much time waiting around for this guy!!!!! Do something fun!!!!!!!!!!Tell him about your adventures.
Let him know, in a sweet, innocent way, that You Do
have a life!!! Guys like a challenge. I am not saying, that if, he is your TRUE BLUE boyfriend, that you should run around on him. But you could make your life more interesting both for you and him.
2006-08-02 15:03:24
answer #5
answered by kayboff 7
You seem to just be dealing with a ddud. If you ever need a real man, maybe you should look me up and we'll talk. Be treated how you deserve.
2006-08-02 14:43:11
answer #6
answered by Richie D 3
Because you let him... As long as you put up with this behavior your'e going to end up with a guy with that behavior. Stand up for yourself and you'll end up with a guy (maybe not this one) that respects you
2006-08-02 14:44:33
answer #7
answered by TLJaguar 3
im asking myself this same question right now! But girl i promise you when you say lets break up he is going to get his act together
2006-08-02 14:52:32
answer #8
answered by smiles18 2
It happends alot, only because women let it happend over and over again.
2006-08-02 14:44:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm not being flippant here. They do it because they can get away with it.
2006-08-02 14:43:49
answer #10
answered by JB 6