"A new ape species from Spain called Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, or its close relative, may have been the last common ancestor to all living great apes, including humans, researchers say."
2006-08-02 03:59:52
answer #1
answered by Sancira 7
Humans *are* apes. All the apes had a common ancestor a few million years ago - We don't have to be able to identify it to know that there was one. Further back, apes and monkeys had a common ancestor. Further back still, all the mammals... and so on, right back to the very first single-celled living organisms. We only have a few transitional fossils, because the fossil record is so sparse, but fortunately the evidence for evolution is ample even without such evidence.
Oh, and evolution isn't religion, it's science. It's validated by the scientific method in exactly the same way that all other science is - You know, the kind of science that brings you DVD players and interplanetary space probes and electron microscopes - things which demonstrably work.
2006-08-02 03:49:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
So OK their was first this carbon atom and it was lonely...Look nobody can give you a science education in the little space you have here. For me it's been 26 years since college and I wasn't even a science major. This stuff is hard. Harder than than just saying God said it, I believe it, that;'s it. If you are really serious, e-mail me and I will send you to some really good web sites. Or take a biology class at your community college. If Christianists have gotten to them and they are afraid to talk about evolution. Or go to your public library and ask the librarian for some guidance. If she hasn't been made to put the Darwin under the table with the books on contraception and other sex topics. (While you're down there, might as well read some sex books too, don't know how long we'll have them either.)
2006-08-02 04:24:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The common ancestor would basically be a a bubble filled with either RNA or random RNA nucleotides. As for where it came from: the atmosphere. Back in the Precrambrian Era, the atmosphere was completely different. In an experiment by Urey and Miller (google the names or check it on wikipedia for a better description), the prehistoric atmosphere was simulated. When mixed with electricity, which simulated lightning, the toxic gases in the simulated atmosphere were able to form organic molecules, mainly the building blocks of RNA.
If you are really interested in the answer to your question go to a website with info on the experiment done by Urey and Miller. It's a really cool experiment.
2006-08-02 03:51:37
answer #4
answered by x 5
So far, the closest we have to a common ancestor for all the great apes, including us, is Ramapithecus, who showed up about 10 million years ago. The first of the large primates, his ancestry would seem to have been a branch of lemurs which went its merry way from the rest of the family about 15 million years ago.
Hope this helps.
2006-08-02 03:48:15
answer #5
answered by Granny Annie 6
No such thing exists.
The Jewish people come from the blessed Son of Noah - Shem
The Gentiles come from Noah's son Japeth
The Arabs come from the forsaken Son of Noah - Ham
There are two beliefs that I am aware of.
Ham walked in on his father as he was lying there naked after drinking too much wine the night before.
Also, it has been thought that Ham had raped his mother and therefore was cursed by Noah.
2006-08-02 04:13:32
answer #6
answered by Eric R 6
You got the right site as evolution is a religion, one that is taught in schools and accepted when the Creation that is really true and not just a theory as Darwin himself stated his was.
2006-08-02 03:48:33
answer #7
answered by ramall1to 5
It's easy enough to look up for yourself if you seriously want to know. The fact that you are ignorant of it, does not mean everyone is.
2006-08-02 03:46:47
answer #8
answered by lenny 7
Well, first of all, you start out a question with a huge misconception... that being that 'evolution' has something to do with the origins of life. It DOES NOT. Evolution is a biological science, having only to do with changes to the genetic makeup of populations of organisms, over time. If you want to learn about the current thinking on the 'origins of life', you'll need to check in with the guys in 'abiogenesis'... straight down the hall, 3rd door on the left... right next to 'organic chemistry'.
Now... theories. Scientists seek to create consistent explanatory frameworks for observed natural phenomena. An explanatory framework is called a 'theory', provided it has been shown to be consistent with evidence, makes predictions that have been verifiable through experiment and/or observation, and has survived the requisite peer scrutiny and debate... and has not been 'falsified'. (Before those things happen, it is merely a 'hypothesis'.)
The Theory of Evolution is all of that... and has been for around 150 years. It IS falsifiable... but it has NEVER been falsified. All of the body of work in biology, genetics, and paleontology CONTINUE to conform with the theory, confirm it, bolster it and solidify it. There IS NO controversy regarding evolution within the scientific community. The only controversy is the phony PSEUDO-controversy that has been orchestrated by creationists to undermine science, which they see as the 'enemy' of religion.
Scientific theories are not just 'ideas', as the scientifically illiterate seem to regard them. Scientific theories provide an explanatory framework for observed facts. The theory of Evolution provides an explanatory framework for the OBSERVED FACT of changes to the genetic makeup of populations of organisms, over time. The mechanisms that have been identified... AND OBSERVED... to account for those changes are 'genetic drift' (statistical variations in allele frequency), and genetic mutations (random), operated on by 'natural selection' (NOT random). In other words, the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators.
So, evolution EXPLAINS facts... it does not INVENT facts. The facts are already there... 'ground truth', as they say in the military. And evolution's 'explanatory power' is unprecedented, so far as theories go.
If you have a genuine interest in this subject, all you have to do is Google for "hominoid taxonomy", and visit some of the university and museum web sites that show up. Of course, I have serious doubts about the sincerity of your interest, since the content of your question fairly reeks of the lies and misrepresentations that are promulgated by a multiplicity of 'Liars for Jesus' (LFJ) web sites, as a way of getting the scientifically illiterate to do their political dirty-work for them.
Your know, your mind is being turned to mush by professional liars who are trying to protect their business interests. They don't want you to KNOW anything... they don't want you to THINK... or even know HOW to think. This was well understood by important figures in religious history. This is why the early church destroyed all the 'tainted' (non-canonical) writings, which were in conflict with dogma... Greek philosophy, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, engineering... all the good stuff. By this means, Christianity dragged humanity directly into the Dark Ages.
Just to illustrate the point, let's see what Martin Luther, the 'father' of protestantism, had to say about 'reason' and secular knowledge:
"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God." ~ Martin Luther
"Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but -- more frequently than not -- struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God." ~ Martin Luther
"There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason... Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed." ~ Martin Luther
"Reason should be destroyed in all Christians." ~ Martin Luther
Christianity is essentially a criminal business enterprise... in fact, it is the world's longest running and most successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scam. The product they are selling is 'salvation'... and the 'pay plan' doesn't kick in until after you're dead. What a racket! FORTUNATELY, it only works on those who are gullible enough, and sufficiently lacking in critical thinking skills, to fall for it. UNfortunately, THAT accounts for about 62% of the population of the USA. (There are a lot more people who DON'T know how to think properly than there are people who DO know how to think properly.) That is why there are a lot more religious people in the USA than there are 'Free-thinkers'... including Atheists. Also, Christians are generally too dense to realize that proselytizing (spreading the 'good news') is a key element of the Christian MLM MARKETING PLAN, which was instituted after Christianity lost the political power that had previously allowed them to simply torture and kill anybody who did not comply. Now, they attempt to just pester people to death, through persistent obliviousness and obnoxiousness. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that Christians are very much like the Borg, on Star Trek Next Generation: "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." I would not be surprised to learn the thoughts of Christianity provided the 'creative spark' for the Borg concept.
You are being lied to, misled, and manipulated by the very people with whom you have bestowed your trust. You are being PLAYED, to further the political power and contribute to the monetary gain of unconscionable vermin... and as such, YOU are are being used to help undermine your own country.
2006-08-02 04:14:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-08-02 03:46:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous