u are so right in everything u say...i couldnt have put it better myself......it makes me laugh someone has put 'God doesnt show himself coz he wants us to learn from our own mistakes etc'!! well thanks i hope he is enjoying watching all these innocent people suffering & dying
2006-08-02 00:34:54
answer #1
answered by devine_gem22 4
Sorry to be butting in here, I know I have come late to this.
From what you say in your answer, I think you have been badly advised. Don't listen to people who are telling you that God killed your brother to test you. God isn't some kind of lunatic puppeteer.
If there have been believers here, offering you simple answers to the big problem: "Why does an all-good, all-powerful God allow suffering?'' then I don't blame you for being angry.
There are answers but they fill books and, eventually, on the last page, they all say the same thing. Bad things happen to good people and we don't know why.
The only answer that makes any sense, from a Christian point of view, is that God said: "I know what it feels like. I love you so much that I got down there in the dirt and suffered alongside you.'' The answer is "Jesus wept.''
You can accept that or not, it's the choice everybody gets to make, but it's the only answer Christianity offers.
But I agree with you. it's a polar position, like a light switch, on or off. It's either true or it's lunacy. You have to choose.
2006-08-02 00:37:49
answer #2
answered by scotsman 5
You sound extremely bitter. You make it sound as though you are being singled out. People are dying everyday. I have sympathy with your particular circumstance but if you look at whats going on in other parts of the world you would probably have to admit your alot more fortunate than many others. This world was never meant to a easy. We're all living in a fallen world due to sin. So best not to blame God for that but rather your fellow human beings and yourself, we're all the same. I think we're all lucky that God hasn't just given up on the whole human race cos its what we deserve
2006-08-02 00:50:33
answer #3
answered by Am I bovered? 3
I'm sorry that you are so hurt. Your "question" centers around all that God has done to hurt you. Your daughter isn't suffering " because god gave his son up to save me and my family". God wasn't testing you when your brother died. Bad things happen, thats the nature of life, don't blame God, I have no Idea how or why your brother died maybe it was an accident or illness but I'm sure you know. When loved ones die or get sick we naturally question Why and who's to blame often we point the finger at God or ourselves. It seems that you are really blaming yourself in your statements, but guess what You aren't to blame either. I can see your in a bad point of life right now and things are very bleak, it's natural to get angry and when you can't see the cause it's just as normal to blame God, or yourself, Go ahead, vent but remember even though you are calling Him names, and trying to disavow his existance, and feeling anger and betrayal, He still loves you and will continue to stand with open arms awaiting your return.
2006-08-02 00:41:50
answer #4
answered by bob 2
I question my faith all the time, but I still believe. You just want to blame all the bad things that have happend to you on something. I don't blame you. It's too easy to blame something/someone for what we see as bad things. However, try this. Instead of blaming God, ask him to show you the purpose of these things happening. I truly believe that these things happen for a reason. For instance, did your brothers death impact someones life enough to make them change a destructive behavior? Has your daughters sickness helped someone become aware of some danger? We cannot always know the reason for these things happening, but if we truly choose to belive in God, then He will show you why they happend. I know that it's hard, I've been through my own share of bad things, but know this, I have peace, whereas you have bitterness. I hope that you will try to find your own peace, be it in God or something else, because holding on to all the anger and bitterness you have will only make YOU sick.
2006-08-02 00:44:02
answer #5
answered by kconklin31 2
I came in late. What is wrong with your daughter? Your brother dieing at 21 had nothing to do with you. God doesn't work like that. He doesn't point his finger down at us and say you are in a car accident today and you are going to be sick. God doesn't act like that, that would be sinful. God is loving and kind. He loves your daughter and you. He doesn't want your daughter to suffer, but in this world there is alot of suffering. God didn't make the twin towers fall, sinful beings did. God allows things to happen in this world, sometimes sad things. But He promises us, that if we believe in Him, when we leave this world and live with Him, there won't be any sadness, tears, pain. Don't let anyone tell you that your daughters pain is from sin. Sometimes we suffer from other peoples sin, like the twin towers, alot of people died and others suffered because of those idiots.
2006-08-02 00:38:40
answer #6
answered by sunny 3
Babycakes, I do believe in God and my heart goes out to you. I can relate to the thoughts you are having even though I am a christian. It is so painful to see someone so close to you suffer.
I've been there and I got very angry with God.
I dont know why your little girl is suffering but I can tell you that after my dads long fight with cancer I knew. I saw changes in him. He used to be an alcoholic He became a christian. He woke up every morning and Thanked God that he had another day. I know what your going through there were changes in me too. I took him from this doctor to that doctor and it was like all my prayers were going unanswered. He kept losing weight, and I could even feel his bones when I hugged him he was so thin.
Now its my mother she had a stroke then she was revived from cardiac arrest in ICU. She suffered loss of oxygen to the brain. The part of her brain that tells her to breathe. Shes on life support. I keep praying now but it seems there is no answer and I cant understan WHY! But God knows why and I have to trust him. The bible says every hair on our head is counted. We all have a time to die.
You know theres nothing anyone on here is going to say to you that will change your mind because you are so full of pain that only God can do that. You know you may not believe in God but he believes in you. He has put you in a position as a mother to this sweet little girl. Hold on for her when she is suffering. Give her hope. Even when your grieving. There is hope in Jesus. Talk to him and let him talk to your heart.
Your brother who died young. Where do you think he is now? Do you really think that he just doesnt exist any longer? Our spirit doesnt die. Dont you ever feel like your brother was saved and you will see him again? I know I will see my dad again.
I can feel it in my heart. You also said in your text that we should take a look around the world we live in.
I do, quite often. If there was no Jesus, I wouldnt want to look. Isnt it strange how everything is wrapping up just like the prophets in the bible predicted years ago?
Everything is colapsing. He is our Rock, Our refuge in times of trouble. We can be safe in the shelter of his wings.
I know right now this doesnt bring any comfort to you but I hope that God brings comfort to you and your daughter. I will pray for you both. Just one last thing.... remember that Jesus suffered too. He was the man of sorrows. He knows what pain is too.
2006-08-02 01:43:44
answer #7
answered by Sad Mom 3
Okay so this world isn't great and bad stuff happens to good people but it always has people die people are born that is the way life works it is not really a test to see if we still believe it is reality. You should be greatful that god blessed you for 21 years. your brother was a gift a gift god thought was so wonderful he wanted to share him with you and for that you should feel amazing. Not trying to preach just offering my opinion.
2006-08-02 00:31:20
answer #8
answered by cmpopafulton 2
FIrstly stop blaming!. As blame, leads to anger and Anger is not what you should be doing now.
You should be thier for your daughter, support her , comfort her, love her.... not be angry at a religion!.
One of my freinds, his mate is dieing of cancer.. well he could spend time blaming God, getting angry, saying how unfair it is , why-why-why!..... But insted we all rallied round and helped to give this dieing man his last request - to go for a bike ride!.
I think you need to ignore this ' god gave up his only Son' line. As its said from a human to make you feel guilty, and it lacks compassion to your ovious hurt and upset. It is stupid and highly inapropiate to come out with such a comment.I hope who ever told you that line ends up in A+E for the night of pain!.
There is no test or master plan, God isnt watching or judging you, and if there were a God, i would EXPECT he would have a better bedside mannor!!.
2006-08-02 00:48:28
answer #9
answered by robynbiker 5
Sounds like someone's bitter.
Simply put, challenging God, to action, will not work. That's not faith.
God made us with some intellegence, some skill, and most of all, a way to help ourselves. God never said, if you follow me, I'll give you the world on a gold platter, and you'll always be healthy.
Illness drains everyone, wether it's from a simple problem like a broken leg, or dying of cancer, or whatever....but getting mad at God, is like cursing your car....the car won't listen, and God can't do much to help....telling God to go screw himself, is pretty pointless.
Reality, if you think praying to God to heal your daughter, may happen, but at the same time, having faith, and paitence, both help....and so does going to a doctor, to help speed the recovery.
Last point, and it's in a short joke....
A man was at wits end. He'd lost his job, his wife was going to leave him, but he stood by his faith....God would pull me through.
The sheriff came, collected his stuff, and sold it at auction, then the eviction notice came...still he told his neighbors, God will pull me through.
Finally, he was removed from the house, he looked to the heavens, and said, Lord, why didn't you help me with the house, and my family? Don't you care?
A miracle happened, God spoke from the heavens.
Yes, I care, but you need to meet me halfway....go buy a lottery ticket!
Take care, miss.
2006-08-02 00:35:17
answer #10
answered by steveraven 3
I question my faith daily. I still choose to believe. Why? Because it is better to believe and be wrong than never believe at all. It makes for a stronger character by questioning one's own beliefs and reasons.
Can you honestly tell me that the human eye is a result of "evolution"? Only a supreme being (God, Allah, et al.) could have produced such a wondrous thing. Think about it, no I mean REALLY think about it.
2006-08-02 00:29:23
answer #11
answered by rogue_samurai 3